Cannatrol users

Tempered glass is tough, and I mean tough, it must have taken a pretty good shot!!!
I’m going to have to look into it, but, it’s just a standard insulated unit, available at any local glass shop. Once you get your new door, contact me, and I’ll walk you thru getting the old door apart, so we can get a size on that insulated unit, so if it happens to anyone again, we will have the glass size, so just the glass can get replaced.


No stopping a passionate tradesman. Have I mentioned I love this parking lot?

Definitely interested in seeing this whole repair pan out, @Terpsnpurps . Sorry it happened to ya’ in a big way, but thank you for sharing with the rest of us. Here’s to a speedy delivery and easy repair.:dash::cloud::cloud:

Stay up

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That really sucks. Hope that new door reaches you sooner than later. Good theyre taking care of it quickly. Back up in no time! :vulcan_salute:

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@Terpsnpurps Glad to hear Cannatrol offers a replacement door and that you will have your unit back to normal in no time!
:tada: :pirate_flag:


Glass is my business!!! Been in it for over 30 years. Own part of a custom shop, this type of stuff is what I do!!! LOL
I’ve already peaked at my door this morning, and the glass is replaceable.
Hopefully we can get a size figured out, and if it happens to someone again, they can just go to their local glass shop and order a new unit instead of an entire door. Save people a good chunk of money


If you pull off the cannatrol sticker you will see the name brand of the refrigerator that cannatrol upgraded. They cost around 200.00 new. Maybe you can find a used refrigerator from the same maker off Craigslist and save some $$? :sweat_smile: Might be worth taking a look


Hmmmm I doubt that, I’m not a fan of having it look anything short of how it’s supposed to… that includes the name cannatrol…
I’ll just pay cannatrol… I like less headaches

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[quote=“herojuana.tom, post:1218, topic:103163”]
Maybe you can find a used refrigerator from the same maker off Craigslist and save some $$? :sweat_smile: Might be worth taking a look

Lol no way bro… I live by Saint louis … if I met someone off Craigslist I may never be seen again… are ya nuts? :laughing:


Hey guys!

Coming up on harvest time for Skywalker OG and Blue Dream.
Here’s my grow if interested: James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!
Blue Dream and Skywalker OG

So, Im pretty sure Skywalker is gonna harvest the weekend of May 17-19. On Week 8 right now, Week 9 begins this Sunday.
The way things are looking now, Blue Dream is running behind and may be a week or two after Skywalker OG.

This will be my first official “Run” in my Cool Cure.
Going to use Jetdros settings of 68F and 53.5 DP with slope for Dry Stage, same for Cure Stage and Hold Stage. Will probably extend the dry to 6 days and cure for at least as much, as well.
Ive been storing all my stuff in it for the past two months without incident at the same Hold setting. Its been giving me roughly 59-62% RH.

If Blue Dream gives me two weeks to dry/cure Skywalker… then Awesome! If not. I’ll just move Skywalker into Grove Bags to make room for Blue Dream in the Cannatrol.

I honestly think there’s too much material for one run. @Kgrim had mentioned doing 18+ oz dry in the Cannatrol, and I’m kinda thinking I’ll have more. I’ll honestly be happy with 16oz, but more is better! (all else being equal).

Basically using this as my guide…

Thought it might be good to share Kgrim’s words again. Lots of good info right there for the guys wanting to push 16oz+ in the Cannatrol, despite MFG recommendations.

Any tips before I start? or flaws in my plan? Thanks as always!


Sounds like a good plan :ok_hand:

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From what I’ve discovered you can cram every shelf in all slots and it just takes longer like said above. It does work I’ve done it 3 times and almost a pound out of one run. I think you have a great plan. I can’t express how much I like this thing. I think I need 2.


The Lou isn’t that bad!! I say that comfortably sitting 60 miles south!!


Thanks, XgrimmX!
Ive been looking for another in the used market. Trying vegas, phoenix, LA area, San Diego. Nothing now, but one in San Francisco area.

Im liking mine so far, but the real test is coming soon… Lets see if the girls cooperate :vulcan_salute:

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Without Question :100:

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The Lou ain’t that bad but… meeting strangers off Craigslist in the Lou? Well thats another ballgame lmao! Won’t be me bro… haha


Hey guys, great thread. Hopefully someone can help. I unplugged my unit for a few weeks while not in use, when I plugged the unit in after filling last night, it’s making a beeping sound and a little light on the back right hand side of unit is blinking. Any help is appreciated.


That’s strange, I don’t believe I ever heard a beeping sound

I’d call them and find out, I wonder what it is?

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I’ve had this happen when we’ve had power outages. Blinking should go away after a few minutes. I was worried when it 1st happened to me, but it was on a weekend, and customer service wasn’t available but I believe it’s just a reboot light that’s blinking, and should go out. My Trol hasn’t had any issues whatsoever, and this has happened to me numerous times.

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It’s been doing it for well over 13 hrs. I will call them tomorrow. Thanks for the input.