Cannatrol users

People are passionate about these things, huh? Hahaha

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It’s just funny and endless entertainment with some of the ego types that get their noses rubbed in it. Most people can relate to being wrong not possibly realizing the nuances of some manufactured hardware and admit it. I can and I see this every day at work most people will admit it but there are those who I enjoy watching, in real life as well, that their egos don’t measure up and make themselves look as foolish s they are and earn every bit of scorn they receive. Priceless.


How do you know when to re wet the sponge? I haven’t wet mine again the entire 4/4 cycle

When it dries out, or near dry, just re-wet it. I throw mine in on the 2nd day, and then re-moisten as needed. Things will be a bit different for everyone based on their environment.

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I had an alert pop up on screen advising to add water to sponge but at that point I was just using it in standby storing product.

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So you have to fess up how you broke it ? Playing golf inside?

Lol… you think I play golf? Not a chance!

Whether in standby or full speed… you need the sponge staying wet… it’s what moderates the interior environment

I agree… I remember… they were all saying they can make one cheaper and better… and laughing at me… funny I no longer see their comments with the laughing :joy: emojis anymore and it seems like I’m not a fool for buying a cannatrol :joy:… now I put the laugh emoji :joy: :joy: :tada: … ultimately I just wanted to share about the cannatrol… I’ve been talking about it since day 1… and just want to spread knowledge of a good piece of equipment, we are ultimately all on 1 side :muscle:
If I brag on equipment take it to the bank… because I won’t unless I’ve used it and or own it… and have proof of its abilities…


Same here @Terpsnpurps, I wouldn’t tout a product if it didn’t work. I was sold after my 1st run, and can’t say a bad thing about it, to me, it’s worth every penny in having the freedom to not worry about my harvest.
People balk at the price, talk shit, and I don’t care, my time and sanity are worth the price of something that allows me to just pretty much walk away and not worry, and in 8 days, be done.
I’m still waiting too for the trolls to come up with their “I can do it cheaper” and not 1 has stepped up to the plate to show me anything that they say they can “build”.


Yeah, and hell… if they ever do and can succeed I’d be all for it lol…
Although I do have to say… the 8 days does NOT compare to say 20 or 40 days… I’m at almost 50 days now… it keeps changing lol. If u can… do an extremely long cure just 1 time


Trust me I have. I’ve got some been in for 5 months, and it’s definitely not what it was. After the 8 day run, tasted phenomenal, smoked great, buzz was meh. Didn’t touch it for 2 months, left it alone, and boy what a difference, now another 3 months after that, my oh my. I smoked some with my “nephew” at lunch today at the job site, and we only smoked a 1/2 joint. Poor kid was fried, and 25 minutes behind the game. He asked what it was, and I told him, “Humboldt Dream” and he couldn’t believe it. He came out to the house after work, and was in awe, just couldn’t believe it was the same bud, had to send him home with a 1/2 OZ. I only really use it in the fall, as I’m primarily an outdoor grower, but harvest time, I’ve got to run 8 days and roll to keep from getting backed up. I didn’t run my whole crop last year either, only ran 90 ounces thru the Cannatrol and the rest filled up a 15.7 cubic foot freezer for bubble hash, which I’ve been using it to cure my hash, and it works very well for that also, still playing around with settings for the hash though.


Man I can’t wait to pick your brain later on that

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So after the cannatrol dry how are you storing it ? Vac sealed and cool dark place?

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Not a problem, still haven’t figured it out fully, but what I’ve run so far, has turned out fantastic. Gotta do another run tomorrow night, or Wednesday night, but have 2 huge piles of 45-73 micron that have been in the freezer for about 2 months. I’ll pull them out, and let them “patty” up.

From the freezer, to after “curing”. It’s a real nice red, and that’s only half the patty left from what came out of the freezer. It lays out from a pile to a real nice patty once it hits the Cannatrol.


Man oh man that looks nice, I truly look forward to the future of all this, I’m curious as to what will be the superior methods with the cannatrol… I’m positive we will find it among ourselves with flower and hash :herb:

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I haven’t run any at “default” yet, but the next batch, I’m going to see what will happen. It’s an interesting experience that’s for sure, LOL


I picked up my unit. I suppose I knew their offices were somewhere else, but it was kinda funny… I didn’t really expect to walk into a small warehouse space with all sorts of parts, and the room sized units, etc. They must not get customers picking up too often.

Should anyone ever be curious about how much they weigh… not much. With packing material it was a little over 50 pounds.



I had the weirdest experience getting the delivery of the second unit.

I ordered extra trays with the second Cool Cure and they were shipped to me at the same time as the CC, just in different boxes. The shipper at Cannotrol put the full value of both boxes on EACH of the two boxes.

No big deal except Im from Canada and theres duty on each box, when the duty should have been split between the two boxes or the transaction should have been treated as one box.


I`m going to email Cannatrol to see if they can help me get a refund from the broker. $478 was the duty on one box.


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Just on my first round out of it on factory settings. Consensus is the bud needs to cure some more. It’s still good but another couple weeks in jars or grove bags will help. IMO and the few people who tried it but disclaimer this is first run of this strain as well.