Cannatrol users

Wow, it’s pretty cool to watch the thread grow!!!
What started as around I believe 5 or 6 of us owners back in February, has grown to it looks around 15 owners now and gaining more. When I started this thread I would have never thought it would get close to 740 replies.
The one nice thing, the “naysayers” and “trash talkers” have been very few, and they have stayed away. The few that have, were squashed pretty quick, and the “I can build one with a wine cooler” haven’t come in to show us they’re great invention yet.
There are going to be haters, there always is on any subject, but it’s been at a minimum, which is why I love OG!!!
Those that have them know. Those of you who have just gotten one, or soon to be getting their order, you’ll soon find out why we love the machine.
Thanks to all the owners for answering questions, sharing tips, and keeping the discussion alive.
Those of you who are just getting theirs, or about to get theirs, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask questions if you have any. The longer owners will surely answer them and help you out any way they can.
Congrats to all the “new” owners, and hope all have a GREAT outdoor harvest this season!!!


Yes :grin:

I’d get one yesterday but for the price & I’m planning to move back to the continent & shipping is not cheap.


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was considering one of these. i pull down plants every 3 to 7 days for a month or more at a time. it seems like you need to load your whole crop at once. how does it work in this instance? can you just put more in every few days?

Per the instructions you aren’t supposed to do that, but I’d think you could set a custom 7 day cycle (4 drying, 3 curing) and then cure more outside the machine?

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if i just dry a day or two outside the cannatrol, will it cure the bud the way i need? i need something i can just drop plants/bud into in serial and get a cure.

I’m gonna have to defer to someone else, this is my first go with the coolcure. If you dunk/wash you’re supposed to hang dry for a day first anyway… personally I pulled some plants that were wet so I hung dry them for 24 hours in a room with a dehumidifier.

From what people have said it sounds like the default settings (4 dry/4 cure) are smokable, but a longer cure in the machine is better.

@splinter7 it is not advisable to add fresh material once the cycle has started. The owner goes into detail about this in the videos on the website. Now, if you want to hang for a couple days, then put in for the cycle, there is nothing wrong with that. It will be just fine.
Buds are smokeable after the 4 day day, 4 day cure cycle, but they always get better the longer they cure. After the 4th day on the dry cycle, buds have equalized the moisture and your into the cure phase.
Per the owner/inventor it Doesn’t matter if you set it for a 5 day or 10 day dry, by the 4th day, moisture levels in the buds are equalized and into the cure phase. There are quite a few informative videos on the website and on their YouTube channel, they explain a lot for anyone that has questions.
I’ve ditched jars and gone with Grove Bags and will never go back, bags work and do exactly what they say they do.
After an 8 day run, 4 dry/4 cure and into bags, 10 months later, the smoke is smooth as silk, stinky as all hell when the bag is opened, and damn potent, and the nice thing his, I didn’t have to worry about burping jars all the time. From the Cannatrol into bags, store in my stash spot, get to them when I get to them.


@Kgrim Do you heat seal your grove bags? Is there a specific temp you store your curing bud in the grovebags? Just wondering as I near this years outdoor grows harvest. I would like to be prepared.

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How was the 420 deal???

@Blackbeard I haven’t heat sealed them, but have the ability to do so. I don’t store them in a controlled environment, just a cupboard in the basement, and take a bag out as needed. I only use the OZ bags, don’t see a use in using anything larger, since if it’s larger, you have to open them all the time to grab a joint or 2, and I feel larger bags kinda defeat the purpose in my case.
I’m just about out of everything in Grove Bags from last years harvest (9 months ago), and have kept them sitting in the cupboard, and they are fine for my liking. I probably should have heat sealed them, but seeing as it was my 1st year using them, wanted to try them and see what would happen.
After 9 months, it’s still stinky, sticky, and potent. This year, I’ll probably hear seal them, as I’ve already tried the “not” method and see what it’s like after 9 months of sitting.

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@Jetdro??? The growers cup???

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I do not heat seal mine, store at 52F in a Jenn Aire wine fridge .
I exclusively use the 1/4 pound bags, the oz too small for me, 1/4 works for an oz or 5 oz’s.

Yes, @Kgrim the CUP???

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Oh dude, what a great time!!! I haven’t smoked that much, that many different kinds, and been that stoned in 30 years, LOL!!!
I WILL be going again next year, and probably camping for the weekend. Tons of buds, hash, dabs, free seeds, swag, a few large breeders, awesome people, great food, overall, a damn fine time. I should have taken Ranger, but it was my 1st time and wanted to scope it out, he’ll probably be going with me next year though, as there is a nice spring Fed pond for him to romp around in. Nice little private campground, off the road, quiet, and peaceful. No bugs, except for flys, but they weren’t bad at all.
This will take place of my annual MIS NASCAR trip that I no longer go to.


@Kgrim Thanks for the response. I have a bunch of grove bags. I also have a few pound grove bags. I’m not sure how things will go. My harvest will be staggered and I can store in grove bags at any temp using my temp controlled beer fridge. I have some cbd that is nearing harvest and will be my first run in the cannatrol. Pretty excited to run it. I don’t smoke as much as I used to so I’m wondering, after everything’s all caught up drying I will take it all out of the grove bags and just use the cannatrol to hold it. Guess it’s yet to be seen until I get to that point.

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Ill try n neet up with you for it next year.

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Any bud you sampled as good or better than what you grow??? @Kgrim

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Not a problem. Personally, I wouldn’t take it out of the Grove bags, since they supposedly “breath” and if you do, I would put it in paper bags as suggested by Cannatrol for storage in the box.


Gotcha. Makess sense.

if you store in Cannatrol, use paper bags , lunch bags open top . There is no difference in 30 day Cannatrol bud and 30 day in Grove @ 52%F that i can see, taste, or smell. I use the unit to dry only, the Jenn Air to store in Groves

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Oh yeah, there was some pretty tasty smoke to be toked on, and it was ALL day long!!! I missed the Friday night adventures, and just as we were leaving Saturday night, the Mushrooms were busted out, but I took some earlier in the day, :grin:
I was going to partake again that night, but had to drive 1 1/2 hours and had the kids and the Grand Prix with me, plus I was still pretty fricking stoned, LOL