Cannatrol users

Yes it truly is that simple!!! That’s the beauty of owning one!!! You’ll see what @Jetdro mentioned, you’ll only empty the tray 3-4 times during the whole cycle.
It takes your dry/cure to the next level. And in your case since you’ve got a hose going to a bucket, hit start, walk away, come back 8 days later, bag it up, and you’re done. No more checking, adjusting, worrying, checking again, adjusting, thinking “is it ready” checking again.
It frees your time up to do things more important other than worrying about your dry/cure.
I am so glad that @Jetdro took the plunge after being on the fence about purchasing one.
After your 1st run, you’ll understand also.
The folks who balk about the cost, and chastising those of us who own one are the ones who are missing out.
Then you’ve got the ones who will say, “It’s just a wine fridge, I can make one cheaper”
They’ve been called out time & time again, show us, show us how you’ve made one that does EXACTLY what the Cannatrol does cheaper. The crickets be a chirping, because they CAN’T!!!
Sure, they understand the concept, wine fridge controlled with a peltier system, but it’s within the control, hardware and the programming that the Cannatrol shines!!!
They don’t take the time to research and realize that this tool isn’t something new, they’ve been using it in the cheese and meat industry for over 12 years BEFORE it was discovered that it works just as well for cannabis.
Sorry for my rant guys, just happy that another unit will be used and enjoyed by a fellow owner.

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Left for work forgot my sponge. I assume it won’t damage machine?

Countdown did exactly that! Two days left showing on dry. Then I assume it’ll automatically flip to cure and start the other 4 days?

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This is my first grow ever so I’m excited! I’ll be one of the guys that never even heard of a hanging room ha


Been watching this thread. Must admit that my dry cure ranges from near optimal to barely adequate depending upon the environmental conditions at my place. Its always a dance trying to shift the drying plants around the house chasing the right conditions. Its a real pain. Something like this that totally changes the dry cure routine sounds really great. As soon as I can slip 15 hundy past the spousal unit, I’m in!


I’ve been looking at getting a Cannatrol for quite some time. I always hated the running around , constant tinkering and worry when it came to the dry and cure stage. Yesterday I ordered a cool cure. After seeing all the praise for this unit and how well it works. Thanks to everyone who posted their experiences with this unit.


Amen to that, I’m in the spot.

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Yeah, she hawks the finances pretty closely. Funny, I don’t have quite the handle on her accounting. :thinking:


Yes, it will automatically go into the cure phase.
Forgetting the sponge won’t be a problem, no damage will occur. When your harvest is complete, just make sure at day 2 to put it in once you’ve soaked it.

@Blackbeard welcome to being an owner of the easiest, hassle free dry/cure machine.
You will truly enjoy the “set it & forget it” aspect of the machine. The only thing you have to watch is the drain tray, and it’s typically empty it once a day for 4 days. Easy peasy.

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@Kgrim Thanks,Yup easy peasy sounds good. :sunglasses:

Like @Jetdro said, the freedom this give you makes it totally worth it.

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We decided before we got married that wife would be CFO and she took it pretty seriously. I gotta say it works out great, we never fight about money because we’re literally on the same page.

She started this thing called FinSum where we have financial summits a few times a year (not quite quarterly). Only takes an hour or two, but we get every single account up to date and look at them together. Compare to previous results, forecast upcoming expenses, etc. There’s a spreadsheet and we just add a new tab for every FinSum. Accounting is like going to the dentist, if you keep current and find a rythym it aint that bad.


Hey everyone. I wish I had come across this thread sooner. I now own two of these bad boys and am getting exactly what I was hoping to out of them. More freedom around harvest time and a better and more consistent end result. I live in a dry climate and my past method of hanging whole plants to dry in a humidity controlled room was adequate but quality went way down when the temperature crept up in the warm months. Plus when the plants were ready to be trimmed and jarred the window to get this done was very narrow or they would dry out too much. I’ve had some marathon trimming sessions into the wee hours of the morning because the job had to get done. And then all the burping and finishing off the dry in jars was another burden that really put the suck in what should be a joyous time.

With the Cannatrol, I can wet trim on a much easier schedule and then set it and forget it after a couple of days of emptying the tray. This also gives me the freedom to be gone for a few days during harvests without having to time my trips and harvests to be compatible. I have no absolutely no regrets about the money spent. I was over my buyer’s remorse after the first cycle I ran and didn’t even consider using the old ways for subsequent harvests. The space limitation does force me to stagger harvests and I had to buy a second one to keep up with the volume.

About the muted smell, it’s hard for me to say on that because everything I harvested this season was grown from seed so I had nothing to compare it against. Some strains had some stank to them without having to break up the buds but I do agree that the aroma does emerge when they are broken up. And the quality of the smoke has been outstanding compared to the old ways. I’d sometimes nail the dry/cure with my old method but it was never this consistent because I wasn’t doing a good enough job controlling the conditions.

Not everything has been perfect though. The first unit I bought in early March has worked flawlessly and produces dried bud that holds around 60 to 62% in a Grove Bag without any intervention. The second unit came about a month later and was a little flaky right out of the box and not getting buds dry enough on the default settings. I used a cheaper Inkbird version of the Sensor Push to monitor the conditions inside both units and the problem unit was about 5% higher humidity than what the panel said it should be and this was when it had no flower inside it and just the sponge to maintain humidity. I played with the dew point and temperature settings to figure out what settings would take it from 68 degrees and 61/62 RH down to 68/56. This got me more acceptable results but the problem unit still behaved a lot differently than the good one. So after all this trial and error I was finally convinced that the problem wasn’t me and I contacted Cannatrol. They had me run some diagnostics and confirmed that I did indeed have a defective unit and they sent me a new one. So they have good customer service but quality control may have slipped a little with the surge in volume they’ve seen.

The replacement unit runs a lot steadier (the bad one bounced the conditions around a lot more than the good one) but wants to keep the temperature 1 degree cooler than what it says on the panel, which results in keeping the humidity higher than expected and the dry cycle doesn’t pull out enough water. So I adjusted the default settings for the dry bulb from 68 to 69 and it seems to be doing fine now. So the point of all that rambling is that I wish they would do a better job of calibrating at the factory or give us a way to calibrate the panel to how it performs in our environment. In spite of the hiccups I still wouldn’t go back to the old way and have no regrets.

Has anyone else monitored the temperature and humidity inside the units during a dry/cure cycle or when it’s empty? I’ve ordered a couple of the more accurate Sensor Push sensors to see if I can get a better handle on my calibration adjustments. Now that it’s getting hot I’m done growing for a few months so I won’t have wet flower to test with for a while but I plan on being prepared when the time rolls around again. Like I said, I wish I had come across this thread sooner.

On a side note, my Cannatrols were the source of a mysterious problem I was experiencing with my garage door opener that took me a while to figure out. Something in these units (I’m guessing the Pelter cooler) puts out RF interference that kills the range of my garage door remote. When they aren’t running I have a couple hundred feet of range. I have my Cannatrols in a room adjacent to my garage and if the back of the units are pointed at the garage door opener I sometimes can’t get the door to open when I’m standing in the driveway not even 10 feet away from the opener. I was about ready to replace the opener with something more modern until on a lark I shut off the Cannatrols and tested the opener and it was instantly back to working the way it has for years. A simple turn of the units so the back wasn’t pointing at the opener at least allows me to open my garage door from the street again. It still doesn’t have the same range but I can live it with it during harvest season.

Anyway, that’s my experience with the Cannatrols over the last 3 months in a not so short summary. While it might not be for everyone, it’s definitely worth it if you can make the limitations work with your style. It’s right up there with the Trim Bin for purchases that I consider “life-changing” in my cannabis growing career. Thanks for all the info. It’s great to see a bunch of like-minded growers sharing their experiences.


Fascinating. Did they replace the whole unit or just the controller?
One thing we haven’t seen a whole lot of, is people double checking the controller numbers. I’m totally trusting that thing is accurate.


I just loaded mine today at chop for first harvest and I have had it for a bit in anticipation and just used it to hold my previously harvested buds. And I have had a Sensor Push in it. The one with the highest accuracy claimed and it’s been within one degree of temp and dew point but since the unit is loaded and I needed to put the sensor on the bottom below the shelves the humidity is showing about a five percent lower on cannatrol vs Sensor Push which I’m writing off to convection which is almost certainly the reason for the other small differences in temp and dew point. I have already emptied the half full drip tray twice in first 12 hours so I’m calling it all good :+1:t2:. I put almost 1000 grams by weight, roughly 35 ounces if my math is correct or by coincidence 2.2 pounds wet which is pretty much their max recommended limit.
I’m for sure buying some extra shelf trays to help with spacing of buds on the tray’s.
I’m not going to use jars and have Grove bags from previous purchases and that’s how I’m going to roll from here on.


Just a side note @Jasper, Grove bags work very well. I just dropped an OZ off to my niece yesterday on the way to “Cruise Night” that has been sitting since November. I warned her to NOT open the bag until she got home. Well, she didn’t listen, opened the bag at work in the office, and literally stunk up the whole Jimmy John’s store, LOL.
She called me and said,”Uncle Bub, next time I’ll listen to you, we had to open the doors & put fans sucking air out of the store because I opened the bag and stunk up the entire store”
I was in tears laughing my ass off as I slammed another shot of Rumplemintz!!!


I’ve already posted how much I like the Cannatrol and why. Now I’m going to share one negative experience. It was arguably my own fault.

I had some buds get white fuzzy mold in the cure stage. I caught it before it got too bad, but I lost about an ounce. I had done three cycles in a row and not cleaned the unit in between. Now, I wipe off all the shelves, the entire interior, and the exterior with antiseptic wipes before putting in buds for a dry/cure cycle. It only takes five minutes and I have not had any issues since.

The source of the mold turned out to be the compost bin that I keep in my kitchen. After I discovered the moldy buds, I noticed that it also had a layer of the same white fuzzy mold. Now, I’m more careful about that too.


They sent me a brand new unit. I had to use the packaging from it to send back the bad one. I did have to secure the replacement with a credit card but I’m sure that wouldn’t be necessary if I sent back the bad one first.


Here she is almost totally loaded. Have one more plant to process.
You’re looking at my largest haul of mid grade mids that ever midded into existence.
This is a bring back of some 2005 Growdoc Bubbledust. This stuff now isn’t even worth the power it takes to grow it.


Speaking of power, what’s to wattage consumption on that unit?