Cannatrol users

Got a picture of yours by chance?


Not a good one, as it’s packed away until harvest season.

Looks like you’re 1 step up from the tabletop model??? Wish I had dual hoses. It was kind of a learning curve, because the 6” single hose really pulls, and likes to keep the buds in the tumbler. Went with 1/4” taller back legs last year, and it helped a bit, going to go with 1/2” this year and hopefully I won’t have to keep pulling the cover off to balance airflow and get buds thru the tumbler.

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I think those trimmers are the shit but I dont need that big of one. I only wish I DID. My Risentek does well for a smaller scale poor boy. Crank by hand or one with a motor.


Those are cool as fuck

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Similar issues here I usually will turn the fan off when I want them to exit the trimmer. Not necessary if your feeding pounds through as it push’s the trimmed bud out . 2/3 ounce plants you end up with it all in the trimmer and don’t have bud left to feed it through.

Another option you can use a speed control to slow the fan down works well .

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They weren’t lying about that possible 6 week lead time!
Pulled the trigger on having the post-harvest security of a Cool Cure 28 days ago.
Who’s checking their email everyday for updates?
This guy.

Looking forward to joining the ranks and scouring this thread (again) for settings and theories. It was already a big factor in dropping that coin. Hahah

Hope y’all are enjoying yours!

:ghost: :raccoon:


Good luck with a faster delivery.
I thought the lead time had to do with massive amounts of orders, but it also appears, based on a recent podcast interview with Dave, that they couldn’t get parts and had to find alternatives that would do the same thing. So imagine, even the littlest part could take down your whole operation if you can’t get it.


i waited 5 weeks on my second unit, finally cancelled it. Ill just continue to stagger harvests and use the one machine.


So my cannatrol glass got broken… like a half dollar hole in 1st pane… and football size in second pane… and the machine is still keeping things exactly where I set them… just figured I’d let you all know… it’s still kicking ass… 200 bucks for new door etc… not bad… ugh don’t ask how it happened… as far as 1 piece stopping working I highly doubt that… and I highly doubt a whole operation is taken down by it… I have faith in them… they are surely busier… lead times are lead times and sometimes seem unreasonable … but sometimes are not. Either way… I love em… for what they’ve done and what they stand for

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Welcome to the family!!!


im impatient for october to see how ill manage my outdoor harvest in the unit

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Dave, the owner, literally said that on a podcast I linked to up above.

Oh… but I haven’t seen or heard of one failing…have you? Not being smart ass or anything… just curious @tomatoesonly

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Yikes… hopefully ordering a little early will work out for me. I emailed back-and-forth with them a little bit and they made it sound like they might have a unit ready for me pretty soon (they aren’t that far from me so I’m picking up from their warehouse).

There’s plenty in stock at their various retailers they list on site. Got mine in 36 hours from ordering.

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So just finishing up another litttle test run with only an oz or so wet. I took a small nug out with a day left of cure still. When grinded up it smells good no longer muted. The smoke is harsh though. Does a longer cure help with that?

That’s an interesting question.
Longer cures are definitely said to help with processing excess chlorophyll and with converting various terps and chemical processes still taking place.
Since the Cannatrol uses a warmer temp than the “standard 60/60”, metabolic processes should still be taking place and at a faster rate of conversion with the Cannatrol.

Question would be, if someone has overloaded their plant with nutrients, is there ANYTHING that can be done to soften the smoke?

Yes I have, actually. Just remembered. Someone posted somewhere that their unit wouldn’t hold the numbers and tech support verified it and they had to get a whole new unit. Might be mentioned up above in this thread.


So 1 person… in the history of cannatrol as far as we know had 1 issue… my faith still lies with cannatrol… call me dumb I guess… but I’d think either way they’ll handle it as they did with that 1 individual… so still… much faith in them as a company and in the product… what was wrong with the machine? Did they happen to say what it was?. I hope you don’t think I’m being arrogant… I read my stuff again later and see it can be taken that way possibly… I assure you I am the opposite of arrogant… just in case anyone reading thinks I am… I am very humble or try to be… I’m still blown away that it works perfectly with a hole in the glass lol @tomatoesonly

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I don’t know if anyone here follows Cannatrol on IG or not but they just put up a thing mocking the wine cooler bunch. Funny how those types that talk trash and got the humiliation they earned from inability to back up their claims their overinflated egos made don’t poke their heads up in these threads anymore. But at least one still cries to mods when their failures are laughed at. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: