Cannatrol users

Oh, I can imagine, @Terpsnpurps - but only barely, and I have a hell of an imagination! We’re looking forward to it, when this staggered harvest is over and everything’s dry, as much as we can fit is going right back in there from the temporary homes the early buds will have in jars and Grove Bags.
Just still blown away by how streamlined and efficient it makes such a tedious, sensitive aspect of the grow.

Stay up!


Hi All,

First post, just ordered mine. Really hoping it works out, I’m not the best at drying/curing. Just looking for a consistent way to get good results. Praying that it is shipped discreetly.
I had a few questions maybe someone could kindly answer (this seems like a great group after reading through it and convinced me to make the purchase). Could someone please give me the (outside) dimensions of the cannatrol? When checking the website I was able to find conflicting information. One page I found just says 23x25x33 and I found another place that says height 28.25" x Width 17.75" x depth 20.5".
Edit: I see that Mr. Grow It has the dimensions as height 28.25" x Width 17.75" x depth 20.5" on his site, so I’m assuming that’s correct (I hope so, otherwise going to be a time making it fit :smiley:)
Also wondering if anyone has set up the machine in a typically high humidity environment? (~75%)
Thank you to anyone for help


My humidity environment is 65 plus… not sure if that helps… but I’d think if it was 70 plus it would do fine… although… I’d suggest a dehumidifier just in case… @THCforSanity . Also welcome to the site !! :herb:


Trust me… it’s a game changer… I’m convinced that longer cures are better. Insanely better :joy:

I totally agree here… the cannatrol I bought before I grew my 1st plant… and I waited until I finally was successful to use it… I did NOT want to play with curing on top of a years worth of failing and learning growing… but oh my God once we got to use the cannatrol… it was like yes!!! We made the right decision!!! Still feels good to have it even though currently I’m not growing… I still have bud in it curing lol


I’ve had some pretty humid days here, 80-95% and it holds pretty steady. Temps will fluctuate depending on ambient air temp.
Welcome to the Owners Club, and welcome to OG, The Greatest Show on The Interweb!!!


Thank you guys for the responses. I’ll keep an eye on the surrounding humidity, I’ve got a dehumidifier just in case. I’m really excited for it to come in. I’ve got some about ready, maybe 2 weeks away and a bunch more I’d like to throw in to finish curing. Not even going to mention it to my wife, hoping she is at work when it arrives. I saved up all year for it, I feel like I deserve it. I’ll be giving y’all updates on how it goes with everything. From what the site says about shipping from time of purchase they should be shipping it around Friday. I’m working on creating a space for it. Going to also run tubing to a bucket so I don’t need to dump the tray.


Well now you’ve jinxed yourself!
You’re so busted. :rofl:


Leaving yourself open to black mail with those words . By the way what’s your phone number ? Lol


Almost two days into the second Dry Cycle, the first full Kg recommended max weight. It was a tight fit, but we managed to get everything on the six trays that came with. Definitely considering an order for more trays in the future.
It’s a damn fine feeling being able to smoke on cured bud that came off a plant that was still growing, being able to stagger our harvest easier, and having peace of mind that so much will be set and forget- what lowers were left to hang are of pretty little concern and will mostly get decarbed or frozen for hash. We saw a yield of 23.7+% with our first run at default settings. Dense, sticky, terp-explosion-upon-break-up-as-advertised, not over dried at all!
Our typical ambient through out was 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit with an RH of 55-65%.
Fully loaded you definitely get a feel for how much it contains the smell- Open it to check on the sponge and you may want to file an assault charge for what happens to your nose. Hahaha!
Again, thanks for helping us pull the trigger on this, and for anyone who can take the hit, do it now and thank yourself later when it’s paid for itself in time.

Stay up!

:ghost: :raccoon:

Also- Not sure who I saw mention their wife betting them to drink the discharge on here. Maybe @Kgrim ? Anyway, I mentioned it to my partner when we had our first emptying come up, and I wound up taking a shot. HAHA! Not bad for dank water- more like weak cannabis tea than bong water, that’s for damn sure!


Yes, it was my wife, LOL
Glad you pulled the trigger & picked one up.
There are those who will knock and criticize you for spending the money. But, once you experience a full run, YOU understand why you spent the money, they are still left in the dark.
I was lucky enough that my wonderful wife surprised me with mine. I had a damn nice dry room that I spent a pretty penny on getting it dialed in, and it worked great, except the fact that I had to keep checking on it, sometimes upwards of 5 times a day. Then smalls finished at a different rate than regular sized buds, the worry factor of “is it dry enough” “did I miss my window and it’s too dry”
Truly set it and forget it is the greatest aspect of the Trol. Other than emptying the tray, I no longer have to worry about a damn thing. Adjust the settings to your liking, hit start, walk away.
All buds, smalls, regular size, and large, will all have the same moisture content, no more picking thru smalls early, then Reg, then large as they all dried at different rates.
@Jetdro was on the fence about getting one, we had quite a few talks, and I answered a lot of questions, which I don’t mind at all. If you read back, he bought some Inkbirds, set a room up with A/C, dehumidifier, humidifier and got it all dialed in, and low and behold, his jaw dropped at his electric bill, trying to keep a room constant as the Trol does, costs a pretty penny. He bought one, and hasn’t looked back, he loves his as much as I love mine, and you too after a few runs, will love yours also.
A couple things to keep in mind, even if you set your “dry” cycle for days, after the 4th day, it’s equalized and you’ve entered the cure phase. The cure phase is where it will really shine, especially if you can go 30+ days. I had a strain that was “meh Ok” after the & day run, 4 months later, and my oh my, what a true difference, it tastes amazing, and the it will kick you in the nads now, the kids won’t even smoke any of it now, say it gets them “too high” .
Also, if you haven’t tried Grove Bags, I highly suggest them, in conjunction with the Trol, you’ll be smoking the best tasting buds to that ever came out of your garden.
Enjoy your Cannatrol as much as we have, welcome to being an owner, and remember, if you’re not sure, ask questions, we will gladly answer them and help any way we can.


Can someone give me the exact dimensions of the box it is shipped in?
Lol, don’t ask.


@blowdout2269 its about 3” larger than the dimensions of the unit.

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Thanks bro.
So outta likes

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Mine had a styrofoam top and bottom, strapped, and wrapped in heavy duty “laminate” cardboard.
Don’t know if they are using the same material, but should sti have a foam top and bottom.
Are getting one???

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Not for a hot minute. But I wouldn’t be having it shipped to this state, lol.

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Have your local hydro/grow shop order it for you and have it shipped to them. You then pick it up yourself. I did this for alot of stuff I was too paranoid to have sent directly to my house. They will need to charge you their markup im sure, but you are paying for peace of mind.

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That’s funny.

Finally put my unit to work… I have some Triks auto from Twenty20 I took down the other morning (it was raining and the plant was wet so I hung dry it for 24 hours in a room with a dehumidifier going). Can’t wait to try the finished product in a week or so.

Kinda wish I had the coin to buy two because I have a feeling I’m gonna be running this thing all-out for the next few months.


It’s happening! :laughing: my shipping is showing that it should arrive Saturday. I’m so excited I can barely contain my excitement.


Me too! You made sure to put my address down correctly, right? :joy:
Congrats! :tada::confetti_ball::balloon: