Cannatrol users

Question. If I unplug or lose power for just a few minutes during a dry cycle does it have any type of memory even just a capacitance possibly for 3-5 minutes?

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Not sure on length of time, but I know the Cannatrol has a built in memory in case of power loss. Should be in the manual, but I don’t have mine handy.
Stay up!
:ghost: :raccoon:


It will hold for quite a while, I lost power for over 16 hours, and when it came back on, the Trol picked right back up from when power was initially lost.


That’s why I recommended it so much.
Without the WORRY and HASSLE of conventional methods.
Mines rocking the 1st plant of the year as we speak. Batch will be done right in time for the next plant to come down.
Won’t have nearly the harvest of last year, but won’t be bad. Been fighting Septoria the entire season. No PM to worry about this year, it’s been septoria the entire year.
It’s EVERYWHERE here this year.
Apple tree, Maples, Poplars, Ash, all have it everywhere you go.
My back 2 1/2 acres is just filled with it, we’ve had so much rain this year it’s crazy, not a normal year. When it’s rained, it dumps, and I mean dumps, some have been as much as 4” in 6 hours. And the swamp, is exactly that this year, it’s so damn wet and soupy out there.
The Cannatrol doesn’t care, it pulled every bit of excess moisture in the 1st 48 hours, it was amazing. Last year, it was once a day for four days emptying the tray. This year, 4 times in the 1st two days.
I also WILL NEVER go back to the old ways of dry/cure, it’s given me my life back, and I’ve got enough to worry about at Reapers Glass Shop and this little box, keeps my mind off what’s happening to my harvest, I KNOW it’s gonna be done and ready at day 8 without checking or stressing about it one bit.


I have 4 harvests in a row , 10 days apart , without this machine it would be a MESS and HEADACHE to the maxx !

With this , no big deal , and i no longer have weeks of trim jail time as i invest 2 hours each run wet trimming . What comes out of Cannatrol on day 10 is READY TO ROCK



Cannatrol for the win, AGAIN!!!
Locked in the terps like a champ, couldn’t ask for more.

8 days, and smokes PERFECTLY!!!
1st of 8 plants done for this season. Heading for Grove bags tomorrow after work, then #2 is coming down and into the Trol.
It’s the best “present” that my wife has ever surprised me with.
2nd season now that she hasn’t cried, pissed and moaned about the smell come harvest time, which is a real bonus!!!
This was a way different pheno from last years Pistachio, but, tastes exactly the same. Wasn’t a big yield like last year, didn’t get them out until late, like first week in June, and started budding by July 10th. Still managed to 12OZ’s off her though, even fighting thru Septoria this year.
So not too bad, not nearly the 5+#’s that her sister put out last year.


I just loaded mine up Friday and while I can’t say it smells but there was a bit of something in the air. But it’s also in the ejecting water into the drip pan pretty heavily period. I pushed the unit into a closet still with power on and once it stops pumping out water will see if that’s the source. Last run which was also first run didn’t seem to have that faint smell.


The louder the strain, the smellier the water is.
On this last run, you could faintly smell it, but only about 4 ft from the box.
Got a 2nd one coming down and into it hopefully tonight. Had a branch of a Grizzly Purple Kush from the Veterans Box break, and it was way early, thru it downstairs and dried it over about a week, and my oh my, can’t wait for the plant to finish, it’s definitely worthy!!!


It was very faint and I could sense it barely but it was there. My wife like most women is attuned to smells and she wasn’t complaining more like making a note of it. Smelled like bong water maybe. Nothing terrible but just on the border of some scent.

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Kgrim, a couple of questions about length of drying time:

I packed both of my cool cures to the rim with buds, bought the extra 4 racks so could maximize the use of my machines. After 4 days both CCs are still dripping water into the pan.

Should I start the drying process again, or just let the CC remove the water during the curing stage?


How would I restart the process when it’s half way through?




@Hobbes it sounds like you’ve packed it over capacity.
Typically by the 4th day, it’s reached equilibrium, and not pulling much moisture anymore. Since you’ve packed it full, personally I would just let the cycle continue. @Jetdro has come to the conclusion that with a 4 day dry, 4 day cure, 2 days on hold, moisture holds stable in Grove Bags.
Keep an eye on your dewpoint monitor, by the 4th day, it should have reached your target setting. If it hasn’t, I would then figure that once it hits your set point, that 6 days later it should be ready to pull and package.
Restarting is just a simple hit of the start button, and it should start the cycle all over again.

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I call it the “Sandeltroll” :wink:


Does anyone know if this machine has a negative effect on seeded bud? My next run is a seed run, and I like to keep/smoke the bud after shucking the seeds. I just don’t want to hurt the beans.

Probably a non-issue, but figured I would ask if anyone has any experience with this.

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I wouldn’t think that it would affect seeds, as it doesn’t “dry” to a popcorn fart. Buds stay at optimum moisture, which I wouldn’t believe would cause any harm to seeds.


Thanks :slight_smile:

UPS is playing games with my heart
First delivery date was Monday, then it updated to Friday
But then today it updated back to Monday

I have freshly chopped buds that have been in grove bags for about a week, that I am excited to toss in.


You won’t regret your purchase, I promise you.
Your harvest just got brain dead simple, and you’re gaining your sanity and time back.
Welcome to being an owner!!!


Thanks, that was generally what I was reading. Do you think it will work ok with bud that has been bagged for a bit?

Has anyone tried to fix buds with that hay flavor locked in, with one of these?

It will probably help the bagged bud, but if you’ve got the hay smell, that’s probably beyond helping as the terpens are already shot.
The bagged bud, if it’s still wet, and hopefully not moldy, should turn out Ok, not like it should, but I don’t believe that it will hit the hay stage.
My very 1st run in mine was a coworker’s crop that suffered PM horribly, we washed em in peroxide, threw them in, let run the cycle, and it mold anymore. I wasn’t smoking any of that crap, but he said it tasted good and smoked it all.


no , pm bud is nasty nasty , wont smoke it either


The funny thing is, he will smoke his PM infested bud, but won’t smoke any of my hash. It fucks him up way too bad, LOL
Had to have his wife drive out with their daughter to pick him up because he was a space cadet after 2 hits. Now if I break out the bowl at Friday lunch BBQ’s at the shop, he runs the other way, LOL