Cannatrol users

out of the box is there any recomendations you guys have? or just plug and go


Just plug and go. Try defaults first, then start adjusting to your environment. I run mine a bit cooler than most people.


Ok , first set of young little outside plants done . 2nd set of real buds in there now , day 2 of the “cure”


First set of small outside wispy plants done at defaults . Full 7 days or 7.5 before bud was what I consider “dried” , meaning holding 57 to 62 humidity in a sealed bag or jar . Came out at 70 percent at end of day 4 .

Let them run the full 8 , buds were stable and bagable .

Colors stayed better , buds didn’t shrink as much , 100 percent consistent dry , small to larger buds . Smell subdued coming out of machine , comes out within 2 or 3,days bag or jar time . These plants are same as I run inside but we’re outside , had a tough time with horrible weather . Buds much smaller and less dense than inside . Smells and tastes same as indoor runs but not as loud .

Power was NOT HURT ONE BIT . The Mac outside is stronger than the Mac I grew inside is . Taste while smoking pretty much the same just muted some .

100 :100: success on first small run .

2nd run

Full size indoor buds . Filled machine .

Set at a slope of 4 days from 53 to 51.5 on the dry part . 51.5 3 days on cure .

Huge difference . Buds are storable now , on 2 no day of “cure” By end of 3rd cure day buds will be exactly where I want them .

Great color , less shrinkage . Buds look excellent

Absolutely zero hassle , zero fuss, zero mess , zero smell .

Bottom line :grin:
It does what they say it does .

Guess I’m ordering another


Love it!!! I am really digging mine, and the wife said buy another 1. In 35 years, it’s been the easiest no worry, no hassle, no smell way of drying and curing.
Glad you came off the fence @Jetdro!!!


yeah im exited its gonna be my first druing in a controled way i dont have a space thst can have the environment independant from exterior factors
poor insulation issues


Gonna be waiting awhile. They are slammed right now.

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I would love to buy one of these but the price is just too high to justify unfortunately. Hopefully they come down over time. Right now I would be looking at $3,390.00 after taxes plus shipping. While my wife is great about me spending on grow stuff I don’t think I could float a $3500 bill past her and say “it’s for curing my weed.” :frowning: I will just remain jealous of you folks that have been able to get one and live vicariously through you all.


Honestly, from going over all the posts and reddit and a few other places, it seems like it’s mainly meant for those that can’t easily maintain roughly the same settings without it. Namely ~60-70 degrees Fahrenheit and ~50-60% RH. If you can easily maintain those during the dry and cure, there doesn’t really seem to be a point in purchasing it. If you can’t easily maintain those, then the cannatrol is a godsend.

The only other thing I see a lot of from cannatrol users is posts saying smell is muted :thinking:


@DougDawson you could always have it shipped to my place and save some cash. I’m just across the river from Sarnia.
I take deliveries for some of my Canuckadan friends that saves them a bunch of money.


Thanks but this is only in Richmond Hill which is not far north of me. It’s the exchange rate that kills me. It’s $1600 USD but $3000 CAD. We are heading in to summer. One of my ATV’s needs transmission work this spring. I got a $10,000 bill coming for a piece of land I am buying that is attached to my lake house property. It’s just a shit ton of money to spend on curing pot when I normally just set up a dry tent and keep my environment in check. One day perhaps but not today. I appreciate the offer though man. :v:


@DougDawson I totally get it. Anytime you would like to save a few dollars and need an American address, just let me know. I’m 10 minutes from the Blue Water Bridge, and don’t mind holding packages for my North of the border folks.


Yeah, that’s why those facilities are spending hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars putting in a Cannatrol system because these facilities are too stupid to run a cool room properly…OOORRRRRRRRRRRRR maybe there’s more to it than you seem to understand.


Damn, defensive much??!! Guess what? People can have different opinions here on OG!


Sounds more like automation of what has been done for longer then I have been around. Nothing a Cannatrol can do cannot be done without it. But if they can automate the process and take both the labor and possible issues out of the equation it’s much better for them. Seems to me there was properly cured weed long before anyone heard of a Cannatrol. I love the idea of a set it and forget it device taking away all the work of burping and room control but it’s definitely not the only trail leading to the watering hole. If I had an extra $3500 to drop on a luxury I would but I am pretty confident I can still achieve my goals as I have many times in the past without it.


Sounds like the word is out kind of and they are backed up with orders, by seeing their YouTube stuff it’s not a huge scale production but that’s not so bad either to hopefully keep the quality control nailed down. I’m glad I went ahead and got mine a bit before my next crop is ready to chop because I’d be bummed if I waited and couldn’t get one by my projected chop day.

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Doesn’t sound like anything new. I pre ordered one a couple years back. They were quite backed up and had a long wait time then aswell, I think its just the nature of the beast.


It does what we have always done, just makes it much simpler. It does work a bit o magic however.

I have run 100’s of dry’s…60/60 14-17 days. Makes perfect product. 15 day hang, week in a bag/jar, you have nice buds.

With the Cannatrol, the process is brought down to 7 or 8 days total. What comes out of it at day 7 or 8 is equal to my old 15 day hang, then week in a jar.

There is no mess, no seperate room, no WORRIES…no dumping dehumidifiers, filling humidifiers, watching the meters like a hawk…always on your mind.

Cannatrol , for me, is FREEDOM :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Wopuld i pay 1600 for another??? YUP…Would i pay 3300 for it…NOPE!!!


You just have to wet trim all your flower and it only holds like 12oz?

This was interesting :thinking:


Oh i did find this spreadsheet with some different cannatrol settings on it that people may find useful?

Yeah brother, it’s definitely not the product but rather the price that is the issue for me. We normally pay double for things here compared to the USA. If that was $1600 here I would already have one on order. I love the idea and the positive reviews. As you say, it’s freedom and I am all for that. Perhaps down the road they will come down some.