Cannatrol users

Thanks, @Kgrim !

Wow, I read this thread from top-down, and that’s what prompted me to join and reply. :slight_smile:

It seems like I hit the jackpot with your reply, so thanks for your expertise, and for starting this thread!

Yeah, Argon-filled Low(er)-E North-facing windows, so I’m probably going to be fine in this case. I have full Low-E windows on the South-facing side, but didn’t want the blue look on the North (street-facing) side, so I had to compromise a bit.

Cheers! :sunglasses:

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@MoreOfABrewerReally I was part of another forum when I received my Cannatrol (gift from my wife) and was chastised for it. I was told “you don’t know how to dry” “you wasted your money” “I can make the same thing, cheaper” “that’s expensive, I’ll stick with my freeze dryer” (which was more than twice the cost) from pretty much the same trolls who berated everyone.
Then I discovered OG, and what a wonderful forum it is with some awesome members. Never been back to the other forum.
As you can see, there have only been a few naysayers here in almost 365 replies, and they left and haven’t said anything after other owners spoke up.
I’ve had mine since Aug ‘22 and have done quite a few runs and figured what works best for me, but @Jetdro is probably what I would consider the “expert” as he’s talked with the owner & engineers more than anyone, & shared the info, which is a blessing to all of us owners.


How many trays are in there looks like more than 6 ?/ I placed my order 1 week ago & they are backed up 3-4 weeks to ship out! / Mr. Grow it sold so many from his U-tube video! Can’t wait to get mine! Cheers :wind_face: :fire: :100: :seedling:


@Bigterps420 it comes with 6 trays. Additional trays are I believe $15 per tray.

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you have 8 trays ???

yes, MY #'s wont mean anything to anyone else, all about climate it is in. Lets just say its very easy to change the machine to EXACTLY what you want.


I ordered 5 extras and they threw them in when shipped. No extra charge on that.

I read a member over at RIU loaded it to the gills and seemed to work fine. I was sure I had more than the standard 6 trays could hold.


Thing is, he didn’t really even review it. He said he’s still working on the review, then did a video saying he’s taking a break, so who knows if he’s gonna release it.


Theoretically, the quicker the dry, the higher the VPD was.

The higher the VPD, the more “squeeze” or difference in pressure was experienced on the cells walls.

The more “squeeze”, the more we lose terps and whatever goodness we’re aiming to preserve.

  • BTW, not for nothing, but hang drying for a day before using the peltier fridge is wildly crazy against the theorized benefits of having a sealed peltier fridge.

Doing the math using Cannatrol’s own numbers from their various marketing materials, and then doing a number of experiments here to collect empirical data, I can confidently say:

  • A five day dry on medium-large colas is “way too quick” if it’s truly holding 58% in a sealed glass jar.

I am not saying this to be a meany either. It’s just… the whole idea of this peltier fridge is to slow the dry so that the VPD does not exceed around 0.8 kPa VPD.

  • 60F at 60 RH is 0.71 kPa VPD, which is why it’s so commonly used.

The owner will obfuscate this behind the word “dewpoint” but in reality the entire ballgame is to dry at a low VPD to preserve terps and such. Gentle diffusion of moisture. I’d aim for a 7-10 day dry where you know that, if it takes that long, it’s a GOOD thing.

Happy drying all!


Maybe different in a 100 percent sealed environment . Machine performs on a slope , so it is gradually pulling and box stays steady with no hunting .

I understand what your saying , lost few harvests before machine were done by Vpd .
Steady and slow , then good cure .

Bottom line is , because , you know , I actually own one , what comes out of the machine in 8 days is every bit the equal of a 18 day .74 Vpd dry . Probably , to be honest , better .

NOT from what I read , but From MY experience with the machine .

Same cut , same tent , same everything .
One set dried by Vpd over an 17 day period, one set in machine set at 8 days .

Better color , better weight retention , better look . Smell muted until broken or left outside of machine so it starts to off gas .

Texture , feel , breakability , the damn same .

Of course , just my humble opinion , usually shared by people who own one



What the machine has done for me is


Example :

Today I harvested , actually chopped yesterday hung for a day , today I processed. .

Instead of running upstairs 23 times setting the INKBIRDs , getting A/c dialed , then the humidifier , then the dehumidifier, then hanging lines , then cleaning room ,

Then checking 5 times a day and cleaning up dropped crap , draining dehumidifier , filling humidifier , checking ac unit

For 2 weeks

Then , freaking days of trim jail which I HATE ,
Then in jars to be buried daily for a week

I hacked off all leaf while plant was standing in the tent , cut plants into branch’s , hung in utility room on hangers , took an hour for 3 big plants .

Today I spent 2 hours watching tv and bucking buds off stems . Placed on trays , into unit .

IM DONE ! Done

No mess no fuss no worry no more TIME

8 days from now I KNOW I have perfectly dried bud that is smokeable and will cure in a few weeks time into as good as I can get .

This is last harvest for a bit , so bud can just hang out in unit . So I put ‘em in there , when I want some just grab some :sunglasses:

Peace of mind ……Priceless
My time back ……Priceless
Cost of machine ……DGARA had it a month paid for , a non issue now .

Just my thoughts


That’s awesome @Jetdro!

It’s freedom in a box! It’s a freedom box that controls temperature directly and humidity indirectly, resulting in a VPD value within the box.

And higher VPD is worse than lower VPD. And based on my experiments, you want to aim for a VPD that results in a 7-10 day cure.

You will never need to justify the purchase to me. We all spend our funds as we see fit - anyone harassing you (including you) about it can fly a kite! I’m here for VPD.


Need to broaden your horizons .

Just told you on same damn plant
No diff between 15 day hang at a controlled 60/60 and the 8 day machine .

So evidentially the steady point .7 to .8 VPD
IS another example of bro science

Just is , just did it , just witness it .

So steady VPD may NOT be the end all be all .

I really don’t care , not trying to justify my Purchase , it will pay for itself this year just in energy .

Maybe , just maybe , the boys at Cannatrol know what they speak of concerning the dry .

I do know I have 2 inkbirds 2 dehumidifiers and 3 humidifiers I no longer need . I no longer go upstairs 309 times a week .

Y’all do the Vpd thing , I’ve been there done that , I’ll stick with water exchange and DP


now that i own this tool i waswondering about how it could work for bubble hash drying? instead of a freeze dryer

@kgrim @Jetdro ? wdyt?

DP is a function of temp and humidity.

VPD is a function of temp and humidity.

But where dew point gives us a sense of the temperature at which moisture condenses (irrelevant to our needs), VPD gives insight into the pressure opposing evaporation.

Plus, all food drying science is done using VPD as the metric.

The ASTM standard for determining cannabis water activity is a science of comparing the vapor pressure of the cananbis to the vapor pressure of distilled water in a sealed enclosure.

We’re doing the same thing man! I’m not arguing here!! All I am saying is that the Canantrol owner himself is selling a box on basis of it controlling VPD, but using DP as the marketing unit. You’re doing a great job and your product must be absolutely killer!!!


Look at the cost of of a very similar idea but for meat.


In an interview with David Sandelman (the inventor/owner), he said he created a system like this for cheese, then meat (dry aging, charcuterie, etc.), then it hit him that it would work for cannabis.

I’m really enjoying the fruits of my last grow right now, so I don’t recall which interview it was, but that interview was part of what turned me on to pulling the trigger on my purchase.

He has a shitload of patents. For all I know, that rig you linked might be under one of them?


Well, bubble hash that is fresh frozen, and nice and “white” will tend to turn brown as oxidation happens sitting out to dry. I’ve got 3 batches of bubble sitting in the freezer at the moment, 1 from 2021’s run and 2 from last years, going to pull them out, put them in the Cannatrol and see what happens. I’m also going to do a run, turn it way down to the minimum settings and see what happens
See if it stays a nice white or darkens up. I’ve got a lot I need to wash yet, and gonna play around. The stuff I ran last year, is all but black at this point, but smokes spot on and tasty as hell.


thx for your answer the ladt year batch did you dry in canatrol?

no I did not, from the washer straight to the freezer. It’s dark because it was 2021’s crop, and already dried.

Here is the fresh frozen batch, went straight from washer to freezer.
Both will be coming out and headed for the Cannatrol when I get out of work, and yard work done tonight.