Cannatrol users

Then it makes sense just to keep everything in the grove bags. I might try both ways to see which I like better. Then figure it out from there.


@Jetdro, where are you at in your runs??? Gonna be starting a new run soon??? Got some Humboldt Seed Co Fems I’d like to send to ya to try out. 1 I REALLY like, Pistachio, has a real good tasty start, that turns into a rich, nutty, old school (think late 70’s Columbian) taste with a very nice buzz, and Hibiscus. I haven’t tried Hibiscus yet, but have heard nothing but good things about it, especially the taste.


I am loaded up. Big flower tnet is at week 9 on right, week 5 on left. Smaller one is at week 5 also .

Have GMO, ChemD, Lumpy, and Giesel getting huge and ready to take the 9 week side the second it comes down. Have cuts already for the smaller tent.

Then i have 6 more “elite” clones to hunt through so im full up ATM ! @Kgrim

You shoulkd run my Wc n Lost Cap when your ready…


@Blackbeard this is half the fun of owning a Cannatrol. Experimenting, after 8 days, it’s all about what’s going to work for you in the long cure, which buds will just get better.
No more worrying, no more checking 20 times a day, is it too wet, did I get it too dry?? After a run, no more burping jars, checking moisture levels, worrying and checking AGAIN. Run a cycle, bag it, smoke it, or let it cure longer, in the bags, or in the Trol. I’ve found that it’s good after a 4 day dry, 4 day cure, but, gets WAY better the longer it sits.
You’re about to experience the easiest, hassle, worry free, dry/cure there is, and, have tasty weed to boot!!!


I LOVE the look of that Wc x Lost Cap, and would LOVE to run some!!! I bet it would wash wickedly well!!! I haven’t done a full grow yet indoors since I rebuilt my rooms. Redid Everything from the ground up. New lights, timers, exhaust, controllers, the whole 9 yards.
It’s just that the out door runs have done me so well the last 4-5 years, I haven’t really needed to fire them up. I’m still washing last years monster crop, and have only tried 3 of 11 strains so far. This hash just seems to smoke forever in the pipes I’ve got, LOL
I fill one up with probably 1/2 gram, and literally smoke on it for a week, week and a half, and am stoned all the time.


Yeah It seems like the Cnnatrol takes all the worrying and messing with the drying conditions. I had my share of hassles with my drying setup. The cannatrol seemed so worth it after reading this thread and seeing others positive results on the web. Plus, I will not miss smelling my plants while drying from outside my house in the street. That always had me worried that I would get busted.


@Blackbeard I was lucky and my wife bought mine as a surprise after I mentioned it. She ALWAYS complained come harvest time, carbon filter or not, the basement would smell. I’ve got mine in the living room, and haven’t heard a peep out of her. My mom and dad came down for a visit, and moms was 3 feet away, and didn’t smell a thing.
You’ll be just as happy as the rest of us are. @Jetdro and I had many talks about it, and he was on the fence, then bought one. He hasn’t regretted it like myself, one bit.
Folks knock it because it’s not exactly “inexpensive” but my time and especially my sanity are worth more to me than money, even though the wife bought mine. I’ll probably be adding a 2nd one for this years harvest I like mine that much.


@Kgrim Yes the units are pricey but I never could understand how people could spend thousands on a grow set up, lights ect. Build out a grow room, spend money on good genetics and then be cheap on one of the most important part of the grow. I will not miss fussing and running around during drying. Actually going out for a few days during they dry seems like a dream. I really can’t wait to try it out. I did put some old dried out bud in the Cannatrol and It brought back the moisture. It still was pretty bad but better than it was.I was impressed by that alone.


I just went through and trimmed off some sugar leaf I missed when I put the batch in to the dry cycle, plus removed some stems I left on. Couldn’t resist snagging a small bud before putting the batch back in for the cure cycle… very pleased with the moisture level. Can’t wait to see what the machine can do with more time (next batch should be able to stay in for a longer cure).



Using my Trol to cure up my hash also.
older conglomeration of jarred stuff. Probably 5 strains mixed into the batch.
And a couple from last year.
I’m finding it works well for me drying it after pulling it from the freezer. Gets it to a texture like sand if you try and break it up, and full melt. You really get an understanding of “bubble” when best hits it, unless I press it out with a hot bottle.
Not only am I sold on it for flower, I’m really liking it for bubble hash also.


Hey guys,

This is the first part of my review/experience, I am still testing it out. I just wanted to give my opinion so far and I’m also looking for any constructive feedback.

I was able to get it delivered while my wife was at work. :tada: It was discreetly packaged which I was thankful for. The UPS guy tried to deliver it to another person (they always mess it up), so thankful for the packaging (just said “delicate instrument” on the box). The box was about 50 pounds, a good bit larger than the unit. Lots of protection in the packaging, very well packaged.

After rearranging a lot of stuff in my space and failing a lot of times trying to put it on a shelf, I finally built a small table to fit into the spot I wanted it to go. The machine is front heavy beware, you can’t have much hanging off the front. I made sure the table was tall enough for a 5 gallon bucket to go under (3/8" tubing worked great for the drain). I was barely able to get it done before she got home. :sweat_smile:

As far as testing goes so far:
I had a lot of stuff that was still curing in grove bags and I threw it all in. I made sure to test everything before adding it in. They were all at different days of curing, from just a week to more than 30 days.

After two days curing on factory settings I sampled each one and it was obvious that it was working, but could taste that it needed more time. At this point the terps were already “sealed”, so it did not smell like before when they were volatilizing into the air. Like everyone says though when you grind it up the smell is back.
After four days, checked again and I was getting a lot more flavor.
5 days in and even better, I was actually surprised by one. I thought I messed it up, but it had a good flavor (maybe it fixed it?)
This in itself is an amazing feat. Being that smooth and ready in such a short amount of time is astounding.

I am about to fill it full, about ready🔬. I’m sad I’ll have to stop curing what is in it for a bit. I’ll be back with the full results on that one.

As far as I can tell, it works exactly as advertised giving loads of control. The surrounding high humidity outside of the box wasn’t a problem, it had seemingly no effect. Using other devices I was able to confirm what the machine was showing me. It appears to be very accurate.

You do get a quality product for the price, but I do wish, now that they have essentially captured a new market, that they could offer larger models for around the same price and bring the price on this smaller one down.

Before buying it my biggest fear/concern with using this method and appears to be some of the concern I’ve seen around is loosing the smell of the bud.
You do get this back when you grind it up, so if you are really concerned with what I would call “smell appeal” you can just grind some up and put it in the jar with the buds and it is fine.

Honestly, I really do like to smell it. If I were to buy some from a dispensary I’d probably shop with my nose.
I’ve read where some who would prefer to keep the (outside) smell use this machine to dry, then trim, then use grove bags. That really slows it down though and you don’t get the preserving seal. I’d try it though.

I will run some experiments. Hearing put grove bags in it, but that seems like your only using it as a fridge at that point.

I’d like to hear anyone chime in if they have adjusted the cure cycle to retain more outside smell. I know this would mean that you are loosing terps, but that would actually be more appealing to some people.

I’ll probably be happy with just grinding it up for the smell. Also seeing some say they have smell after curing using the machine. Does it just take longer? I’ll leave it in a month if I need to. I mean with one bud I can’t smell much of anything, but if I fill up a mason jar it’s there just very muted.
Don’t get me wrong the seal is a good thing and lack of powerful (before ground up) smell can actually be a great thing too.

Sorry for such a long read, hope it helps someone make a decision/further the topic.

Thank you guys for any feedback


I chopped My Doomsday Diesel Cbd plant yesterday. I did a bud wash and loaded up the Cannatrol. Decided to use the factory settings since this is the first run in the unit.
It filled up all 6 trays. In less than 24 hours it already removed 3/4 of a cup of water. It’s nice not having to run around checking on the plants. The unit is very quiet and there’s virtually no smell at all in the room it’s in. Excited to see how the final product comes out.


I’d say seal them in… rather than let the terps gas off like that… I know some people like the loud smell initially but they haven’t had a chance to see it any other way… I’d let them take the Pepsi challenge before letting them Make uneducated decisions… i believe putting Grove bags in the cannatrol would be detrimental to the process of curing


I need to experiment more… with round 1 I really liked the flower I sampled when I did a final trim before starting the cure cycle, but when it came out of cure after the default 4 days… it wasn’t bad by any means but I feel like I could do better. I have it sitting in a container hoping it’ll improve with time.

I would’ve put it back in the machine but I needed to move on to round 2. For round 2 I set a 5 day dry and 7 day cure.


I did a 4 and 4 … then went straight to extremely long cures… I’m now at day 92 of curing… the bud was chopped early though so it’s so so… don’t get me wrong it’s good but as a grower… we are pickier than the rest… I want perfection if I can achieve it… I love that you’re doing widespread tests… I look forward to seeing what you find. I’m loving the machine and I almost never want to take my bud out of it… I’m hoping to make my buds way more dense and frosty with a grow I don’t have to chop early… but I have so much to learn and figure out on the growing side… but … thats why I’m here lol
I can honestly say though… the longer in the machine the better… that’s just my opinion but again I’m pretty particular as you all are I’m sure… I think the Real differences will come from Settings more than anything… more moisture colder temps less moisture warmer temps up to 68 ish… and on and on… I’m sure there’s more magic to be found and I have 100 percent faith we at OG along with the friends at other places high and low will get it done and quick @yardgrazer


@yardgrazer I had to do 4 & 4 then Grove Bag because my outdoor run last year was crazy huge.
The longer cure is definitely where it’s at. Pulled a bag out of the basement cabinet after 9 months, and literally stunk up the whole house in a couple minutes.
The last plant to come down was the longest I’ve let one sit in the Trol. It was meh after a 4 & 4, but, after 30 days was great, after 4 months was wicked, the kids won’t even smoke it, they say it gets them “too high” LOL
I take an OZ to my niece every couple of weeks, and her co workers aren’t allowed to smoke any before or during work because they get stupid and can’t work, LOL
You’ll find if you can let it sit in the Trol longer, it only gets better the longer it sits.


Well put my friend, @Kgrim in fact I need to try some 90 day… I finally hit over 90 the other day… haven’t tried it yet but I’m thinking today’s the day. Hope you’re all having a good 1 :herb:

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like i have said before its not the trol , its time that is doing the curing . Same results achieved in Groves at proper temps and humidity.

i have found 10 days is the trols sweet spot , it has done its business and i move to Groves .

DOES NOT MATTER how you set your dry , 4 days or 34 days , IT WILL DO THE SAME THING . Truth is in 48 hours all excess water is gone , why tray no longer needs to be emptied. In 4 days ALL excess water has been removed , setting longer cure does nothing , nothing!

Same with cure and hold , doesnt matter , they use exact same settings.

Cannatrols magic happens in first 48 hours of the dry . THAT IS WHAT i bought it for . To rid me of the GIANT HASSLE WE ALL go through drying n burping .

Yes , leaving bud in it makes the bud nicer , of course it does , its called curing , we did it way before the trol. IF bud is stored at 58 to 62 percent and at 60 F and less , IT CURES. What cannatrol does , just at high end of 68 F cause thats all it can really hold well in sone climates and under 70 F you will not lose terps . Over 70 F storage you lose taste n smell n texture daily !

Run back to back , no difference after 10 days whether its left in trol or pur in Groves at 58 humidity and 52F …NONE i actually like it better in the Groves to be honest .

If u keep in unit to cure , put in paper lunch bags open too keep sponge wet

Do not store in Groves in the Cannatrol


@Jetdro so…what is the difference with grove bags in the trol and grove bags in your wine fridge?


wine fridge does not control water vapor

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