Cannatrol users

A lot better than a trans rebuild!!


Yes it is, especially when it’s close to $4k to have one rebuilt correctly for the Turbo Regal.


Negative brother, still looking sad af, dirty, leanin, sad. No joke if I look at her too long I get all depressed and shit, working on it but it won’t be anytime soon. 5K is far from an easy reach for me atm @Kgrim im glad you got your baby Rollin again, I’ll just live vicariously through you for a while, if I see any of this summer with her I’d be surprised, alas I’m still a bit optimistic I suppose


My baby isn’t rolling yet. Dropping the drive shaft off Tuesday morning. Probably going to need a new yolk along with HD U joints. It’s going to take me longer to get it off Jack stands than it is to re install the drive shaft.
Keep the faith, don’t get down, get a little fixed here and there as you can afford it if possible.

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I tried buying a second Cool Cure from Cannatrol web site and at the end of the process I got the message that they don’t ship to Canada.

Anyone hear of this? I’ll give them a call in the morning to see how I can get around this snafu. I’ve checked drop shipping and it would cost me $660 USD to have it shipped to me from their US site.

I’ve also got emails out to a web store that advertises the Cool Cure for $2,999 CAD from their store. Not sure if they keep the merchandise on site or if they just drop ship orders to Cannatrol.


Are people following their suggestions to let the cut plant hang for 24 hours or just doing their normal trim before putting in the cannatrol??

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@Hobbes the offer that I have extended to other Canadians is open to you also. I live about 7 miles from the Blue Water Bridge, if it’s not too far from where your at, you can have it shipped here, pop over the border, pick it up and take it back. Save on taxes and shipping for you.


I’ve never hung mine first, straight from the trimmer into the machine.

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When I’m up and running again I’ll want a recourse on it brudda… I’m new to all of it so I have a lot to learn when it comes to hash

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I wet trim too, cut away as much plant material as I have left, double the amount you can put in the cooler. Wet trim right into the CC.


Thank you for the kind offer Kgrim, but I live half a continent away from you.

I got an email from Cannatrol this morning, the message was a mistake and they are shipping to Canada. They’re going to email me an invoice and over ride the mistake and ship in about 5 weeks.



@Hobbes not a problem. Just thought I’d extend the offer. I have quite a few people that order Car parts, have them shipped to me, drive across and pick them up.
Hopefully you get it worked and get one ordered and shipped.


Just realized you are a mere 2.5 hrs from me @Kgrim very cool, next time I’m out that way I’ll shoot you a message , and hopefully I can show up in the “wicked white whip” my RS !


@TopShelfTrees1 June 23rd is the “Official” cruise night. I know your ride probably won’t be ready, but it’s usually held the same time every year, and LOTS of Canadians make the trek here.
There’s always 2024!!!


Ooooh that would be absolutely epic! Just put it in the phone! And it’s 5 days before my birthday too! Party time! @Kgrim

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He lives WELL…you would enjoy a visit to meet him…


I have 3 folk within minutes of me…ill never meet , K would be one id certainly drive 2.5 hours to go meet…no doubt!


My baby is out of “broken” jail, and tearing it up!!!


@Jetdro, I only live WELL because I’ve put 23 years into building this company with my best friend and now enjoying the fruits of hard work!!!

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Awesome news bro! Truly awesome :raised_hands:t2:

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