Cannabis Current Events (Part 2)


My lungs have spoken to me saying, “Smoke of any kind ain’t pure and not good for me. Please stop it.” So, although I’m not completely stopping, I’ve cut back to maybe a half a pinner every two or three months, l maybe a little more under special circumstances. But I make cookies the way i like them anc they keep me high about twice as long as smoking. But i gotta be a little more careful. High at the beach yesterday and came back, face lobster red. Aloe Vera time.


Morocco has a good rep for hash. So this will be a benefut for hash smugglers?


Booms always Bust just as fast as they Boomed. Greed will cause over capacity in production that will swamp demand causing the prices to crash. Missouri has slowed this process by greatly limiting the number of opportunities for individuals in the cannabis market. The prices are still going down, although slowly.

Dont put all your chips in a Cannabis career, diversify to success. Build skill sets that will set you apart from the zombies and NPCs.


Millions of women suffer this mysterious ailment – weed may be the answer


since it is also stored for a long time by the body in fat cells, is it really surprising that a product made from fat stores it for a long time as well?


I wish the masters would pay as much attention and do studies on the toxins I mean the preservatives, additives, flavor enhancers and who knows what else in processed foods and drinks. I am sure the declining health of Americans is not tied into the increased use and consumption of these additives.


This is a good point. When I was in school they tried to say that “it stays in your cells for a month or more, which means that it affects people for that long” as a shitty scare tactic. Almost like they were gaslighting into saying that if you smoke one time you’ll be psychotic for the next month.

Except it doesn’t work that way. It’s the metabolites that are stored in fat cells, and they do not get you high or really affect you in any way at all. So I want to know if this breast milk article is talking about something similar. Sounds to me like another scare tactic, making people think “you are getting your baby high” when it might actually be the metabolic by-product that affects nothing.

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either way i doubt you would get your baby high if you smoked a bowl.

Or it could even beneficial as long as they are not talking THC.
Hard to say without a proper study though, but it is possible.
Since we are spitballin here…it could be an anti-cancer agent. :lying_face:

Now if it should be determined to be safe for newborns, how would that impact the politics of cannabis?


Well, these days almost everything is being politicized, so it’s a good bet that it’ll be used someway, somehow (either way.)


Almost every article speaks of corruption and tainted weed.
Legalization is just making the crooks rich and the public gets poison weed.

Are you guys sure you like this form of legalization? :nauseated_face:
Me not so much. :face_vomiting:

the OCM had modified its testing requirements following a NY Cannabis Insider investigation into inaccurate THC levels displayed on products. It also discounted public health concerns over unsafe quantities of bacteria and mold and higher-than-advertised THC levels among top-selling brands.

Yet many of those products remain on shelves today.

Damian Fagon, admitting the office had knowledge of large out-of-state brands openly skirting regulations or illegally importing cannabis from other states.

Argie used the chemical, R134a, to extract THC from cannabis flower.

I have not heard of this used as a solvent before, has anyone used R134a as a solvent before?


When you transport cannabis over the state line it’s a felony .

But no one is going to jail?
Good folks go to jail for simple possession and these crooks are known felons and are probably making big money.

But the cops and politicians just look the other way?:astonished:
What a world…what a world!