Cannatrol users

Well again like @kgrim said… what works for someone in the desert won’t work for someone on a mountain… or rainforeat… … everything’s different… I feel like a tried and true settting… is like saying there is 1 uniform way to grow all strains… and we know that isn’t true… because of plant density differences ambient room conditions… elevation even would play a role I’d think… different thinner or thicker air… all will play a huge role…

So I say… the best way to define such a thing… would be settings according to region… so if we have people like me around the saint louis area we should talk our settings… and maybe people in Ontario canada… talk their settings… and so on and so forth… because it seems like a ghost we chase otherwise


Not my field of expertise…
I get environmental conditions and all…
If the Bulb Temperature and Dew Point are 68F and 53.5DP in my Cannatrol, the Cannatrol does what it needs to maintain those conditions.
If the Bulb Temperature and Dew Point are 68F and 53.3 in someones Cannatrol randomly placed in the world, and its maintaining those conditions…
Wouldnt you expect some kind of consistency? I know strains are different, etc.

Gotta leave this thought mid-post cause Im hungry as hell, and its beyond lunch time, lol.


I know I been starving all damn day myself… lol. I suppose you’re right, I mean it holds … could it have evaporated that quickly laid out on the table??

Air pressure is different even inside the cannatrol at different altitudes… idk… there must be something to the particular strain maybe?

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Hi all. Reporting back after drying a few pounds in my 2 Cannatrols over the last year plus.

It was totally worth the expense for a pothead of my discriminating tastes. I grow my own weed because I’m a pothead and I like to control what I smoke. Being a pothead, I smoke a lot of pot. Because I grow my own weed and I’m a pothead I have a lot of weed to dry. In my BC (Before Cannatrol) period in my very dry climate, my best method of drying was to hang whole plants in a small room with a humidifier slowing down the dry. When the plant started getting in the crispy zone, I had a very limited time to break down the dried whole plant and get it trimmed. That was truly trim jail. And getting the plants dried to the proper level on a whole plant in a dry climate was a very inexact science. More often that not, I would end up with a few fat buds that cured nicely but most of the rest of the crop dried too quick too get that sticky icky that we all love.

Now in my CE (Cannatrol Era) period, I can snip branches as they are ready to harvest and trim them wet and then throw them in the Cannatrol and start the dry cycle. Then I can keep trimming branches fresh off the plant with their nice stiff leaves that are so much easier to trim than dry floppy leaves. And I can put those branches in the Cannatrol on my own timing and keep restarting the dry cycle until I fill her up. There is no penalty on the drying quality because I’m storing the trimmed branches in a climate controlled environment after I am done trimming them.

As a lifelong pothead that grows and trims and then smokes a lot of pot, my purchases of my Cannatrol units were life-changing. Not every grower can justify the expense like I can but if you have the means and desire to produce your own top quality weed, the Cannatrol will be worth the purchase.

A couple of other thoughts from my experiences … first is that you have to take the recommended temperature range seriously. If my ambient temperature got over 74 while trying to dry at the default settings, the Cannatroll would struggle to maintain humidity. Also, for longer term storage of your weed you are better off storing it in a weather proof tote that has no air exchange. Once your weed is property dried, fresh air and light will only degrade the quality.

Have a nice day! :sunglasses:


Ok guys, shifted some stuff around, getting some prototype work done on the tray. It got crazy busy in a matter of Hours here at Reapers Glass Shop, and want to be happy with it before I release to @Bobgrows.
This gives a little perspective on the shape, but I’m not happy with it, and changes have to be made. Have faith folks, I am working on it, and think when it’s done, it will be worth i.


Im liking where youre going with that , Kgrim… Use all that available space!


Well, it will actually stick out the back of the machine and on the floor. So you’ll be able to just look from the top and see if it needs to be emptied instead of how it is now.
Once I field test the shape, more modifications are coming.


Lol you sure say pothead alot… I like to consider myself a marijuana consumer , pothead was a stereotypical name used to lessen our social stance back in the day… after all… there was never a reason for it to be illegal…
I wonder if alcohol consumers would feel offended by being called alcohol heads… just a thought lol…

I love the post man and welcome back… been a whole year for you :green_heart:


Hey there @Terpsnpurps
When your new door arrives, are you willing to experiment on your old door???
Let me know.

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Anything for OG bro :+1: If I can I will


Thats “functional alcoholic”, lol. Plenty of those in Vegas :rofl:
Possibly a few in my employ :thinking:

Pulled off the internet, so must be true:
In the world of cannabis culture, a ‘stoner’ is often seen as a responsible user who enjoys cannabis while maintaining control over their daily lives, whereas a ‘pothead’ tends to be perceived as someone whose life is heavily influenced or dictated by their cannabis use.


Sweet!!! As a “Glass” guy, I’m intrigued on how the door glass is actually held in.
I think you’re more than capable of popping the stops off, and looking to see how it’s assembled, LOL.
And having a dysfunctional door is the perfect specimen. If it’s installed how I’m thinking, the price for a new door may be a bargain.
Appreciate it @Terpsnpurps

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Of course buddy no problem

Lmao dude you’re hilarious…

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I do always posit that I am a stoner, not an alky, but I see nothing wrong with being called a pothead… I am definitely a pot grower :joy:
…although I will admit that growing in pots has been heavily influenced or dictated by my cannabis use:laughing:

Lol i was kidding when I said what I said… call me whatever… but don’t take my buds!

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All aboard the Freight Train!

Good looking nug!
But Hay, hay, HAY!! Whats that smell?

Two weeks out of harvest and verdict still pending further curing in Grove Bags.

As of this past weekend, Blue Dream still smells grassy… and tastes a bit grassy, as well.
She’s a good hit to the head and temples quickly, and seems fairly potent.
Im really hoping she will come around and get rid of the grassyness in smell and taste.

Both Blue Dream and Skywalker OG are in Grove Bags.

I could have kept Blue Dream in Cannatrol, but trying to stay fairly consistent and follow necessities plan. Had to pull Skywalker to fit Blue Dream in a week later.

Blue Dream is taking a while to come around…

Meanwhile, Skywalker OG pulled for harvest 5/18/24 did 6 full days in Cannatrol and Grove Bags from there. She was grassy, but now Gassy and spice is coming in nicely… After this weekend she’ll be a month out of harvest for a 1 week Dry and 3 week Cure.

Steph at work got a Skywalker sample Friday evening. Report back this morning from her is hard-hitting, “must be higher percentage than I’m used to”. Said it made her very mellow.

So thats good! Skywalker is coming along and Blue Dream is stressing me out…


I don’t know what you are doing wrong but my weed comes out of the Cannatrol just delicious, every time.

No hay smell or anything, only the strain itself can be smelled.
It just needs 2-3 hours in the air, then it really stinks.
But it’s part of the Cannatrol principle that you don’t smell much at first.

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My opinion is he isn’t curing long enough… that hay grass smell is chlorophyll