Cannatrol users

If it’s been 13 hours, I would definitely give them a call, because the light on mine went out after about 7 minutes or so.


Let us know what they say please


This is what they said…I just spoke with the guys, we believe that it is most likely one of the two power supplies I had mentioned on the phone. So, unbeknownst to me, a power supply issue that can arise from the vibration of a loose wire is a beeping sound, not just a buzz. They said it is very rare, but we should be able to narrow it down if you are willing to remove the silver backing plate from the unit and take a look.

Also, please take a quick look at the attached instructions on how to replace a power supply and let me know if you think its something you can handle. Once we narrow down if the beeping is coming from the power supply ands which one it is, I will ship you out a new one asap.

For 1800, I don’t feel like I should be fixing my own shit…lol


They are shipping me a new power supply, should be here on Thursday.


You shouldnt have to. But sometimes its the best option available in the name of customer service.
Im sure there was another option or two available…
Shipping it back to them for service isnt exactly time-effective, so for a semi-handy person this was probably the better option.

I went throught this most recently with my massage chair. They shipped me the part with instructions on how to replace, Inside of an hour later, part installed and all good. Or it could have went to regional service center, sat there for who knows how long. Best available option at the time.

Awesome to hear! Youll be rocking by the weekend!


I believe truly this is to save you shipping costs my dude.


Yeah, not a big deal. He’s throwing in a T-shirt for my troubles. I’m good with that.


The only thing that sucks about that is if no one puts a meter on it it might not be the power supply. You could find a connection went bad or loose wire, bad board… the list goes on. I’ve seen all kinds of goofy failures over the years. At least they aren’t fussing about parts. I don’t remember what is the warranty if you recall? I hope it’s the power supply so you can be done with it. I would be freaking heart broken about this. I usually need mine once a month about.

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Tbh, I don’t even know what the warranty is, but I’m still within the limits. There were 2 similar power supplies and the lower one the light was not lit up. That’s what we’re trying first. Fingers crossed.


The warrantee is 1 year… @Sirshamus

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Do you not have it plugged into a surge protector??

Thanks for the warranty info. Yes, it is plugged into a surge protector.


I just say that because I figured that may have caused something along those lines…

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Well, I installed the new unit and the same results. I’ll keep you guys updated. Thanks for the support.


Harvested Skywalker OG yesterday.

Removed all my stored bud from Cannatrol, and she’s now sporting 9 shelves moderately packed with fresh bud.

Running Jetdros settings 68F and 53.5 DP, set to slope. Im running 6 days Dry, 6 days Cure.
Same setting for Dry, Cure and Store. Although she’s most likely getting pulled and put in Grove Bags to make room for Blue Dream harvest next weekend, Ugh…


hell yeah!!!

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Hell yeah’s right! Thanks bud!
Taking guesses as to how many ounces she’ll be after dry… Im not sure. 10oz maybe?

I think my 3 arm girl, Blue Dream is gonna take it weight-wise over Skywalker OG. Im having serious thoughts that Blue Dream may not fit. These 9 racks are moderately filled, but Blue Dream will necessitate very tightly packed shelves…

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That looks very nice man :clap:

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Checked the drip tray, and totally full! Emptied and really need to rig an external reservoir for future harvests.

Going to insert the sponge tonight. Thats right! Its 24 hrs, she’s now “Sponge-worthy” :100:

Do people have better luck with top vs lower tray sponge position?
Just opened the door to insert the sponge and was basically smacked in the face with a wall of smell. Otherwise, no smell from the unit so far. I’m sitting 5 ft from it in my family room.
True test is my wife… she is super sensitive to the smell and hasn’t said a thing :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute: :vulcan_salute:


Eventually it will not smell when u open the door because it’s all locked inside the buds