Cannatrol users

First thing I thought when I saw those shelves is… What a minimal cost and minimal thought-involved design…

Make the lip front and rear for additional strength and support. Also, the lip should be rounded into a smoother shape, so as to ease insertion of tray into slot while minimizing cutting into the interior surface. Sharp edges catch things.

Someone that fabricates could make these for next to nothing.

Cannatrol Strikes again. $15 each for shelves.I think reasonably-priced isnt in Davids vocabulary.
To top it off, when I ordered my set of shelves at the same time as my Cool Cure, shelves were shipped in separate box and tracking number, ensuring I pay the maximum shipping amount possible. Another way David “looks out” for the customer.

Those shelves should be 4 for $20, maybe $30 tops. Theres no deep research costs to recover, its basically charging $100 to park for a concert that I paid $60 to see.

Sorry for the rant. Cool product, but Davids business ethics leave me scratching my head at times… Scratcing and wondering when’s the competition coming?


no @BigMike55 already covered that… im sure someone somewhere may be able to cheaper, but then its scouring fab shops for pricing…ill just pay the 60 bucks lol… unless you have found someone that will reasonably ship them and is actually charging less than 15 a shelf… it gets unlikely ya know?

I’ve already covered the price of the shelves. Owning a fab shop, I can’t buy material, pay wages and machine time for $15 a shelf.
To put it in comparison, I have to buy stainless steel sheet slab for the entrance portals to the “Fruit” stores, 4 x 8 sheets, 2 1/4” thick. Before Covid, I was paying around $32 a pound, I now have to pay $98 a pound, and aluminum sheets have gone up 65%. They don’t own any machinery and outsource the shelves, so I didn’t think twice at $15 a tray, even if buying in bulk, they are only making MAYBE $1.50-$2 a shelf, and folks are in business to make money, not break even or take a loss.


I need advice, we lost power last night and it’s likely not going to be back on until this weekend. Of course my Cannatrol was on its last day of the dry cycle. I was in there yesterday flipping and they seemed nearly dry, but not totally. Should I take any action or just wait for power to come back


Does it look wet enough to mold @AppalachianBiscuits

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Sorry to hear about that, Mr Biscuits.

Im guessing you dont have a digital moisture meter, but Im sure you have a hygrometer or 20 lying around :vulcan_salute:. You should test what RH% your buds are currently.
If youre able, test some samples in a sealed container. If your RH is around 58-62%, youre in good shape.
If you happen to have Grove Bags or something similar, you should be good to finish the cure, or finish off the way you did prior to Cannatrol.

Good luck!

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I lost power late in a dry cycle, and I just left everything as is, without opening the unit, and it all seemed fine to me. First day of drying I might be worried, but towards the end… I don’t think there’s that much to be concerned about.

TBF I was still dealing with the lower RH we experience in the winter in the NE, if it’s humid where you’re at I wouldn’t go by my (limited) experience.


With the low power requirements, you might look into a battery backup/inverter just to plug it in for a few hours and see where the numbers are??!!

Not this weekend, this evening. No power till this weekend and I’ll plug it in at the hotel. Ain’t no way

No, and the humidity is about 20 right now. I hoped keeping it sealed would encourage spores to stay out.

Clearly I do :joy: I was trying to avoid opening the door (and I was at work).

@yardgrazer I’m having the same thoughts. It’s 20% humidity here and the cycle was due to switch to cure about now.

We’re looking into house batteries. My husband works from home and had to take the day off. Also, the well pump being out sucks a bunch. The news says lighting directly struck a substation and they have to bring in a mobile unit. So, sounds like some OT pay for the linemen at least!


Yep, know that bind well.

Hmmmmm @Kgrim … what would you suggest to raise the moisture temporarily?

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At the minimum I’d stick it either into Grove bags… or into jars lids on… keeping moisture up more. Then back into cannatrol asap

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Since there is very little chance of the buds being too dry at this point, you might want to monitor the humidity level nside your unit and manually drive the buds to a desired humidity level:

I would check and adjust the Cannatrol every 8 hours until it has the desired RH of ~60 in a manner similar to:

Check the humidity level
- Above 62 → TOO MOIST: Open door, remove the sponge and use a piece of paper to fan some air towards the cannatrol for a few minutes, then close door and check again in 8 hours.
- Above 58 but Below 62 → PERFECT: Keep unit closed for 8 more hours then check again.
- Below 58 → LOW: Put wet sponge inside unit and leave cannatrol closed in hopes the RH climbs back up to and stabilizes closer to 60.


You hit it, both were what I’d suggest.


Luckily the power is finally back on. The machine remembered where it lost power and picked back up. Other than smelling like weed in there it seems alright. I picked out a fat nug and inspected inside and it seems alright. I’ll inspect closer when I get home this afternoon.

Thank you for the advice, hopefully we don’t lose power for that long while I’m trying to dry my buds again.


Awesome to hear! Glad you didnt have to suffer til or thru the weekend :100:

Just joined OG and bought the Trol on Thursday. Friday morning got a call to confirm my shipping and billing address then got shipped the same day and due to be delivered Tuesday. Heres hoping it will make my drying easy. Only concern i have is after i bought it and came on here and took fews day reading all the posts is the fact that it recommends room temp to be at least 75F. My condo is on the top floor and stays around 80F in the summer and i don’t have full control over the AC. Hoping the unit will still be able to work for me. Setting up a dry room would be way too expensive/hassle for me and this seemed to be the saving grace for me.


I think you should be fine, it may vary a bit due to ambient temps, but a quick hit of the button, 1 simple adjustment and that should take care of that for ya.

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I am surprised how many people lose power and still have not learned the lesson. A small generator isn’t as much as the cannatrol. Plus the loss of your refrigerator and freezer stocks.


I’ve got cords in a milk container ready to go. Power goes out, fridge, chest freezer, sump pump, Cannatrol, TV, satellite, and heater if needed are plugged in within minutes of the power going out. I can’t afford to have the basement flood again due to a power outage, I had a battery back up hooked up to the sump pump, but after finding out that if power is out longer than 6 hours, it’s fruitless, batteries die.