Cannatrol users

@CADMAN the offer is always open for you my friend. Not exactly sure what is involved to get across the border from your side. It only takes an “enhanced” license on our side.
Lots of Canadians come across and shop, then go back, apparently even with the exchange rate being shit, it’s still cheaper to buy stuff here and take it back. When we went out last Sunday on our grocery trip, 30-40% of the cars at all the lots were Canadian.

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I need to look into this, thank you.

Ugh just looked, The Enhanced Driver’s Licence (EDL) program ended June 2019.

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Filling the box - I’ve read posts in other forums about packing the Cool Cure beyond the capacity recommended by Cannatrol.

How much weight do each of you load your CC with?


Can cannatrol be used drying lionsmane mushrooms?

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I wet trim and pack it full. Approximately 2 1/2
1 gallon freezer bags equals around 2 1/2 - 3 #’s wet. And it chugs right thru it without issue. I have gotten 3 bags in on a couple runs. I’ll be adding more trays from what they send, which will allow it hold more.
1 packed layer, try not to double stack buds on trays. If your worried about “flat spots” after the 1st 36 hours, just flip the buds over, but my grinder doesn’t seem to mind one bit.


I don’t think that it will dry mushrooms very well. It won’t dry them out, but keep it at an equal moisture level, and I think that would lead to mold. A food dehydrator may be more up the alley your looking for.


i have extra trays, i pulled 21 Z’s dry on my last run .


How many trays did ya use on that run to get 21z’s?

8 plus the whole bottom around fan don’t cover fan


Hmm, great tip on the bottom/floor. As long as you avoid the fan, you’re right. I hit 2.3# on my first run, and could have probably gotten an additional .4 or .5 in there with a little better trimming.

Now that I know how well it works, I’m going to push the envelope a little next time, in terms of weight. I’m in a very dry state, and the ability to dry this smoothly without having to fill humidifiers every day was worth the price of admission alone.

And it perfectly cured my Go Time; center of the target. Biggest, but best, investment in this far.



I want to turn my 5x5’ tent into a Cannatrol & just put in a portable A/C, insulate & seal tent exterior.

My temp & RH vary from: 65-82F, 60-100(85% average).

Does this seem feasible?



can be done, i use to, issue is the cost . I had A/c humidifier, dehumidifier and fans .At times all were on at same time, big waste.


Thanks :+1: that was what I was afraid of. My off grid power supply won’t handle that. Generator will but not gonna live like that. :camping:

Cheaper to insulate & A/C the 1 room house




How do we dry the bud a little more than is produced using the factory presets?

My bud right out of the Cool Cure gums up my grinders and seems a little wet - I dry in my stainless steel cans to 62% RH, which according to my new moisture meter is around 12% water. My colas in the CC are about 13% water.

Anyone know which presets to change?



Drop your DP .5 will do it


Save yourself the headache… @Jetdro and a few others have tried… it just isn’t possible with a practical aspect… it’s possible but will cost a frigging fortune… and if u think 1600 is high… in comparison it is not


Sup @jetdro!! I filled mine a day ago… need a solution for the lesser buds that won’t fit… Grove bags?? Do u dry 1st then put in… or just put in straight away?

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I had inkbirds, best humidifiers, dehumidifiers, fans, all wifi too.

With my weather just stupid trying to fight it. UNLESS ROOM IS SEALED, just pulls humididty and heat from rest of house, way air movement works.

That way i pulled 3-8 gallons a day from that 10 x 10 room. For like 6 days.

Cannatrol pulls a quart in same time frame



Same here but lower temps & higher humidity

My place is not even close to insulated or weatherized, something I’d like to fix but as is everything…expenses & work & time. Remodeling in near constant rain is a PITA.

Fences & septic come before paint & petunias :sweat_smile:

Thanks for saving me from wasting time/etc



Thanks Jetdro!

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