Cannatrol users

Agreed :handshake:

I was getting ready to count out 1000 lol… but I’m sure once run correctly he will keep them all … and hug them all lol


Omg! So tempting…


The one thing I did notice, you’ve got the sponge on the top rack. I would move it to the bottom of the machine. That is where I keep mine, @Jetdro and many others keep theirs. I would try that on another run.


They ever do black friday or other sales? 4/20?


Appreciate you! My mephistos are coming down next week Ill try that.

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Only discounts yet are an ongoing one for military service. Maybe in the next few years with how the world is moving…

Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


Anyone else monitored for “reconstituting” traditionally dried product? We’ll have to repeat the trial here, but we had to hang dry the last of our most recent harvest for 8 days before curing for 4 in the Cannatrol. The hang dry was suboptimal, at about 75+ degrees and 55%-ish humidity through out. We saw an average increase in weight of 5% after that cure cycle, though. Nothing to smirk at if it’s repeatable.
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


I saw someone saying that the exhaust fan was in bottom so putting sponge in middle was best… I changed… but don’t really notice much difference… but then again I switched on same run… maybe doing a full run with sponge on each shelf may give better answers?

Yes I truly believe it will reconstitute in the machine after too dry… but curing is limited then still… am I understanding your question correctly?

Anyone curing bubblehash? What settings?


I think @Kgrim has been playin around with that.


My first run in the cannatrol is complete. I ran some doomsday diesel cbd in it. It came out ok, a little hay smell on some buds while other buds are fine. I am leaving it in the machine to cure just to see how it goes until the rest of my outdoor is closer to harvest. I will need to tweek my settings a bit. I’m thinking of extending the drying cycle to 6-10 days to see if this helps. Overall I really like the cannatrol. When I grind up the cbd the smell is really nice. When I vape it the terps are nice and bright. Looking forward to fine tuning it on my next few uses.


So it came out “ok”… as compared to what as your control?

Because of marketing, and Cannatrol has admitted this. There is no DRY and CURE cycle. That is something they did to shut people up.
There is a harvested and ready time. That is set by scientific testing by Cannatrol, and the other is by the customer who may find that extended curing after the bud is shelf stable, can produce a better product. @Kgrim has wrote about this in some really funny posts.


I have never seen that

I have been Buying weed since 1980 or 81
I am comparing it to all the weed I have ever purchased and I’ve had some amazing weed in my life. It did not turn out like that. Yes it is getting better as it stays in the cannatrol and I understand how Grove bags would make the end product even better. It also came out better than some of the dry/cures I’ve done in the past and it also came out worse than some that I’ve done, hence it was ok.
I believe there is a learning curve and I didn’t nail it on the first time.


Well I needed to order a set of extra shelves and more grove bags. I have my next harvest and second use of the Cannatrol in less than two weeks and this time after the cycle I’m just letting it stay in the unit for a few more weeks at least since I won’t need it for a couple months before I put it in grove bags and then into my safe. I’m in no rush and was wondering if anyone has kept their buds on the shelves until next crop was ready for chop.

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100 plus days right here


question for cannatrol owners - is there a fan at the top and the bottom or just one in the middle?

I’ve got one in the middle, and one on the bottom. The earlier models I believe had them both on the back.


I like to do searches now and then and see what others are saying about the Cannatrol.
One thing that, IMO, hurts the reputation of Cannatrol, is that they are being a little flim flammy BS marketing artist about the whole Dew Point thing.
If you hold the temp at 68* and the Humidity at 60-61%… your dew point absolutely will be 54.
So to go off and say RH is a bullcrap number and bro science, is complete horsecrap.
The owner, Dave, has to know this and yet has made a choice to harp on RH and do wording tricks to basically use Dew Point as his selling point.
The Cannatrol’s worth is in it’s programming and that it really does exactly what they say it will in a wide range of environments. Nobody that is building their wine fridge Amazon special is able to control their “units” with anything close to the precision.
The control is what I believe is where alot of the magic happens. Where the chemistry going on inside the bud takes place because the proper conditions are maintained that allow maximum potential of the dry/cure process.


The whole dry/cure is nonsense . Set machine how ever you want , its gonna do the same thing .

Dont care how many “days” you set the “dry” , in 2 days its 85 percent done .

Extend the cure?, Same as hold , lmao .

Yes bunch o snake oil ,


The programming is Genius, it works a treat once you accept what it does .


It gave me my life back ! NO WAY NO FRIGGIN WAY will i ever dry any other way .

Does NOT produce superior product to my old 15 day 60/60 hang , just doesnt , but it is equal to my 15 60/60 hang then 2 weeks in a Grove in my cooler

IN 8 days !!!

Hang , move , circulate air , humidifiers , fans , dehumidifiers , timers , control units


:sunglasses::100::sunglasses: with my machine