Cannatrol users

Still struggling. Got 2 cannatrols running that are full. I had them set for a 9day dry / 9day cure. I just finished the 9 day dry portion this morning and my RH is 62% in there, not one stem is dry enough to “snap” yet, they just crack,

Should I let them both continue on through the cure or go back to a dry cycle? @Jetdro you seem to be the pro, any insight you can chime in with? Thanks! Maybe my settings elsewhere are off?

First off , to make her work PROPER , ya gotta wet trim tight , buck all buds from stems , load it with CLEAN BUD broken down to its individual buds if you understand what i mean .

Look here is mine , 4 day “dry” , now on day 2.5 of “cure” .

Im not going to endlessly repeat myself , read above what i wrote earlier today about machine .

Your at “cure” water vapor levels in 2 to 4 days , your not drying 9 days , no matter WHAT YOU SET IT TO . 2 days bud has given up 90 percent of its water to the machine .

You need to break into branchs , at least pull all fans , and HANG FOR 24 to 48 hours BEFORE putting in machine . Buck off stems , break to indy buds , tight trim the bud of all leqf .

Im smoking Tahoe Og from a plant harvested 7 days ago and its superb , tasty , and could sell at a shop at this point alteady .

One last time , how i do it , anyone can refer to it here .

Day fore chop i pull all fans and big leaf . Morning of chop i chop , break to indy branch’s wash then hang for 24 to 48 hours .
I then break into indy buds off branchs and wet trim it all tight . When it comes out of machine its all DONE😎 No piles of dry trim , but no weeks of trimming either . WIN

Jam it tight ON ONE LAYER on trays . Set 4 day dry 4 day cure , i let it “cure” , lol , for 6 days so 10 days in machine

My machine is set to 66F and cure and hold points of 51.8


Thats how all my buds went in , no large stems, all bucked. I did not hang dry for a day though. At this point Ill just leave it be and hope humidity drops a bit more so they’ll snap.

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if you removed stems whats gonna snap ?
Nothing on my trays to “snap”

Drop your cure and hold settings to 51.8 or 51.7 if you want lower rh . HERE , mine is set to 51.8 and produces about 60 % bud in 8 days or so , when pulled n bagged n tested . I then Grove it down to 58 and cure in my cooler .After Cannatrol i find about 3 weeks cure time at 58 % and 52F gives me bud im after . Took months before to achive same results


Ooh you Cannatrol boys and gals really got me fiending for this machine. The boolsheet I’m doing to try and chase ideal temps and rh for a proper dry and cure and I’ve only nailed it once this year by luck because conditions were perfect. I need this machine. I unfortunately currently suffer from NEF syndrome. (Not enough funds). Maybe I can get rid of some breeder packs somewhere because I’d seriously consider letting some tightly held packs go in a fund raising effort. :smirk:


SNAP is not a Cannatrol thing, that is legacy bro science, just like it doesn’t do 60/60.


Curious how you get your groves down once in them. I usually toss my buds in when rooms around 60% and they tend to hang there in the grove bags. Do you use bovada packs?

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Boveda defeats whole entire purpose of the Groves.

I pull it out, put in a QT zip lock with meter, let stabilize an hour or so. If too low, blow in bag, seal it till it comes up to 58 and holds. If too high , pour it out on my big wooden tray and let it air out down to 58. Takes a few hours to stabilize a full machine’s worth, but once at 58 and holding, into my cooler, and it stays there.


Totally agree with you on the Bovedas. After my experience with them a few years ago, I’ll NEVER use them ever again. They are a terp stealing waste of money. The kids just opened 2 jars from 2021’s crop, one with a Boveda, one without, same strain, same quart size jar. That thing took so much of taste away it’s crazy. The side by side test is where you’ll see it. Sure, they MIGHT keep the jar at 58% or whatever they state, but the non bagged jar tasted better, broke up just fine and actually smoked better.


The Groves were invented to be an option to Boveda, NOT used with it.

Groves rules, plain n simple, anyone that says they do not is not smart nuff to correctly use the bag’s


Yup I love the example of the wet trim … that’s exactly how I did it. For the most space possible. It seemed to be ideal so I’ll be sticking with that. Groves sound cool I’ll have to try them in the future, thanks for tediously explaining things thoroughly buddy… I know that the people appreciate it.

So you don’t think different temps and all that will provide different levels of curing effect? I’m hoping with the pinpoint abilities of the machine in time we can find what everyone would consider the holy grail of settings and setpoint etc. But I suppose that’s all subjective anyway… I’d hate to think we can’t achieve better in other words… @Jetdro

How low did you set yours temp wise? I stayed upwards of 67.8 I suppose a little lower may be ok too… but will it be better? That’s what I want to know lol… I can’t wait to start growing again dammit!


@Jetdro if ya want I got three for sale $900 apiece two used once third in box!

I tried your settings. Woke up to my numbers ll over. One at 52RH, another at 58RH the 52 is bone dry and the entire thing nkw crumbles to powder. The other ones hanging in but nothings near as good as my hanging room.

Going to call my cannatrol local retailer see if they’ll take them back but if not I’d off them for $1000 discount each. Beyond disappointed in these things



Here is Canadian price wonder what shipping would cost me ? So if they won’t let you return them you’ll sell for 900 usd?

Both your numbers are off .

First pic shows cure cycle at 54 should be at 52 by cure .Dry starts at 54 goes to 52

second shows 51.2 way way too low , i said 51.8 or 51.7 thats a huge difference .

Sorry your having issues


I reset it back to factory and put in some stuff that’s been hanging a day. I bucked off branches and am running factory 4/4 again with the settings in the book. I’ll give this another go. Have almost 5k in these three things I truly want them to work.


They work bro… mine works with broken glass on the door lol… you must be doing something wrong to get crumbled weed… to me it seems like you let the sponge dry or dried too much initially or something along those lines


Factory setting , maybe lower the cure n hold stage to 51.8 (works well here) 68 F is fine. Make sure to put sponge in on second day and keep it moist


Jetdro do you think he’s letting sponge dry out? In order to end up with crumbled weed? I just can’t see the trol crumbling my weed… it’s strange


HUGE difference in 51.8 and 51.2 in DP!!! HUGE. He needs to factory set it, hang a day, buck tighht, then