Cannatrol users

As far as storing , I plan on a second unit… to make each cure long and ensuring that it’s insanely good every time, I know it seems overboard, but I truly see it as a humidor for a cigar VS other lesser options… I’m growing just to smoke though… not selling… unless you’re a super good friend lol and even then I’ll likely give it away if it’s a friend like that


It says it achieves a 10 degree delta from the ambient room Temps… so I assume that means it can get 10 degrees colder from the room it sits in, right?

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That’s what we saw on a re-read, too. Seems right with the differential we’re getting. So goes living in a southernish river valley.
Still got to be better than sitting in a room temp drawer in Grove bags, eh?
…not to mention no anxiety over harvest! Can’t wait to run the first dry.

:ghost: :raccoon:

Would a normal fridge once the weeds vacuum sealed at 58/60% not accomplish the same results for the long term storage period.


I don’t think it would… I mean it would store but not continue to cure and cure in the same way @ShiskaberrySavior


They show in pics it is in the bottom… have they said it’s better up top?

Here is a pic from the cannatrol website. Zoom in the cup is in the middle of the top shelf. The fan at the bottom pulls air out of the unit. It would pull the moisture out as soon as it comes out of the sponge.


Yes it does


It cures the same?

That makes sense thank you

Is that not a lock at the bottom in the above pic? I had asked about a lock but was told there was none. Not gonna lie I’m sold on one but still don’t think I’ll own one, at least not in the near future as it’s just not in my cards financially…. So far from it it makes me sick! I have 3 considerably cheaper things I need first then I’m going to save up my dimes and nickels even if it takes 5 years! I know exactly what I want and where I want to be now (first time in 8-10 years no joke) it’s just acquiring shit now


Mine has a lock at the bottom. It is similar to an older freezer lock. I have a medical patient I grow for, they are the only reason I have a cannatrol. Without them and their donation for each grow I would not have one for myself.


Awesome, good on you for doing that @SEMOActivist and props on obtaining one, truly :facepunch:t2: maybe one day…. :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Mine has a lock but to be honest it wouldn’t stop a toddler… all it would take is 1 good yank… and poof… glass broken and lock on ground… as far as I can see anyway


We should do like an og lottery where 1600 people put 1 dollar in… at least American because of the differences in money value…

And winner pays shipping… and gets a cannatrol…or 800 people put 2 dollars in… I’ve seen OG accomplish more and easy!!


That’s actually an amazing idea ! Probs only way many would obtain one anytime soon. Awesome


Oh, I’m on board!
It’d definitely be cool to someone who can’t afford one, get one. Especially if it was me…or TST! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Or start a go fund me cannatrol fund so I can have great buds. Lol


Ran my second 4/4 cycle through. The hay smell is so bad. My first run is now 18 days in a grove bag and still smells like hay. Hoping this will eventually change. Grabbed two machines really hoping this would help me out but so far it smells worse then the worst bud at my dispensary’s

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First… rest easy that it’s not the machine. If it was, it woulda failed and all of us would be complaining.

Second, you haven’t said if you break open the buds or grind them. If it still smells of hay… then YOU messed something up, not the machine. The genetics may suck, something about your nutrients schedule is causing lots of chlorophyl to build up and not break down during the curing.
The machines are known for locking in the smell, but usually once transferred to grove bags, they will off gas those terps. What temp are you storing the grove bags?

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