Cannatrol users

Im excited for you!
I seriously cant count the people who’ve purchased units after me, but are running stuff thru them before Im able… :crazy_face:

Im loving mine so far, and thats just for storage!


Where I live the cannatrol has to run to keep the humidity down during the spring. The Humidity outside today is 94%.


That’s equally important to note… that it keeps it from being too wet as well, the machine is a modern mystery to me… I understand that it works… but to this day blows me away as to how so accurately it works… just amazing equipment… :clap:

Humidity gets high here sometimes… up to 80 - 85% and then the low side it can get down to 40%

I’m just happy I found such a machine… now if I can just get seedlings to start I’m back in the saddle again!!


I always checked my sponge every 3 to 5 days… I just filled it every time until it was full of water and was sitting in water … like you said after it levels out and stops drying it gets to a point where it holds… (not taking out water anymore) so I’d imagine sponge being removed even wouldn’t matter much… unless humidity outside was extremely low or something along those lines… say u were in the desert… and let sponge go dry… maybe that would dry the product over time too much?

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Thats what I’m sayin. Im here in Vegas. Inside is roughly 20-40ish% RH. Just the weed that is in the unit was enough to keep the warning off. Probably sitting on only 4-5oz altogether with my older harvests.

Cannatrol Add Water warning may or may not illuminate, but my " Weed Low" light is going off in my head like a flashing neon sign… :100: Gotta get Skywalker and Blue Dream in here soon.

Although, reading the Cannatrol manual, it states the following:

**ADD WATER - Warning will light if the set points cannot be reached without **
supplemental water. This may happen when the box is being used for storage.

Kinda goes along with what I had thought anyway… If your stash is more or less, you may be more or less dependent on the additional moisture provided by the sponge.

Or…Is your intended load “Sponge Worthy”?


Just to give you a bit of insight @supersecretjim I bought extra trays, and load the hell out of mine.

WAY over their recommended load, takes a few extra days because of the weight, but machine just flat out works.


God I need to get more trays for sure… how much were they @Kgrim ?

Thats the same photo you posted for me only two months ago on Feb 22, lol. So high, you musta forgotten :rofl:

That post and your description of what you do to harvest, convinced me! Over 16oz dry was all I cared about :100: I think post #946 or so.

I asked point blank how much it can hold. You gave a great visual and overview of the process. Sold me… Now if I can just get a harvest in the damn thing!

Oh, and I DID get the extra trays…


Not cheap at $60

Affordable though!! I’ll be getting that done asap

I’m sorry, been kinda out of it, and just getting back to myself, trying to catch back up. Didn’t realize that I sent that already.
And I own part of a fab facility, I could have made them, but, my cost for material and machine time exceeded what they were charging.

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That’s nice to know… clearly they aren’t trying to bleed people for money in the same way as Apple does lol

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@Terpsnpurps LMAO, don’t I know it!!! EXACTLY why I stick it to them when I build their stores!!! LMAO

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Quick tip/hint. I’m sure everyone else knows this, but if you have extra trays, double stack em so you have a lip on the front and back… sure makes keeping the nugs where they belong a WHOLE lot easier.


Good man!!! They deserve to be bent over every now and then :laughing:

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Oh yes they do. Since you mentioned the name, I haven’t broke my NDA, LMAO
They have been one of our major clients for years, chances are, if you have seen a store, there’s a real good chance that we’ve built it.
With their new “Vintage E” stores, we have them by the short and nasties. We ponied up the money, designed and engineered in house the storefront system and own the rights to it, so, even if another glazing contractor does the storefront, they HAVE to buy the material from us, something that we’ve been working on for a while.
Here is a preview of the new Fruit Computer Store storefront, coming soon to a mall near you.


Good for you. Apple needs to go down. Over-charge all you like! They’ll just pass the cost on to the flock… While you’re at it see if you can take Garmin with them, LOL. Garmin were so greedy with mapping software/hardware, then smart phone mapping came along and almost killed them. Almost…


At the very least…

ben dover

“Ben, Nice to meet you!”

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The rich mind… I will never understand it…

“Fruit store” lmao… hilarious bro!

Ya know I wonder why they don’t fabricate them in that way? It would make more sense… I know I remove my shelves with buds on them like it was a bomb lol… not sure why… it’s not like it hitting the floor will ruin it… yet… I still do it in that way :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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