Cannatrol users

I’m with you. Last replacement Gorilla tent came in the oem box and I specifically asked for discreet shipping. I sent an email telling them thanks a fucking lot assholes.


This is another reason that I will not be purchasing one, even if I wanted to.
I’m currently an outlaw. :sunglasses:


When I got mine several months ago it DID come with black plastic wrapped around it covering anything incriminating.

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Good to know. But I couldn’t risk it.
If anything, I’d just have it shipped to family in CA or OR sometime before a visit, and haul it back. Unless I wanted to pay a ridiculous amount of shipping, lol.

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Lmao… for now… it won’t be long and we’ll be buying a property. Basement dwelling hasn’t been bad… I’m new to it so maybe it’ll get worse… lol. But for now… got my friends here on og… my harvest in the cannatrol… still curing at day 16 now… getting nicer by the day… I am starting to wonder when is a plateau on flavor and change in bud during curing is?

If you’re closer to Michigan, you could have it shipped here and pick it up. I’ve got Canadian Turbo Regal friends who ship parts to me, and then come and pick them up. Saves them shipping and taxes, and we get to shoot the shit about our “slow” cars for a bit, LOL


such cool cars, I’m a boring toyota guy but appreciate some of these GM gems

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What are you talking about??? The Supra GT is a bad ass car!!! Wish I had one!!! The Turbo Regal has been one of my dreams since I was in High School, now I have one. But, a Supra GT is like more than dream, LOL

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Im definitely more of American muscle. But, who didn’t want a Supra GT?!? :wink:


@Kgrim @blowdout2269

I don’t mean ALL Toyotas are boring, but ours certainly are. 2008 Prius my wife’s had since new and a 2021 Camry Hybrid we bought new when we got pregnant.

Even these cook tho, I’ve been pulled over a few times in that Prius over the years just making time on the interstate. Had to fight a ticket for 89 in a 65 and once got a warning for 86 in a 65. Car has been abused, sat for a while off and on (college, city livin, time abroad), victim of a flood. Just always runs and always sips fuel. You really gotta step into it to get moving, but its a light small car and I’ve frequently been held up by something fancy on backroads. “Must be a dentist” in that M3, AMG, etc as I learned from my dad. Observed top speed, “in Mexico”, was 108mph or 175kmph. Not bad!

The Camry is a lot more impressive, with way fewer compromises. It’s just a regular big car with great power, bought brand new for 32K during crazy covid pricing, that gets 52MPG. Instead of a tachometer there’s a little “efficiency” gauge but besides that its a regular real car. Regular gear selector, has a real spare tires, takes regular gas, no charger. With the kiddo no fast runnin, never even done a top speed run, but the power is so EASY. Walks away from everyone goin uphill and doesn’t even breath hard. To compare to 90s/2000s vehicles its like m3 performance, 7 series space, Geo Metro fuel economy. Nuts!


I hear ya!!! Rented a Camry when we were out in California, and I was actually impressed how it handled, and the quickness it had.
I’ve only seen a couple Supra GT’s, and that was at the Woodward Dream Cruise, and they are real nice fast cars, did I mention Fast??? LOL
Waiting for the 2024 Buick Skylark to hit the showroom floors, now that is gonna be a damn nice car!!! If it didn’t cost as much as my house, I’d probably already have one on order, LOL!!!


Whoa, they’re bringing back the Skylark?!? I just had to research this. That thing looks sweet!
I used to run around with this dude that had a 69 two-tone soft top. It was a beautiful car. A pearl in the blue with black top. I’d have taken that over any Chevelle in it’s time.
I wonder what ever happened to Johnny. :thinking:

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This thing has given me my life back . Instead of 2 weeks work of headaches , I have my time n sanity back

Instead of a weeks worth of nights bent over trimming and the hassle it is , I now spend about an hour wet trimming and bucking buds after a 2 day hang , place in the unit , and 10 days later I got finished product .

Those pictures above taken at 10 hours left of 4 day “dry” . They will run 6 day “cure “ and when pulled out be ready for a Grove bag . Week in Grove bag in my cooler , I’m DONE .

No more countless hours trimming , all my time back , no going to dry room 600 times a week .

On fence about one , buy it . Grow too much , so do I , stagger , not worst thing and end product is worth it

All I really need to say about this thing .


Do you rotate the buds every once in a while ? Good looking harvest have been wanting one of these for a while now

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Life is much easier and hassle free. Won’t argue with ya on that buddy!!!


#43 - David Sandelman - Cannatrol Inventor & Founder — Crafting Cannabis Podcast

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im still trying to figur if drying hash is doable in the cannatrol as im planning in turning my trim this fall into hash so im planing now for my drying phase
i know someone here talked about trying it but im waiting to see if its doable

It’s “doable” see my posts above. It won’t “dry” it persay, but it will take it to a close point, after it sits in the Cannatrol, 5-7 days or so on the LOWEST settings, flipping the patty a couple times a day, usually for me, before work, and after work, you’ll get a feel for it once it’s there. Stickiness has subsided and it will be pliable. At that point I pull it out, then let it air dry for 2-3 days, then it’s workable, and smokeable.

The cigarette pack picture, is the last run of “Hammer Mitten” 90 micron fresh out of the freezer. It turned into a big patty, that is a little lighter than the tan pile in the 2nd pic.
It breaks apart like packed sand.
So far, everyone only wants “more” after they smoke some.
I’m sold, the quality is there, and the taste is there. I’ve got a Trol, so I’ll continue on the path I’m on with it with drying my hash.


@Jetdro could use some help my friend. I’m a week or two out from harvesting a finished auto and wanted to test the thing. This morning I plucked one bud off trimmed it a tad tossed on a shelf and hit start. Is it that simple? I’ve got nothing coming out the drain tube I connected and put into a bucket, then again it’s one tiny nug. Did I do it right? Should I expect any liquid in my bucket off once piece?

Also what do I do with this sponge. It said don’t add it till day two? Is that correct?

Thanks brother.

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Will see nothing from one nugg. With 20 Z’s in it only needs 2 -3 empties of that tray.

Sponge goes in on day two, helps machine regulate levels.

Look at display…should read a countdown from 4 days if you did it correctly . Pressing START is all it takes…will show Cure cycle 3: 23:45 …3 days 23 hours 45 seconds (example)