Cannatrol users

Yes it is!!! BUT, looks like I’m going to have to replace the Turbo, I wanted to anyway, but when I took her out last night for a “shakedown” I had no boost until I downshifted into 2nd and made her do a nose stand. It’s freed up now, got a full tank with 110 race fuel, and gonna turn the Boost up a couple #’s tonight!!!


Sweet! I’m envious to say the least bro!

Oh trust me I know and understand
I’m in same boat

Row long enough you get to enjoy the ride later

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You broke lose a frozen blade that way ??

Yeah , you need a new turbo

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Cannatrol emailed me an invoice to pay through, I’ve placed my order for my second Cool Cure.
Waiting time about 5 weeks, plenty of time before my next harvest.



Don’t know if it was the downshift, but afterwards, she broke the tires loose and I was doing the GBody shuffle for about 100yds. Was planning on upgrading the turbo anyways, but had to figure out if I needed a trans rebuild or not. I’ve got everything ready to support a new turbo, bigger Injectors, new chip, new ECM with Powerlogger and a Wideband O2 setup so the powerlogger will control A/F ratio and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. I’ve already got the other supporting mods installed, bigger fuel pump, upgraded MAF sensor, volt booster, larger intercooler, adjustable fuel pressure regulator, fuel pump Hotwire. Just have to get myself to break open the slush fund, talk with the turbo guru, and get it ordered.


Wanna say when I ordered my second one they wouldn’t let me order 5 extra trays. It was 4 or nothing even though there are 5 extra slots. WTF is up with that? Lady on the phone didn’t know either.

I have been in marketing and sales. They do it that way to make money of off people who really want that fifth tray. You would be surprised how many will buy extra just to get one of something.


OMG… so Mr. Grow FINALLY made his review. And Holy balls did the retard floodgates open up in the comment section. Every basement dwelling broke POS has a comment on this thing. They can all build one cheaper from every box shaped item you can think of.

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Putting the pieces together is the easy part. Making the software tie and run everything together and slowly lower the humidity/dew point is the hard part. No one ever thinks of that part of the process.



All the tools show their face at the advent of new technology. There are a whole slew of them over on RIU, and a few here that said “I can make one cheaper” but have yet to see a single one who said it, make one. What they don’t realize, is the Cannatrol was run for 12 years doing cheese and meats BEFORE it was even brought to the Cannabis industry. It wasn’t even thought of for that long before it was tried on cannabis.
You don’t see the tools knocking on freeze dryers, or trying to make them. And when you consider that a bottom line Harvest Right with their piss poor machines and customer service START at $2600, and other “home” models going for $6k, and a couple others $50k, yes $50k for a “home” model, the Cannatrol is a deal at $1600.
Let them knock it, those of us who know, know.


Sad part is the people chanting for a cheep Chinese knock off. Yeah it will happen but I wish everyone that’s clamoring for a chinese knock off has their jobs outsourced to china. Heck some of the growers in the US are being displaced in California by Chinese funded and ran grows.


Let the broke downs bitch…that is what they do best…

Personally, ill keep my units, and honestly, the first one has paid for itself already…


Is there a lock on the door? If not could one easily be installed?

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no lock on it

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Well there is that lock thing on the bottom… I don’t know how secure it is, though.

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How do you outsource taking money from Mom’s purse :rofl:

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Hangovers caused brain fog this morning

I don’t think you read my reply correctly

?? If so sorry. Ahh, I’m a little hungover this morning and it finally sunk in.

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