Cannatrol users

We had a few obvious “in a rush” issues that needed working out, like trimming the hose to an exact length for the run and a bit of a spiral-down situation, but no kinks.

Definitely something to test while we can watch the unit do it’s thing in the first place. I might just fire off an email tonight though. Dunno why they haven’t thought to market a “travel res” like. Seems like an easy option.

Meanwhile, I’ll drill an exhaust hole in the bucket lid, mount the vinyl line more solidly and exactly, and we’ll try again with the next run.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Wow. Customer service is definitely there. I sent an email a few hours ago and already got a response. Davey says he’s heard of some success and failure on the modification front, and the biggest tip he sent along was to ensure the shortest, easiest gravity driven run as possible for the tubing. Already got designs on that for when we try again, so there’s that.

He also mentioned that while he’s interested in a bigger drip tray, too, they don’t seem to have any plans on working up anything official. Apparently there is an unofficial Facebook group for Cannatrol owners, where one user who is into 3d printing has modelled a bigger tray that attached to the Cannatrol with magnets rather than the screws in the back. I’m not on Facebook, though, if that’s of interest to anyone.

By and large, about what I expected, and we’ll just have to run trials next harvest when we can keep an eye on things after making some adjustments. Still, nice to hear back in about an hour or two.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Thats about the answer you can expect. Dave will never tell you to do anything regarding running tubing. Cost-cutting design we are stuck with.

Nice little mis-adventure for you, and a great learing experience for everyone here.

Forge ahead, early adopters!

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Ive moved Skywalker OG to Grove Bags to make room for Blue Dream this past Saturday evening.

Blue Dream is on a 6 day Dry and 6 day Cure Cycle starting this past Saturday evening. Moved numbers from 68F and 53.5DP to 54.0 DP even.

Gonna store at that number as well. Should be just a tad “wetter” for me when storing.

Some things Ive noted regarding the water tray located on back-side of unit:

Changed the tray a few times during Skywalkers stay in the Cannatrol. Changed a couple of times for Blue Dream, as well…

My favorite thing about changing the tray, is my tray holes are just a cnut hair off from the screws that hold the tray in place. Makes removal with water in tray a messy deal, as nothing quite lines up.
Magnets would be a not too expensive solution. I may just glue some on mine.

Aside from the low hose exit point, which negates external container use if on floor, this is certainly a cheapo, Jerry Rigged way to incorporate a drip tray in a premium priced product. Just sayin.

But seeing that Dave and Co couldnt even get the cheap ass Velcro mounting system lined up for the controller (on my unit, at least) I dont expect much in the details.
Maybe Dave has his lazy-eyed nephew installing those things and drip trays… :rofl: I dont know.




Definitely lead technician material! lol

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That sounds like a really good idea.The hooks are tricky if you can’t easily see the back of your Cannatrol.


The unofficial Facebook group for Cannatrol owners tray that is listed is nice, they also have a cover for the display and a pen holder. Most libraries has a 3d printer you can use. The one by me cost $0.10 a gram and they do it for me. The tray and cover cost me $15 after taxes. They did have to scale down the tray but still works good.

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Not just that… the holes in my tray measure just a tad off from the screw heads. Its impossible to remove easily, on my particular unit. I reamed the holes a bit, and that helped… a bit. Still, first side comes off easily, second side is a royal cnut. NO clearance to pull straight out.
I may use allen head screws for needed clearance, or do a magnet hack.

Honestly, it reminds me of trying to get a sticky or “trick” key to work in a car ignition or house lock. Gotta find that “just right” position in a billion… :roll_eyes:

Again, these are issues that shouldnt have to be dealt with on a premium-priced product.

Said before and will say again… we are early adopters using a machine that is prototype brought to market both in appearance and functionality.
But it does what its supposed to do.

I will check out the Facebook page as well. Thanks!


The draining would be a whole lot easier if you just get it off the floor.
I use my basement, and most basements have drains, so I just ran some tubing to that. I have two units stacked and the drains just T into each other. Never have to think about it.
I did notice I had to tilt the units back because they have a bad habit of drops somehow missing the entire drain groove and ending up on the very bottom and filling it up. Now it’s dry as a bone.


My real-world situation does not currently allow for that option…

I havent gotten into the Cannatrol insides, but Im sure the drain hose starts low, so no way to hack from above.
Being able to drain to a larger container or actual drain would truly be “Set it and forget it”


Ok folks. Those who are commenting on trays. I’m currently working with someone to print an entirely different design. It will be larger than the original, and the 1st prototype will actually sit on the back of the Cannatrol, be sloped slightly and sit directly on the floor, which should have enough room to last the 4 day dry run without having to empty it, and, you’ll be able to see it easily. Have a little patience as drawings are getting worked out before printing takes place. Once it’s done, I’ll post a pic.


@Kgrim coming through! Nice to hear, and hope the design works out, bro! Full faith you can fix it.
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:

That sounds really great! I checked out the one on Facebook and it’s not bad. I had already considered getting a magnetic parts tray or drip tray to sit down there in the open lower area.

Will definitely keep up on this one, thanks! :100:


If you have a tray we have people on this site that have 3d printers and I’m sure if you give dimensions it can be redone by say @Bobgrows or who was it @Pigeonman or @bassman5420 that also had a 3d printer? I think bassman…


Right on I knew we’d get er done somehow

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@Terpsnpurps it’s @Bobgrows that does the magic for my 3d printing needs. :ok_hand:


What is needed?
Send me a picture or dimensions. We can do almost anything within reason.


I think @Kgrim is doing something already … but I figured I’d mention our 3d printer folks… just in case… you’re my go to @Bobgrows lol

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@Bobgrows I’m working on the CAD drawing. It will be coming to you once I get it drawn. I’ll work the prototype, then send em your way.