Cannatrol users

Jeez! I just looked last night, I wish the exchange rate was at least decent. I want one but I just can’t justify 2800$ , hell even 1600$ is scary to me. I feel exactly like you @DougDawson , maybe we’ll see some fluctuations in the Canadian/American Dollar but until then I suppose I’m patiently waiting? They ever have sales? Coupons, codes?


No sales. They have been selling faster than they can make them for a long time now. The price has only gone up from the first units release price.


Guess I’m out then.

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Hey @Pigeonman , there are 2 Canadian distributors. One near us in Richmond Hill and one in Winnipeg. They are listed as $3000 on their sites.

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I’ve never seen them on sale. They do offer a “Veteran” code for I believe $100 off, and a YouTuber had one, I believe was Smotpoker50 got $50 off. But those are the only 2 I’ve ever seen.


They do offer veterans discount and mine came with coupon for $50 off I think you can give to anyone.

Ok, so now I just need about a dozen of y’all to gift me your coupons, and I’ll be able to fit It in our budget. :rofl:

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ordered from urban grow

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now thats whst i call a nice easter monday drop
im waiting for a hand to put her on my counter


That’s exciting for sure bro!

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I may be more non existent for a bit… I was informed about a week ago I have 30 days to move… landlord is liquidating all properties and moving to texas… 4 weeks before my grow is complete. I’m trying to get a place… rent is looking like it will be around 1700.00 a month… going from 750 to 1700… gotta love greed… wish me luck friends! My 1st real successful grow too :cry:


wish you the best

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300 % pleased with Cannatrol now !

Tweaked the numbers , worked a charm .

5 hours shy of 4 day dry Mac 1

It is absolutely dry , could bag or jar now ( will not ) bud is beautiful feels perfect and shines with a light on it .

Took a small nug , cut with Fiskars into gooey sticky chunks and rolled a joint . So gooey n sticky as I rolled it it stuck to paper and joint feels hard n spongey .

Smell was decent coming out of unit . Cutting it up the smell exploded into beautiful sweet Mac greatness .

SAME PLANT I just did a perfect 15/15 hang dry and 30 days in cure . This sample is already 80 percent of the reek of the 30 day cured , and it’s taste is a good 2 levels sweeter .
Taste is absolutely amazing , at least 80 to 85 percent of the cured version .

Power is , Mac :sunglasses::fire:

Gonna let it go 3.5 more days at my numbers then Grove so I can harvest last set of plants .
I feel VERY secure that the killer looking and smelling Wedding Cake big rock hard buds I’m about to throw in there WILL dry perfectly in this damn thing . I know they will :sunglasses:

So that’s my final report on the expensive tiny wine cooler

Y’all see the video ??? IT IS a damn wine cooler , they just upgrade it . Will wonders never cease .


built in USA huh , you mean parts added in USA and the original operating screen covered with a sticker !

Fucking world huh :banana::banana::banana: in the tailpipe


Still………. I’m 300 percent happy with the thing. Their software controlling it is dead nuts on , super simple to tweak , and when you do tweak it , it ACTUALLY DOES what you told it to do , perfectly .

I could not build one , don’t want to build one , and I’m probably gonna buy another .


Wtf , lol
Not doing it again

Note to self …. Put the Mac joint down


What do you think gives you that extra sweetness you are describing? Is the speed of the dry? The control of the dry?

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@Jetdro, I’m not really 1 to tout a product. But after just my 1st run I was sold. Now that I’ve got it tweaked in to my environment, it can’t be beat.
I’ve said it before, I’ll take the Pepsi Challenge any day against any of the old ways.
Not disputing that they don’t work, they do and have for a long time. It’s just that the Cannatrol buds have a taste that I myself can’t beat with my old room, and it was damn well dialed in.
I knew that once you got yours tweaked for your environment, that you would be just as happy as I am.
Us older guys can’t be running up and down the stairs 30 times a day worrying if it’s dry enough, too dry, etc.
Glad after many talks, you took the plunge and purchased one.
Hope that MAC smokes and tastes as good as it looks!!!


Lmao, how’d you manage that?

I get the sneaking suspicion he hit grid view. I have seen that feature do it before.


Yay! Looks like learned something today. :yum:


im a bit ignorant here as i have never read about 15/15?

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