Cannatrol users

Yes that grassy smell will dissipate my dude… and it’s usually the last thing before smells are locked inside the buds

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Thought thats what I’d remembered reading… But then again, some of the Cannatrol complaints Ive read about is weed that is grassy or hay smelling after going full-cycle. Granted, Im sure thats usually due to user error in some part or other.

There’s a Cannatrol reddit group I check out, and thats a complaint that pops up regularly.

Ive tried to do everything as by the book as I can for this one. By the book meaning what Ive learned from this thread, mostly.
Staying away from defaut settings.
Still sticking with Jetdros numbers - 68F and 53.5DP. Although Im doing 6 day Dry Cycle and 6 day Cure Cycle then to Hold. All Same settings…

May possibly raise DP to 54 on Blue Dream. We’ll see.

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Lol… you’re worrying… and I assure you … you do not need to… my thing is … if it’s grassy smelling… leave it in… it’ll stop… I wouldn’t scour the internet too much on settings or results… as alot of people think a 4 - 4 default is " good enough" I say weed isn’t “done” until it cannot change from curing… and that takes from what I have seen around 90 days @supersecretjim


I went slightly higher w the moisture… that’s another thing I think we should pinpoint… how moist we can cure … I feel like the more we can get away with without mold or mildew gives the best chance for the best cure… here’s why I say that, it’s the bacteria doing all the work during a cure… so the more moisture the better as far as curing gas pedal goes, up to the point of mold… allowing it to cure while as wet as possible allows more bacteria to live and process sugars… because they thrive on the moisture… it’s just an opinion… this is unproven…

But I believe us finding out if that’s a reality is very important… because if we can perfect curing to the point of perfection and a superior way to do it… then i want to know how… as I’m sure all of us do. So honestly we should soon start doing different methods and play around… let’s find out together!!


Do it bro… see if it’s different… that’s what I’m talking about!! :smiley:

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Then I must be fucking something up or growing the strongest weed in the Mountains, because whenever I open the Cannatrol door the whole house can smell it.

I’ll assume it’s my expert growing prowess that’s caused my weed to be too damn loud.


Sometimes I think people are too close and nose blind. Open the door for 10 seconds, close it and leave the room for a bit, now come back. It should smell like dank of some kind if you’re drying something of higher quality than peanuts.
I have to run a carbon filter after the door has been opened.


Um… there is just no such thing buddy lol :laughing:

After how many days are we talking??

Not a fair comparison, really. Blue Dream so much bigger and more dense.

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I think we can all assume that! :rofl:

But seriously, does your weed in the Cannatrol NOT lose its smell at some point?

Every strain Ive put in there (7 or 8 so far) for storage in the past two months has lost its identity after a day or three in the unit. Then you break bud open, or grind and… BAM. Big time smell.
Or, if moved to a container for a few days or so, smell slowly comes back.

Ive only been storing bud in it the past two months. This is my first trim and harvest thru Cannatrol.

Does yours not do that?

Couple months? That’s a good question because I’ll unload the machine to dry/ cure a new batch, then load it back with everything.

It “loses” some of its smell. If you smell a jar from the Cannatrol you notice some smell. Nothing like you would if you stuck your face in a jar from the shelf. Then when you grind it the smell smacks you in the face.

When I open the Cannatrol door my husband can smell it and appears like magic to ask what I’m getting ready to grind. He gets sad when I’m just adding water to the sponge.


When you smell an ordor that is terpenes evaporating.


Try 90 days just 1 time

Double green lights and the annoying beep has stopped. Looks like the board went bad. Shout out to Davey and his crew for taking care of me. Just in time, as I’ve got an Amazonian coming down tonight.


Awesome to hear! Forge ahead…


I’d love to some day. We smoke a lot :joy:

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I don’t think you’d go back to anything else … just 1 time if it’s ever possible buddy

I know it’s hard to wait when you can just smoke especially if you’re out haha…

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I’d really like to get a second 1… but u know… money… don’t grow on trees lmao… but… maybe growing trees will bring me money? Hmm :thinking: :thought_balloon:


Did you get your new door yet??? @Terpsnpurps


No… I may have to get a new tent… so that will be 1st… then the door… so like 30 days @Kgrim