Cannatrol users

Just put it up on thingiverse and anyone can download it then.


The idea I’m thinking of will be a larger tray, sit probably 1/2”-1” past the back the back of the machine, and sit on the floor.
I’m already working on the drawing, will CAD it when I get my shop tomorrow when I get a minute. If it comes out like I’m envisioning, you won’t have to look way down behind the machine where the tray is now, but just look from the top and see if it needs to be dumped. Also, much larger capacity, so probably would only have to empty it once per cycle, thus truly making it a hit the start button and not worry.
It’s something I’ve been kicking around in my head for a while, see the need, and you folks deserve something easier than what comes with the Trol, because the factory tray is a PITA to see, let alone empty.


Gotcha! :ok_hand:
If you want to drive down to work it out we can do that too.

Your turn to drive. :joy:


@Bobgrows You got it!!!
Sent you a quick sketch.
Will CAD it out and get you the STL file.


That works! :v:


You guys ROCK.

I have no access to, or even know anyone with a 3D printer… I’ll happily pay for one :100: once the kinks are worked out.
Sounds like a winner, and utilizes the otherwise unused space at rear of unit.


Same here. I’d trade seeds or $ for one. :slight_smile:


The dimensions were 250x100x60mm

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We get by with a little help from our friends


The Weedles


Once we get these figured out I will post on my 3-D thread and here.


All shelves pulled out to weigh Blue Dream and move to Grove Bags. Bad idea using shelves to weigh (theyre each slightly different weight - dont do it!)

Sliding into pan

Big Buds in separate bag, all the rest is random into 3 other 1/4 lb Grove Bags.

Here’s everything loaded into Cannatrol. All sealed at this time… Set to 68F and 53.5 DP for storage once containers opened up

All my older stuff is on top rack in 7 jars…
Blue Dream in colored bags, while Skywaker’s in “Rebel White” or “Dark Side of the Force” Black…

Lots of hay/grassy smell from this one. Skywalker did same and smells better now. Hoping Blue Dream will follow suit…

This morning as Im out the door, I checked out the one Blue Dream bag that has a hygrometer in it, and its reading mid 50’s :thinking:.
Wondering what the fuck…

I’ll have to put hygrometers in each bag tonight. I’ll grab a couple from Skywalker since she’s stable at 61% in her Grove Bags.

Not sure how the RH could possibly be mid 50s if bud was in Cannatrol at 68F and 54/53.5 DP for 7 days.That should put relative humidity at 60-61%… My inside the Cannatrol Hygrometers were reading right around 61% RH when bud was in there cannatroling for 7 days.

Maybe I shold have let Blue Dream go full-term in the Cannatrol to see what happens? Confused and a bit nervous right now.


Could it be because it’s in a bag?

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Not sure. Grove Bag. Is it possible a Grove Bag went Rogue!? :rofl:

Anyway. I checked everything last night, and again this morning before heading out…

After getting home, I checked the Blue Dream Grove bag that had hygrometer in it, and was still showing mid 50s. Removed hygrometer, because sometimes they can be finniky. Put hygrometers in each bag and let sit a few hours. Next reading was anywhere from 57-61% and add one or two to those, and Im happy with the numbers.
Sealed up and back into Cannatrol for the evening. Checked again this morning, and all is within range.
So Skywalker and Blue Dream are chillin in the Cannatrol along with the rest of my bud at 68F. All in sealed jars or sealed Grove Bags, for now. Once they are both fully cured, I’ll consider storing in open containers.

So, all good for now. May go full-term Dry/Cure with LSD harvest, or at least partial. Need to see how this thing does without using Grove Bags to cure…
Skywalkers hay smell went away after going into Grove Bags to cure… Would the smell have gone away if left in the Cannatrol? At the settings Im using? :thinking: :thinking:

I still see many people complain about the Cannatrol making weed smell like hay, etc.

All I can say is for 2 months the Cannatrol kept my “legacy” weed fairly fresh and ready, albeit with a very muted smell (as advertised).

Still learning, and its going to be a slow process. I will only harvest once every 2-3 months or so. Some guys have this thing in constant rotation and get to experiment at a faster rate.
Some guys run factory settings and have what they say is amazing weed, and some guys run factory settings and say it kills your weed.

This is a tough one to navigate, as there seems to be no consistency. People use wildly different settings to acheive the same results.

My point is… is the cannatrol does the work… why would someone put buds in jars and bags inside the machine?? It will hinder I’d think :thinking:

Grove bag going rogue… I doubt it lol… cannatrol user going rogue… maybe lol


This is a peephole into the hay grass smell … and why… so I say just give it more time like I said waaaaaay up above


My 2 cents. You will have to find what settings will work for YOU!!! Settings that work good for someone in Texas, are useless to me in Michigan. It has a ton to do with your ambient environment.
It will take you a few runs to figure out what will work best for you.


Do you think adding bags and jars in cannatrol is hurting his results? It seems like a slower way to accomplish what the cannatrol can do alone faster @Kgrim

FWIW, I use mine with the “stock” settings. We’ve had it for about 1.5yrs and haven’t made any adjustments yet. I live in the NW rainforest so cool temps and high humidity are the norm. I find that after the 4 day dry, the drip tray is empty of water. The cure cycle gets it smokeable after the 4 days for sure but I put mine in paper lunch bags after the cure and leave it in the “hold” pattern, which is the same as “cure”, for another month. It’s exceptional then. I open the door? Yep, you can smell weed, good weed. I grind it, it smells even better. When I have a new crop to dry the paper bag weed goes into grove bags and a tote under the house, like a cellar. Once I’m done it all goes back into paper bags and rides it out in the “hold” pattern.
Try running it stock for a few harvests and get the feel of it, then go re-invent the wheel if you need to.
Good luck! :peace_symbol:


Thats a good question! My reason for removing Skywalker was to make room for Blue Dream. My reason for Blue Dream in bags is purely based on fear :rofl:
Cant afford to have that much product (9oz+) go sideways, So I went with Jetdros suggestion.

I’ll have a bit more leeway next harvest with LSD. Maybe take harvest thru 7 day dry and move half to Grove Bags and half stay in cannatrol full term…

At this time, the hay smell is part of the process at some point, it seems. I even had it short time when drying in my tent. That stuff turned out amazing.

We should add a wiki type post here for everyone to put their tried and true Cannatrol settings for everyone to see a bit easier.

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