Cannatrol users

I was hoping it would too.

I’m going to dump these here in no particular order if you’re into reading along Jim. My background, obviously, is human sciences and my sister said “I’m not that kind of biologist” :joy: please tell me your a botanist

Reading now -Postharvest Operations of Cannabis and Their Effect on Cannabinoid Content: A Review - PMC
Cites - Google Scholar,+Post-Harvest+Processing+Methods+and+Secondary+Metabolite+Profiling:+A+Review&author=P.W.+Addo&author=V.+Desaulniers+Brousseau&author=V.+Morello&author=S.+MacPherson&author=M.+Paris&volume=170&publication_year=2021&pages=113743&doi=10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113743&,+Management+Practices,+and+Post-Harvest+Treatment:+A+Review&author=D.+Jin&author=S.+Jin&author=J.+Chen&volume=10&publication_year=2019&pages=925-946&doi=10.4236/ajps.2019.106067&

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Lol I just found that too

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Dammit Jim I’m a doctor not a botanist :rofl::joy:

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Y’all going to hate this one. His stance is drying is 99.999% of the equation. And drying is all about water. He considers curing
“For the cannabis industry, curing involves essentially marking the end of a drying process and the beginning of the storage process”

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“environmental temperature control system set between 18–21 °C, relative humidity at 50–55% and air circulation using a small fan” (post harvest operation

That is interest. Pretty close to the Cannatrol settings.

I was thinking the same.

Y’all are going to hate all the current science. Everything I read very much wants a “warm” low humidity dry and then shut up about it. Put it in your pipe and smoke it.

My eyeballs are VERY upset I’ve read this much on my phone, but I am finding some interesting things I bookmarked for later

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Good evening all in the Users thread!!!
I haven’t forgotten about you folks, been really swamped at my shop, and it’s literally taking a toll on me mentally and physically lately, that’s why I haven’t been on.
I’ve gone thru a couple revisions of the water tray prototype, full size was running on the printer when I left this afternoon. I will be putting up a Wiki for the 1st full size piece if I am happy with what comes out.
Hope ya’ll are doing well, staying healthy, and have their outdoor crops running and healthy!!!
Keep the discussion going folks, 1428 replies to the thread is way beyond what I ever considered!!!
Hope everyone has a great evening, and keep those Trols kicking out the buds!!!


I seem to be a little late to the game here and boy this is a long thread. Good information. Confirmed my purchase was a good one. I get my Cannatrol today according to Delivery tracking. I can’t wait to do my first run. My question is. I got the stock Trays. Should I just weigh the wet weight prior to loading up to 2.25 lbs? Or do y’all just pack it and seems to be fine? I have 2 gigantic plants Gelato #45 2 Phenos. I know for a fact Both will not be able to fit. Likely. They are filling most of a 5x5. I was thinking about just taking the Tops first and getting those done. Then a week later doing the rest while the Tops wait in Grove bags. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thank you all for your input. Very good read. Forgive me if I missed something. I joined OG because of this thread.


Hope your Cannatrol made it to its new home! And welcome to OG!
Dont really need to pre-weigh. Just pack each tray. Dont worry about touching side to side, just dont stack buds vertically and you should be fine.
Taking the tops could be a good idea! Harvest those, stick in Cannatrol, Then move that to Grove Bags and finish the rest.

Looking back, I may have been able to fit my entire 17oz harvest in the Cannatrol, but would have been so tight. Not all super-dense buds either, so some extra room being used up…
You would definitely be well-advised to purchase the additional trays.
Basically, fill it as full as youre able, then press start! I think the consensus is… if it fits inthe unit, youre good to go, lol. But really.


Welcome man … good to see another person realizing…

Either way would do good… but like supersecret Jim said… we just pack it… just not overloaded… you’ll be able to tell what overloaded is… if you are going to load it full to the brim… I’d rotate buds here and there… just to ensure even curing and drying… at least at 1st anyway…
Did you happen to buy the extra shelves?


WTF is going with people saying they are getting pure garbage weed from the Cannatrol and that they had wayyyy better product when they did the old hang dry method?
I mean how TF can the Cannatrol somehow lose all the terps and flavors and on top of that create a super harsh smoking product?
Is the Cannatrol sensors reading things wrong and destroying the weed or are the people full of shit and don’t realize what they grew and put in the unit was garbage to begin with?
Questions prompted by a thread I stumbled on at Reddit (lowest of the low)
Cannatrol problems : r/cannatrolusers (


I didn’t get the extra shelves. I may be able to get them here before harvest still. Was really worried about overloading. Humid climate area. Either way. Excited to see how it turns out and will update.


I broke my glass on the door… I’ll be getting a new one this week… I am just now getting the extra shelves myself

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Sometimes I see such optimism from someone it makes me feel like there is hope. :hugs::heart_hands:

Of course it’s because they are full of shit. Or liars, or just stupid. I enjoy the phrase “attention seeking hoe-bags”.


Also, realize the internet is full of competing companies and nonsense too. Maybe someone is about to come out with a competitor for the Trol and they’re doing a negative campaign blitz on Reddit and social media. Then, all of a sudden the competing product comes out and a bunch of accounts are saying it works wayyyy better than the Trol.

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I think the ones saying these things likely have denser nugs and only leave it in for the default…
Chlorophyll is responsible for the hay smell isn’t it? I thought we all went through this here?
If it smells like hay… they should leave it in until it doesn’t… that’s just my opinion.
It’s like they have no faith and can’t wait… impatience is the culprit here I assume


If they are inpatient with 8 days for dry and cure in the Cannatrol, wait until they hear how many days these fancy cats with dedicated, dialed in setups take.


That stinks! Im always worring about mine as well. In a fairly high-traffic area…
Hope all goes quickly :100:

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I always LOVE a good conspriacy theory! Im waiting for the AC Infinity version… I started asking about that one many months ago. Before I even purchased my Cannatrol. Now, Im hearing rumors of an upcoming AC Infinity unit. BS, or not?

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