Cannatrol users

I’m not sure WTF is going on with those guys, but they shipped mine separately as well… when they EASILY would have fit inside the unit. That and they won’t sell 5 extra trays… only 4.

Only thing I can think is that some are already pre-packed??? and they can’t unbox to put in extra shelves?? I don’t know. Kinda crazy to me.

It seems that most weed can be cured to better condition. But you gonna sit on that stuff for the 12 months so some of these pot snobs who won’t even smoke a non-purple strain, will give you a thumbs up?
It’s up there with people who won’t eat an apple that isn’t the same shade of red as their fingernail polish.
I guess that’s the kind of people the “pot” industry wanted to create??? Went form people happy to get brick weed full of bugs, spores, pesticides, seeds, stems, and dust., to the most shallow, hard to please, entitled, and picky consumers of any product ever created.

From what I saw they were more… pre-wrapped… in sets of four, rather than actually packed.

I got the sense they could streamline their operation a bit, one of the warehouse people said something to one of their coworkers about being one short on a multi-unit order they were putting together, because of the unit I was picking up. Keep in mind I had emailed with someone and they told me I could pick it up that day. I was expecting they would be expecting me, which they clearly were not.

Holy shit that’s gotta hurt government and there money grab.

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Not even close to “snobs”. It’s simply going to need to stay in the unit for another week maybe on the hold values maybe two and re evaluate the cure. Or into grove bags for a couple weeks but I don’t have another harvest stacked up and ready to go into the Cannatrol for a few months. I don’t grow to sell but do share small amounts with a couple people. The fact the dry is perfect and the quick cure makes it ready to smoke just means it like ALL harvests can improve with a few more weeks of patience. What’s wrong with letting it getting a better cure ??


Seems when it rains it pours. Got my shipping notice today, a week before the 6 week quote. Happy so far. Still about a month out from a chop, but we’ll be testing it with what’s left from last run.
Looking forward to Saturday.

:ghost: :raccoon:


You will find that if you can let it sit on “hold” it WILL get better. The last run that I did, at 8 days was meh, now after sitting for 5 months on hold, it’s pretty wicked. The kids won’t even smoke it, they say it gets them “too high” LOL


Need a bit of help. I did my first chop today and my entire plant filled the cannatrol. I took everyones advice and got the extra shelves however when I put the buds on them I can’t put a shelf on every slot as I can’t slide the trays in as the buds are to tall. Am I doing something wrong?

I have always chopped all my buds down to nuggets, typically 1 nugget = 1 joint. I don’t leave big buds, as It’s counterintuitive to me to handle the same bud 12 times breaking pieces off to roll a joint.
Don’t know if you left large buds intact or not, that could be part of the issue, large buds are too tall and are taller than the slot spacing.

That would be it! Being my first toe growing I was excited to have giant nugs so I kept them intact! But I can use all the trays. Next run I’ll break them down into small pieces

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Do not use the very bottom slot to hold a tray of buds. The exhaust fan at the bottom creates too much airflow for the bottom slot. Those buds at the bottom will dry out far too fast. You will also want to keep the sponge and water bowl at the top.


Eh I thought everyone said to put the sponge on the bottom in earlier posts I read? I have it sitting on the very bottom black plastic

I totally get it. Being your “1st” grow, like ours, 200 moons ago, we kept all the buds intact. The in a cloud of Brain fog smoking, we kinda decided we were handling these things 10-15 times, breaking nuggets off, causing shake, losing trichomes in the bag, and said fuck it, let’s just chop it all down to nuggets. So next crop, chopped it all, and have never looked back. One thing that is nice, for me anyways, chopped down, it all dries pretty much at the same rate. Whole batch is done at once, not jarring up smalls, and keep waiting for the big buds to dry.
Chop, run thru the trimmer, onto drying racks.
Just the way I’ve always done it, and nobody seems to care there isn’t “big” buds.
Now that I’ve got a cannatrol, it’s silly, they just want more and more.
I’ve got an OZ saved for my friend coming in from Montana tomorrow plus a nice chunk of hash, he’s only going to be here for 12 days, but, he’ll smoke it all and want more, I guarantee it, LOL


It has arrived!! Hahaha

The package landed Saturday, right on time, and only a day from the end of my work week. We managed to contain our excitement for about 15 hours, and then opened 'er up. Everything looks great, and while we’d heard about the canned-air being a precaution for the exhaust tube, were surprised to see a can was included. Got that sponge good and wet, and set the default Stand-By, filling a few trays with what is left in our stash from last grow.
My only question is: Am I missing anything? It seems like the unit is working well enough, but the control-box is still reading high. (Set to 68/53, holding at 70/54 last I checked, after a few hours.)
Are we overthinking it? Either way, looking forward to the next buds we pull out, and for a proper dry cycle run in a few weeks, when we chop the current round of problem children. Haha

Anyway, hope y’all are well! Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Congratulations on the new toy! :slightly_smiling_face:


What are the temps of the room it’s in? Mine has never strayed from 68 but the humidity definitely can. These things only have roughly a 10 degree differential from room temps.

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It was at about 78 and a bit above at the time, now with the A/C running for the day it has started dropping. We heard it had those kind of limits to the actual cooling, just wondered if it was what was happening here, or we missed something in getting set up.
Thanks for dropping a line.
:ghost: :raccoon:

ETA: What’s everyone else seen in this way, as far as upper and lower limits?

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Ive got mine dropped all the way down for holding/curing my bubble hash. And mine all depends on the ambient room temperature, if it’s warm and humid, say 82 degrees, unit holds around 63, then as night comes around as temps drop, so does the unit. I’ve got it set up in the living room, so I can watch the controller and see where it runs too.


When I first got it, it was *58 in my basement and it held *67, so I moved it somewhere a bit warmer. Haven’t tested the high end as I can keep it in my basement during hot days of summer.


I can’t remember the exact details but in the instruction manual it mentions that it’ll only cool it X number of degrees. It wasn’t that much, off hand I want to say it might have been 20 degrees, but some part of me thinks it might have been less?

I’ll check in a bit.