Cannabis Tea Drinkers?

The butter really just dilutes it more than anything.
Without it you might get a stronger effect.

Also, should be very beneficial for people suffering from any disease pertaining the bowels.


Oh, I thought an oil or fat was required to do the water decarboxylation correctly? Like, the thc needs a fat molecule to bond to…

Will try it without butter next. Cause it did make the tea a little… greasy.


The fat makes the body absorb it better. I would think something like a cookie beforehand might help.


Decarbing only requires heat.
I eat a teaspoon of decarbed bud every day, without anything else, before eating.
Works like a charm.



So the decarbed flower can be consumed and the psychoactive components will be activated ?


When smoking or vaping, delta-9-THC goes straight into your blood.

When eating decarbed flower your liver enhances the delta-9-THC by transforming it into 11-hydroxy-THC which is more potent and has a different feeling to it. This happens when smoking or vaping too but it’s a smaller percentage that gets transformed. Because when you eat it, it passes through your liver before it goes into your blood to reach the rest of your body.

You can smoke or vape already decarbed flower as well, which also gives a slightly different effect.

What works best for me is decarbing at 100 degrees celsius for 3 hours.


I thought about the tea thing. Ever wash your hands after handling your plants with only hot water? It ain’t coming off. The fat dissolves the resin, I just heated it up and then tossed away the bud.


Thanks for explaining that to me .

I like the idea of having a spoonful of decarbed flower.

Would it be creating the same effect as eating Edibles?
I know you offered many answers just now but the process between going through liver first / delivery with fatty foods

I am not a big edible person. . . I get super zonked like I am on mushrooms . The one time I ate a brownie from a friend I was WRECKED . Haven’t ate edibles again .

I imagine my THC INFUSED WITH MCT OIL would give you the same effect as edibles ?? I haven’t tried the stuff I just made with decarbed … i need to be carefull if I try it.

I know when I had a 3:1 cbd-thc oil I bought from commercial business miss envy - I would get pretty stoned but it took 3 hours or so for it to hit me.

With my own oil I made two batches. One non decarb and one with decarb I haven’t tried yet.
The non decarbed one honestly does get me pleasently stoned and only takes about 10 minutes to feel the effects with just a few drops In a tea. I even had multiple test subjects consume it and they all loved the non decarb and its effects.

I just gave out samples of my decarbed oil today. Looking forward to the feedback .

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I don’t formally decarb. I use a tea kettle and wait till it whistles. The pour it into a tea steaper cup thingy that’s really just a percolator. I usually let it sit for ten minutes or so then pour it out. Then I pour more water in the steeper and give it a second steep while I’m consuming the first cup. Since water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit I believe the second cup is effectively decarbed by the water. The second cup always put me out, and keep in mind these are leaves and not bud im talking about. Waiting for this harvest to try it with flower and at that point I will decarb.

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So you’re saying heating the leaves with water won’t pull the good stuff out? Like butter or mct is required? It could be all cbn giving me the effects if that’s the case as like I said, I wasn’t using flower. It’s just a neat way to use defoliated leaves which I always seem to have a lot of. I feel like if I used bud it would be a man down situation lol

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You definitely have to add a fat source if you want to pull out the cannabinoids, at least thc for sure. Milks, oils, anything with fats. And ideally decarb your flower first. Although I make bhang lassi and I don’t decarb first. I simmer my trim/bud in water for 15 mins to remove a lot of the chlorophyll then drain the water off and add some warm/hot milk to a mortar and pestle with the flower and work it like that to extract the good stuff before I discard the flower. And it rocks everybody’s socks off, then again I make it so 1 fl oz = 1 gram of flower and that’s what I measure out as a dose


I am not sure of the leaves, I just know that hot water does not dissolve the trichomes. And looking at trim I can see the shiny stuff on it which I guess will have the good stuff in it. I am not 100% certain you do not pull out stuff with hot water, just that you may get more out with a fat which dissolves it. Also the body is suppose to process it better if it is attached to a fat molecule. I think I may have felt something in the tea but I would have to try it many more times to be sure.

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I do add milk to it after I’ve poured it out of the steeper. I may try boiling milk and water in the kettle and then putting it in the steeper. I don’t believe it’s placebo lol the leaves are doing something. I know this because im out of bud right now.

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Out of bud right now?


It’s just a matter of finding the right dosage.

The difference between medicine and poison is merely dosage.

With oil and edibles I also know from experience that it’s very easy to ingest too much to the point of it being uncomfortable. Eating a small teaspoon of dry decarbed herb has never made me uncomfortable, in contrary to the oil. The fibers slow down the uptake I suppose. So it’s a more even keeled, slow, pleasant, balanced release.

But ofcourse dosage shall differ according to cultivar, cultivation method, how long decarbed and at what temperature, half a teaspoon may be enough.

Especially when trying for the first time I recommend one third of a teaspoon for the first few days. Go up from there if necessary but I find one teaspoon to be ideal for my particular body.

Raw (fresh or dried) leaves and flower seeped in hot water like tea will draw out the THC too and it’ll decarb a little ofcourse. And that might be exactly what many people need rather than the intensity of smoking/vaping/oils/edibles/dabs etc.
It’s also slow release since you’re sipping tea, little by little it goes into your blood. Both through your liver (11-hydroxy) and through your colon (delta-9) I imagine. And many other beneficial compounds will remain intact, which may get lost when decarbing more extensively.

Cannabis is such a wonderfully versatile herb, there’s a way for everyone to enjoy it.


I have a huge jar that will hold a pound of trim with three or so gallons of water. I like to mix in honey, and citrus fruits and let it sit in the sun for a day, on a hot day… I then throw a ton of ice in it and enjoy it with a nice piece of infused cherry crumble. We have always called it sun tea. :sun_with_face: :tea:


That’s awesome, gonna make something like that too!

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Also this carboy sized thing has a metal spout to pour with a mesh filter. Works prime.


That sounds amazing. I hadn’t though of making a lemonade type drink with leaves. Im gonna see what happens if I just steep the flower/leaves and let the result cool, then use it as the water in a lemonade with some rosemary and other fruits in it. Ima find out and let yall know lol. There’s a Jamaican lady who comes to this little city fair where I live and makes this stuff called island juice. She gave my wife the recipe last year. I’ll have to get it recipe from her when she wakes up and I’ll post it back here. It’s some great tasting stuff and I feel like it would be great infused.

As a person who doesn’t drink alcohol thc infused drinks may make it easier to deal with drunk ppl :joy:

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Yep. Sad af but it makes chopping that much more exciting. I refuse to pay these crazy prices out here

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