Cannatrol users

I can definitely make one cheaper, lol. Just wouldn’t work near as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Sadly, I have to live vicariously through you all as they are out of my price range here in Canada for now. If they weren’t almost $3500 here, I would own one. No hate, perhaps a bit of envy :wink:


So I’ve read a bunch of the posts but don’t have time to read all 400. Would this device handle say 8 plants at a time? I usually do 15 flower perpetuals and could harvest half a bit earlier but could it even handle 8 chopped trees?

2.2 lbs wet. You can overload it, I have done it, and it still works quite well. So say another 50%… so around 3.3lbs wet. @Jetdro did something like 21oz dry.
The question would be, could you get to a dry enough state that you could transfer to grove bags and let them cure in those? I mean that’s probably 5 days with a heavy load???
8 TREES sounds like a LOT of bud.

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Yeah I’ll try one and see what I can do. May need two or just do the rest the old fashioned way.

Also I only expected 40oz dry off all 15 plants… maybe I’m underestimating my yield?

I grow 6 and o 7 foot trees not 2 z plants


I mean my trees are 5.5 feet so far. You said get more racks, do I need to order the tint? Sponges?

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If you’re doing a perpetual flower, could you stagger them out, 2 new clones/cuts/seeds/whatever every two weeks?

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Yup that’s the plan. Instead of all at once. Should even put the choppings.


Wait what? Mine has a lock on it… I hate the design but it’s a lock


I’m a basement dwelling broke pos… and I own 1 lol…


You can order the Tint if you’d like, and it comes with a sponge and cup to hold it, no need for extras.

I would just stagger your harvest to accommodate. @Jetdro has done a pretty extensive write up on where the machine puts flower as far it goes to getting a good turnaround. It’s a bit up there in the thread.

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A smart basement dweller obviously :+1::+1:

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Settled on my sweet spot for machine .

4 day dry , 6 day cure , at defaults , into Grove bags in my cooler for 2 weeks .

Comes out primo. Hard , crunchy, dense , just perfectly “done” in my opinion .

Even Larfy shit will come out nice this way . Small but nice .

I’ll stagger harvest by 8 days . Let chopped hang 2 days then into Cannatrol when I have a large harvest .

Machine was worth , to me , every penny


Sent ya a few messages brother

Got my cannatrol and have a few questions. Firstly the lip on the tray is it meant to be up or down? Also I know this will control humidity but it’s not a refrigerator so I assume temp is handled based on my rooms temp? My room that the machine will sit in is typically 68-71 degrees over the last week. Can I run the machine in there at those temps? Thanks!


Perfect room temps!!! The machine can hold within 10 of room temp, but I’ve seen people post they’ve had it working in areas warmer than that. It uses Peltier technology.
I put the lip on the back and up with mine because I didn’t want the buds falling off the edge to the rear. I packed it pretty good.


i bought this and am going to convert it into my own cannatrol just to show you fat cats!!

lol jk but when do you guys think they will have something this size in their inventory ? i have like 19 bucks saved so far and should have enough in about 6 years if they sell a model like this size for under 4k :laughing:


Welp, got my second one. Very happy but…
I requested DISCREET packing… NOPE!!! My first one came at least partly wrapped in black cellophane, but nothing on this one. Sure as can be, they need to let everyone know there is a VAPORTROL product in the box and a colorful sticker telling you CANNATROL upacking instructions.

FOR HELL SAKES!!! Not all of us live in friendly territory. Jeebus, how hard is that for them to understand? There’s no need for your boxes to advertise this stuff!!!

ALL it takes is one busy body who believes the gov’t propaganda, and around here that could be anybody. Ok, I’ve calmed down a bit… but damn man.