Cannatrol users

Tried some freeze-dried from a local dispo about a year ago. Picked it up because the price was right, then figured what the hell when we heard it had been processed that way. Same as @Kgrim said, it dusted as soon as you touched it, and was a real headache to roll with.
That bud only dropped in price til it was gone.

Gonna be running some that won’t get a “proper” flush, from RDWC, here in about a week and some change, being in a tight position otherwise. Will report on that smoke here, for sure.

:ghost: :raccoon:

ETA: Remember Astronaut Ice Cream? Hahaha. That’s what that bud reminded us of


So it could be temp my basement varies between 66* when lights are out in various rooms and low 70s when they are on.

I have one room that can maintain like 69-70* and 66RH all the time so I’ll move both my cannatrols there instead of in the warmer room.

I did not do a flush at all. Is that advised? Is that just feeding pure water before? For how long? I have 15 more coming down within 1-2 weeks and don’t want to fuck up as they all smell so good….

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:rofl: :rofl: “but I can build one better out of shoe strings and empty pop cans” :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart: :kissing_heart:

I have never seen or tried freeze dried buds like that but I couldnt resist the dig at the braggarts.

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I trim all fans and larger leaf while plant in pot , day before harvest . Hang 2 days as buds on Indy stems . Buck buds off stems day 2 tight trim all buds , large buds broken down .

I do not flush its 100 percent bro science

What I meant was you might be feeding way too much N in flower causing lots of green mass . Don’t know how you feed . My ladies see no N after week 5 of flower , mostly gone by week 4 .

The machine is not your issue . It will stay at 68 f if room is in the 70s , has a 19 degree difference I have found , maybe 15 if humidity is low . What I meant was if your buds were drying in above 70 f temps you lost terps

Freeze dried buds suck , crumble like shit dispo bud , ever smoke a joint of powder ??
Hard pass for me


I’ll try to chop fans before cutting down then hang two days first and see how that goes.

I feel megacrop 1 part and Bud explosion per the label… not sure how to tell if to much n. I’d there anything you can add in feeding to kill the n off before harvest? Or to help eat the chlorophyll?

If the room the cannatrol is in goes over 85F the terps are gone? If I gotta run my A/C to run the cannatrol that’s a bummer.

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Hmmm I have to agree with jetdro… not sure on flushing… as I have not done a side by side yet on that… but I did it just to be sure no extra uneeded nutes remain and I’d think it would help diminish the extra N … would it not @Jetdro ?

I mean… after spending 1600… I’d almost give the cannatrol its own frigging bed bro… it’s such a small enough machine it can literally fit in any room… even a closet with an open door… so unless you live outside… I’d think it’s going to be ok lol


while you’re here. what’s the deal with temperatures and the cannatrol? i think i read the thing can only get like 10 degrees below outside room temps? or am i mistaken?

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That is what cannatrol claims… but it apparently will do even lower… like 15 degree delta from ambient room temps @shade

Most people run their Temps for living between 72 and 75 degrees F . So if it’s inside the house… which is totally easily doable in any situation… it is no issue… I’d never put it in a garage… or some outside shed… just because it’s too nice… too pretty of a machine… and small enough there’s truly no need to worry about space

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one more.

is it like you set option 1 to an 8 day dry and then another option setting to 8-30 day cure? or do you just manually change it when the time comes?

I think you’re asking if you can have multiple schedules… no… you set the dry stage and cure stage… for up to 99 days… dry I set for 4 days… cure I set to 99. But if u want to change u can pause… make a change and resume

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thanks, i can’t afford one right now but i look forward to the day i can. :+1: i can’t even keep my house cool enough, i have to wait til october to do a seed run.


Oh yeah I see… Temps deffo are on the rise and it’s getting harder… what about in the basement ?

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i don’t have one. every penny i save will be to fix up a grow room so I’ve got a long way to go. that seperated part of my house is dilapidated, already replaced the roof and walls, still have to rip out and replace the floor and whatnot. so i’ll have a medium/small grow room with a lung room for a good air conditioner and i could put the cannatrol there.

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Ahhh yeah man that would do very nice!!

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Brother my living room won’t stay under 80 even with the A/C on this time of year :joy:

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:joy: if shit keeps heating up man we will all be in a bad way with those things

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Flush is bullshit , gonna starve the plant its last 2,or 3 weeks , when it needs nutes the most , yeah that’s brilliant , lol . Think plant flush’s itself in nature???

@ifish can maybe Splain it I don’t care to , too tired right now , been a long night , lol