Cannatrol users

70watts!! Very power friendly


Wow. Yes that is extremely conservative.
Who’d a thunk it.

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@Kgrim i emailed the company for some feedback from them for hash drying this is the answer


Test nug is on day 2 of cure. Still just smell plant material…… I didn’t pre dry it just cut if off the stem and tossed it in. Any ideas?

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I “wet trim” all my harvest, and straight into the Cannatrol, and believe what you’re probably experiencing is the “muted” aspect of the machine. But, that’s just my guess as your only drying 1 little bud.

What you mean muted aspect? In two weeks I’ll have about 40oz to do so want to make sure I figure this out

if you had read this thread , you would know what he is talking about


I’d have to sell a couple pounds to afford one so for now I’ll just have to dream about owing one.


YOU NEED to buy one…get off your ass, sell some, get one…thank me later…


I scanned through quite a bit but I did not read page for page.

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Found that part! Glad to read that


Hello all, new here after a diligent search out there for a place to discuss this machine. Just tried my first harvest. Run was encountered with many issues but i persisted and was able to harvest. One of my main questions is i didn’t see any water in the water tray, instead i saw some drops of water on the inside back of the unit by the fans. Not sure what was going on here. Seemed to dry decently good, i did a bud wash and then hung for 24 hours. Slight wet trim, minor sugar leaves were left on. Ram a default cycle, buds seem to be slight wet still and don’t stay lit. I am curious if i needed to run a long hang since i bud washed. Is there anything that can be done now to help, should i throw it back into a 1 day dry cycle. I have another harvested coming up in 2 week so want to make sure i dial this in. This also may seem like a stupid question, what should my runoff ec be at harvest? Organic soil grow

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@Lifinest77, I’ve wet trimmed for as long as I can remember, and didn’t stop once my wife bought me my Trol. Chopped, run thru my Centurion trimmer, straight into the Cannatrol, no 24 hang, no pre-drying.
As far as EC runoff, can’t tell ya, as I feed my plants up to the day I harvest, have for over 30 years with no issues.
I would try using the air can that they provide and blow thru the drain tube, who knows, something may have gotten in during shipping and plugged it up??
Typically, I’ve run full runs, machine PACKED as much as I could get onto trays in a single layer.
You should empty the tray 4 maybe 5 times in the 1st 4 days, and then I’ve never had to check it after the 4th day.
I suggest you give Cannatrol a call, they are very accommodating, answer the phone, and answer any questions you may have. It is possible that you may have a defective unit, they are few and far between, but with any type of machine, there is that possibility, and if that’s the case, if it’s under warranty, they have no problems sending out another unit to you.


Thanks bud, just got off the the phone with them. Very nice people. She stated not to keep the trays pushed all the way to the back. Because out of warranty i would have to pay for repairs and the shipping but stated repairs are usually very cheap. She told me to prob push another day on the dry cycle and drop the few by a degree or so. Got another run going thru in a week so will test again. But it is good to know these guys care about their customers


You don’t leave space between the buds? Good to know that works. I have been running mine without the buds touching, but I could use that extra space sometimes.

Nope, no space when going into a cycle. I chop, run thru my Centurion trimmer, straight into the Cannatrol. Put as much as I can possibly get into one layer. The buds will shrink up enough that after the cycle that they aren’t touching.


I just took a few seconds to look and sniff and it smells not like I was expecting. Bit hay like on first day of cure but I shut it back quickly and will not open again until done. Factory settings.

I had same issue @Jetdro mentioned the smell is muted but a few weeks in a grove bag afterward fixes that… waiting to do a big run so I can also find out. My test bugs all smell like hay

How do you like your trimmer I’ve got a centurion trimmer also . Used to have a twister t 4 and sold it centurion seems to do a nicer job .

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Absolutely LOVE my Centurion. It’s such a time saver at harvest time it’s silly. It trims just as well as I’d hand trim and only takes 1/20th of the time. I acquired an inexpensive box fan type trimmer last year that my friend was never going to use again, use that to buzz thru fan leaves first, then just trim the buds to nuggets, fill up the hopper, and away we go. It’s typically taken about 2 hours to fill the hopper for 20 minutes of trimming, and it’s amazing how small buds, and I mean micro buds actually make it thru the trimmer. I shopped for over a year making my decision, and there was just something about the Twister T4 & T6 that didn’t sit right with me, & the Centurion Tabletop seemed like a better unit to me. I didn’t order from Centurion directly, and ordered from a stocking dealer and kinda got screwed, ordered the Quantanium tumbler, and they sent a polished one. Took 2 weeks for them to acknowledge it, but Centurion customer service stepped up to the plate and was up their ass about screwing my order up and to get in gear, after they called the dealer and told them the disgust they had with dealing with my order, Centurion shipped my the correct tumbler, priority overnight, 1st AM delivery, which wasn’t cheap, and told me to keep the polished tumbler even if the dealer wanted it returned. I am very happy with their customer service as they handled what wasn’t even their problem at no cost to me.