Cannabis GMO

My bad. I was referencing something from the HSC thread on RIU, and I got the two strains flipped.

Still, best of luck!


What was off topic?
Edit : I see now and I deleted it.
It was 100% truth no fearmongering was involved.

Don’t look now but others have posted off topic and they are not met with such adversity.

Personally, I think this is where it started… but he is a friend of yours of course you will side with him.

He engaged me first as you see here.
He drew first blood not me.
I said my peace in self-defence and let it go…

Then I was engaged by someone else.
Am I not expected to defend myself and my position when engaged?
Would you not do the same?


Most likely because he never achieved it, he tried but failed according to him.


Does anyone want to discuss this or just get baited?


Sorry I am done derailing, just wanted to drop some info, but you are right it was completely offtopic, sorry!

@CocoaCoir I did look into the link they don’t have pricing on the hemp seeds for sale right now only the other plants. Although it seems they have pricing for research on the hemp im wondering if that’s something where they are allowing you to being in your own cuts. This isn’t something I see myself doing by any means but I’d love to see where it goes. I did email and ask about any hemp research seeds they might have for sale out of pure curiosity but it’s probably something unobtainable for a personal grower at this time. If you dont mind im gonna post up the few pages that clicked for me


I wasnt expecting such a long read but some good information for sure!


I’m interested if they get back to you on the hemp seeds.

It is interesting when they talk about the ten fold increase in trichome production that happened with B. Napus

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I must of scrolled over that there was a lot to read and take in and some things I kinda skimmed over as I didn’t understand the scientific terms

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Have to get through quite some jargon to extract material though :smiley:

And it’s a patent, had to be…


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Ahh yep I definitely read that and meant to screenshot it lmfao. There was so much text in each page I blanked when it came to cropping out the info I wanted to highlight and just posted up the whole pages

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This is what everyone has always talked about. I’m surprised it is not more well known. Hopefully more people read this stuff and maybe someone with access to a lab.



Very cool! Is it just me or does that machine with the eye glasses look like they tried to make it a face? Lol. Finger crossed we get some mad scientist somewhere in the group willing to contribute and play with genetics


That’s cool, once legalization passes here we plan to purchase a small pcr. That’s going to be fun to learn. We would like to start with sex tests and viral testing, which would require a qpcr.


It reminds me of one of those dinosaur shows from the early 90s or Dr. Doom.

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Wow! When I read this thread, my first thought was “I wonder when people will do this at home like taking a maristem culture?”

Turns out I was 2 steps behind lol

This kind of stuff gives me hope about the future of canabis.


We just need to educate ourselves on how to do it first. Then we can build our own “kits.” The science is advancing very quickly. Maybe together we can all get something going!


It’s going to be really cool. As technology advances and we have more research on cannabis it will open many more doors. It’s going to be interesting.


Here’s a good (basic) introduction to genetic engineering.

I just had a thought. What if the companies start to steal our most famous legacy strains by changing some benign DNA and leaving everything that contributes to the same effect… Then putting in a patent application like listed above? When you grow it, now you get sued if you try and sell it because they can do a DNA test and claim some mutation from their patent which is now in your bud. All the crosses from that also, even if you didn’t deal with the originally edited line.

This is what happened to corn and soy.