Cannatrol users

You mean the same facilities that are supplying the legal and medical dispensaries with overdried reggie, because they don’t realize that they’re part of a massive chain of bureaucratic incompetence and red tape that will keep their product on a shelf for five years before letting it move to the next part of the supply chain? Maybe they are stupid. :rofl: QED…

Not trying to start an argument about the Cannatrol, btw. It obviously works, but I find this insistence that people have on it being the one and only way to get good product objectionable. Are some people so insecure about having spent $2k on these machines that they need to hate everyone else who isn’t spending that money? Please, no one answer me, btw. It’s a rhetorical question. The only good answer is no, but nobody needs to prove it.


Actually you do seem to be the one with a chip on your shoulder. Maybe we all would be better off and no bickering if you unsubscribed or didn’t follow this topic since your obviously not contributing anything positive to the discussion and looking for the argument.
Or you could partner up with a few other naysayers and collaborate to build one yourself that’s even better?? I’m still waiting for a display of wizardry from another one.


@Jasper need addy mate…

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I suppose if you insist on answering yes… you do you, buddy. I feel no need to prove anything to you, about my growing, curing or anything else. I never said I intended to prove anything. You’re the one inexplicably saying that I need to prove to you that I can design something better than this machine you love so much and feel the need to justify to everyone. I probably can’t, btw, but I’m quite happy with my curing setup and don’t particularly want to redesign the wheel either.

Anyway, I’m glad you like it, just stop trying to tell the whole world it’s better than anything they can do in order to make yourself feel better about the price tag. And you’re right - if this is all this thread has to offer, I’m putting it on mute. I’ve already read plenty about the Cannatrol, and I’m quite convinced that it works. I’m just not buying one. :slight_smile:


Come on stop the bickering . Machine ain’t for everyone. We have been doing just fine drying bud before it’s invention , lol .

For those who can live with its small capacity and large price tag, it’s just another tool that saves time n hassles .

Fuck the fighting . We have kinda proved it can’t be built on the cheap or we would see one which we don’t . The ones we do see are silly .

Yes my room with INKBIRDs and all manner of things plugged into them does the same thing. Not as quick , 1/10th as convenient, costs a lot of money to run all that shit . A year or two drying in the lil thing will about cover it’s cost on electric savings , 17 cents a kilowatt hour and going up .

We can agree to differ . Does it work yes.
Does it make better bud than other ways , no not really , compared to a spot on pro hang dry. But it is every bit as good and in 1/2 the time or less . Is it for everyone , no .

I like mine however



I would like that post 100 times if I could. You nailed my thoughts on this perfectly bud. Not sure what the arguing is about myself. As you say, the thing works and has some clear advantages. It also has it’s limitations. It’s like any of our kit. Do I have a fan, yes. Is it the best fan on the market, no. Does it do the job I require, sure does. Being in Canada this thing is cost prohibitive for me at the moment and I am cool with that. That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what it does and in fact be happy for those who have one. :v:


mine is actually on its way schedueled to arrive this Tuesday


I keep looking at my emails waiting. 2+ weeks now. @amumayuk when did you put in your order?

yesterday but i ordered on my side from distributor :canada:


Cheater… ahahahha

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IDK Everyone surely has their right to opine but some people are determined to run down something for whatever reasons and won’t let go without feeling like they have to show they are smarter than everyone else due to insecurity probably. I can disagree about a product once and move on but usually just say nothing because there isn’t anything to be gained. Most of the ones who won’t just move on have fragile egos I think and must always be right, at least that’s what I think and run across in real life. Like Cannatrol or not is up to the individual for any reason but there are those who just won’t drop it and that’s true of many products discussed on forums. There is a difference between someone who says they want or like one but needs to wait to by one at a better moment the way you stated and those who just have to hate on something.
No more negativity from on this subject just happy stuff.


I’m the Lucky one. I mentioned to my wife that I was “thinking” of buying one. Got tied up at my shop with our controller making sure that our (50) employees would have paychecks and it slipped my mind. To my surprise, she ordered one for me. I got home one day, and it was sitting on the deck.
I had no problem whatsoever with my controlled dry room, and it served me well for many upon many years, it’s not like I don’t know how to dry and cure, been at this for 40+ years.
After the 1st run, I was sold. It plain and simple makes the after harvest the easiest, most problem free process I’ve experienced.
Yes, you can control a room, and dry/cure, it’s been done since the caveman smoked ganja.
What sold me was the fact that I hit a button, walk away, and my dry/cure process was done in 1/2 the time of “conventional” methods.
I didn’t have to keep going down stairs to check on my crop, worry about mold, have the basement smell, even with filters. Then after the dry, burp endless jars for days. Only have to empty the condensation tray 4 times in 4 days, how easy is that??? Load, hit start, walk away, 8 days later, jar or Grove Bag, done.
Yes, it costs a chunk of money, but so do freeze dryers, and they cost 2 1/2 to 25 times what the Cannatrol does. How many folks do you know that have a Cryo-Cure “home” model that costs $50,000!!!
Yes, conventional methods work, I’ll never dispute that, but the ease of “set it and forget it” is exactly why I’m buying a 2nd unit.


yeah man now im more hyped on receiving mine, with the my limitations and the goals i hope to achieve i feel this is more of a necessary tool in my selection process in my future breeding projects as i believe this will give me consistency on an area that can have a lot of fluctuations


It truly takes all the variables out of the process.
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people grow amazing looking plants, only to have mediocre smoke because they boofed the dry/cure process.
I’ve had many discussions with folks since I’ve gotten mine, because there weren’t many out and info was limited. The word is traveling, and their sales #’s are the best they’ve had. Why?? Because it simply works.
It can take a 1st time grower, 1st crop, and make it like they’ve grown, dried, cured for years.
The other bonus, is NO smell. I’ve always had the wife complain after harvest because even with filters it would still smell in the basement.
I’ve got mine set up in the living room, and she hasn’t said a word about smell at all, and neither has my parents, who were sitting 2ft from it.
@amumayuk let the folks bash, talk shit and whatever, you’ll be happy that you purchased one.


Wassup… I’ve been away for a bit… looking great buddy… I currently have mine at day number 23 I think and it continues to get better… I will always try going long cure I’m thinking


Well said @Kgrim … I have been truly impressed by the cannatrol cool cure box for sure. It’s just superior and it’s because of the low electric cost plus amazing result that just pushes it way above


its getting delivered just in line with my harvesting date of 420


I am a caregiver in Missouri who wants to make the best medicine possible for my patients. My patient covers the cost of the Cannatrol and its operation. As I add a patient I will add another Cannatrol.

The Cannatrol will be used for my patient, it just so happens that my strain of medicine will finish two to three weeks before my patients medicine. If you are legal and a caregiver the Cannatrol to me is a must have to ensure quality medicine.


Holy smokes boys, just got the word. It is on the way!!! And not too soon, either.
Anybody ever heard of 110% amber trichs?

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Where did you order from @amumayuk ?