Cannatrol users

Will do 15 degree shift here


My Cannatrol landed today. Earlier than I expected. The packaging is fantastic. It was discreet and the little things like how they folded over the tape so you could remove it was a nice touch.
My harvest is a ways out so I’m putting in some older bud to see if it rejuvenates it.
The machine is better than I thought and I can’t wait to put it through it’s paces.


Man everyone is buying one I’m feeling left out.

Santa’s a long ways away still and I really haven’t been good so the chances are getting slimmer I’m gonna get one.


Thing is a gimmick , just a cheap wine cooler setup you can make for 200 bucks or less



Just add humidity control and raspberry pi and get-r-done!


Mint! Thanks for the link.

Broke AF

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Show us yours.


They can’t


Yeah I have a guy here mad as a wet hen when I called him on it and he cries to mods all the time. Funny watching that type getting exposed.

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Dude…I’m still throwin’ mine in with the taters in the bottom of the fridge.


Out of curiosity… with loud flower does the Cool Cure contain the smell at all, or not so much?


So long as you keep it closed no smell for me.


I haven’t put anything loud in it yet… that’s coming up at some point. But, you can smell around the seal and catch a whif. I do not smell it walking in the room.
Now Mr Grow It, on youtube, did say he could smell it during the initial dry process. I’m sure he’s growing much louder strains than what I have going right this second.


Lol I’ll take your word for it… I’m going organic next anyway…


Just put 711 wet grams in ours last night for the maiden cycles. Default settings, no day long hang dry.
So far, only smell I’ve noticed was when my face was literally on the seal around the door, while wiping it down.
Not a particularly loud crop, but it is in our bedroom and no problem.
Will be posting a report and pictures in 8 days or so.

Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


Add the sponge on day 2, you should typically have to empty the condensate tray 3-4 times thru the dry phase, then it’s pretty much balanced out, and you’ll be in the “cure” phase. I’ve got mine set up in the living room, and the wife hasn’t ever said a word about any smell. The key to remember, is it does mute the smell. It’s not like what you’re used to with normal dry/cure. You’ll notice it once you break up a bud, and letting it sit in a Grove bad to final cure. I’ve got some that has been in Grove bags for around 9 months now, and what hardly smelled when it came out of the Cannatrol, is pretty loud now. It only takes a couple minutes to stink up the house.
Good luck on your 1st run in your Trol, and welcome to the owners family!!!


I have my Cannartrol in the basement. I added a longer drain hose and run it into the floor drain. After each run I take the hose off and blow it out with the can of air.

I used a dehumidifier drain hose.


I’ve had some pretty loud strains go thru mine, and you could really only smell it a couple feet away, and that was mostly the first few days, and it was the condensation tray smelling, it smelled good enough to drink, LOL.
My wife hasn’t said a word about smell, and my parents, who have noses like bloodhounds didn’t mention a word sitting 3 ft from it.


Wow. After hearing, if I remember correctly, Dave mention that this beast is capable of 4 days and ready to smoke, cure for as long as you like after, we took samples from the harvest last night, 4 days in, only an hour into the “cure”- and… Just wow. The difference even in the last harvest remainder we had in there for a couple weeks on standby by (after a traditional hang and cure in Grove bags back in Jan/Feb) is truly remarkable.
The terps are all there. The burn is even and consistent. The manual break up is a joy, and it gets louder as you go. The buds aren’t even flat sided like we heard.
We are thoroughly impressed, and so stoked to see how much it will develop and improve with a nice long cure in there before Grove bags and jars.

If there was any doubt in the back of our minds, a matter of draining a pan a few times over 4 days and the results we found last night have completely negated them.

Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


Man I till say the magic is in the longer cure … you’ll be blown the hell away by it… I’ll never do a 4 day again in other words lol, not that it is bs. it’s just soooo much better after say at least 30 days