Cannatrol users

And I’ll do it again

I’m sure this is because most power outages are only a worry for us… and are fixed before any problems arise… within 1 day typically…

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I’m sure that will be just fine bud… it’s only a 5 degree difference and I am willing to bet you will still come very close to your desired setpoint

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Sounds good, luckily I have a few weeks till harvest so I’ll play around with it to see what happens temp wise.
What adjustment do you mean? The DP adjustment I’ve seen talked about a lot?


Sounds good, luckily I have a few weeks till harvest so I’ll play around with it to see what happens temp wise.


Lol you could have just tagged me in the 1st message and saved yourself the trouble like this @Cleveland … put an @ in front of anyone’s name and it brings a list of names up … this will notify that member that you mentioned them in a comment…

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@Cleveland, what I meant was if it’s not staying where you’d like it due to ambient air temps, a simple adjustment to the temp setting and you can “offset” the difference and get it where you’d like it. Running the machine WITHOUT buds in it, will not really give you an accurate sense of what’s happening. Also, I wet trim straight off the plant, have mine set to the slope setting, and when first loaded, numbers will state where it’s at, IE temp and dew point, and will slowly slope it down to your set point over the course of the dry phase. So, for example, when I load my machine, temps will come into my set point before your DP. My DP starts where the sensor sees it, and slowly drops over the 4-6 days in the dry phase. I’ve seen as high as 85% humidity, and it will slowly drop to my set point.
Welcome to the owners group, and don’t hesitate to ask a question if you have one, we are here to help.


Gotcha, Appreciate the info. Im gonna test it out with a small amount from a friends harvest in a couple of days is what i originally meant with the test it out. It was one of his plants that was stunted a bit and smaller. Should of been a little more clear with that lol. My harvest will be smaller too so its a good test run for me with the Trol.

@Terpsnpurps I saw your message after i replied to Kgrim. So i just replied to you as well. Didn’t want to leave you hanging but thanks for the heads up.


Right on lol… just figured I’d mention how in case you didn’t know :grin:

I just talked to Dave today about a new door for mine… they are always so prompt to get back with you, I love that


@Terpsnpurps What Happened with your door???
Inquiring minds want to know, LMAO


Is got hit during a move… went right frigging through.

Took force though tbh @Kgrim


What actually missed me off the most was I will not get those stickers again likely… so aggravating… lol… Dave sent me directions on how to replace the door… kinda cool and easy


That’s really a bummer. How long is it going to take too get a door?

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No time at all… they will have it sent out the day I order it… I called early so I can adjust for lead times thinking the same as you… it’ll take time… nope!


It’s definitely sad to see, I can’t wait to have it whole again!

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That’s good to hear. I would be pissed about the stickers too mine is full of them.

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it seems like a dumb thing to be upset about despite the door… but the stickers took longer to get dammit!!!


What’s a door worth?


$ 200 usd… shipping is free I believe on that @ShiskaberrySavior