Cannatrol users

Gonna let Blue Dream just sit in sealed Grove Bags inside the Cannatrol at 68F. I’ll check RH daily on the hygrometers. Bags staying closed til weekend. See if the chorophyll exits…

Or would it be better to open those bags and let the Cannatrol finish Blue Dream?


Honestly, I think so buddy @supersecretjim, what you think @Kgrim @Jetdro ?


My Grove bags are for when I stash the bud elsewhere. Inside the Cannatrol, everything is stored in paper lunch bags. Only time I ever smelled grass was when I was messing around inside the box before it’d done its thing. My 2cents…


Hey buddy check this out… may be an option yeah?

Been storing stuff in my Cannatrol for two months prior to doing my Skywalker and Blue Dream runs in her…

Worked great, and all seemed good.

Moved everything out of Cannatrol for Skywalker harvest.

Only moved Skywalker out to move Blue Dream in the week after, and because was following jetdros suggested use (he only dries in the Cannatrol, does curing in Grove Bags).
Jetdros system made sense since I had a dual harvest spread over two weekends. Moved Blue Dream into Cannatrol after harvest and Skywalker out into Grove Bags after 6+ days.

Blue Dream still has a bit of hay smell, but slowly getting better (I hope). Skywalkers hay smell is pretty much gone.


My hypothesis is that growing styles will leave a quantity of chlorophyl at the end and that directly impacts the time it takes to cure out the hay smell by the chemical and biological processes still happening after the plant has been cut down.
I have ZERO science to back this up. But, I noticed on your grow thread, your plants are green right to the end. Some people will have plants during harvest that the buds are shifting colors, the large leaves are all used up and I can only imagine that the chlorophyl content is much less.
Also, I remember people talking about traditional dry/curing times being pretty long. Longer than 8 days. 8 Cannatrol days should get you to shelf stable no mold condition, but I would say much more research needs to be done on actual curing and what the hell is going on inside those buds and what should we be looking for to say something is “done”.


I think you might be misunderstanding @Jetdro’s program. He posted this:

I hang 2 days before Cannatrol, run the 8 day program, then Grove at 58 percent and 52 degrees.

Maybe he is around to clarify? Most of us either hang for one day (Cannatrol’s recommendation) or don’t hang at all. Then he runs the full eight day dry/cure cycle before going to Grove.


I dont hang at all. Most it seems, dont hang.Doesnt need hanging unless overfilling or super-duper wet stuff…


I agree. I don’t hang either. I wet trim, do the eight day dry/cure cycle, and then go to jars. Occasionally, I need to burp the jars for a couple of days. That probably means I should change my settings, but I don’t mind having that extra bit of control so that I can dial the buds in the way I like them.


How does the chlorophyll leave the plant ?

Remember just cuz you chopped it down it’s not actually dead , it’s still trying to function internally


@ifish is correct, @supersecretjim this is the short answer

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I agree, like I stated up earlier, I feel curing is NOT FINISHED until there are no longer any change in the product…

So if it’s getting smoother each day keep going and going until week after week it’s the exact same… then it is finished in my opinion…
There’s no specific amount of days and I think cannatrol made a mistake by saying 4 and 4 is “done enough” like tomatoes said I think that’s to store w out mold etc…
So with that all being said… each strain will be specific to itself as far as how to cure it perfectly…
1 strain may take 50 days where another will take 90. It clearly has got to depend on density of your product as well… tight dense nugs will in fact take longer to cure than an airy fluffy nug that can be smashed to half it’s size with a little squeeze…


Did you happen to see that small pump I posted? It seems like it could be what we are looking for

Ive seen that as well. Def the short answer, lol. Leaves out lots of “body”.
Another search, or scrolling down will pull up slightly different answers. There’s really no one answer for that. Too many conditions and variables.
Thats why the growing world will always have forums full of hay smell posts. Thats as guaranteed as Birth, Paying Taxes (provided you live long enough), and Death.

Several here have hay smelll at some point during their Cannatrol Dry/Cure cycles, then things keep moving along. Skywalker has moved past the hay smell into spice and fuel. She wasnt dried too fast… 6 Day Dry on slope to 53.5°. Once in the Grove Bags, it was actually too wet and had to cycle open/closed over a few days to get down to and maintain 60-62%. Factory setting is 4 Day Dry on slope to 54°

When I dried in my grow tent, the process took just less than a week in my situation. Went from huge smell, to no smell to somethng kinda grassy, then straight to building its owns character. Highly vapable straight out of dry and only got better after a couple of weeks in Grove Bags.

Blue Dream went a day longer (full 7 days) and did split between DP 53.5° and 54°. Its taking her longer to get out of the hay-phase, but she’s slowly turning.

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Yup like I said… each cultivar will be different I think, if you open your door and smell soon enough I’d think everyone would have a hay smell at some point… so I see it as a pre amble to the real smells coming… so in other words … i think it should be considered a stage of the curing process and when you see it, or smell it rather… it means you aren’t done lol


If it makes you feel better I had a hay smell in mine… and waited and it went away to dank smells… then later on no smell… until you broke the bud open, just giving ya shit lol

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I believe youre correct on that. Im too new to growing to make assumptions, but based on my 2 “conventional” tent drys and this current Cannatrol dry, I can make a few conclusions.

Im just unsure of the physics involved with the constant, controlled moisture extraction of the Cannatrol vs drying in my tent with mulitiple floating variables.

Either way, my RH in bags is holding at 60ish. Gonna open everything up to Cannatrol conditions most likely tonight or by weekend. Thats my old stuff as well as Skywalker and Blue Dream

Was storing at 68°F and DP 53.5° with hygrometers reading around 60-61% RH

Im sure interrupting the Cannatrol process didnt help. Keeping in Cannatrol may be faster, possibly the Grove Bags slow the process? LSD will stay full term whichever settings I decide to use…

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No one likes the pump I posted?? Shame!!! I think it will work perfectly


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Ok, someone has to respond. I didnt even know what you were posting it for, honestly. Is that for catching the water?

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It’s for pumping water out… I thought it would be a good item to remove water from the drip tray… I don’t know the size but it looks like it may work… it will definitely work with a modified drip tray… just not sure if it would fit the current drip tray… but it looks like it will fit @supersecretjim

Heres the specs