Cannatrol users

Varied experiences, for sure.
Several have adopted the Dry only in Cannatrol at a certain setting for a certain amount of days and then into Grove Bags for a bit of time to cure and get smelly.
Many use default 4/4 Dry/Cure in different regions of the country with great results, many others with less than stellar results.

I would just use a calibrated hygrometer while youre cannatroling, and make sure RH is where it should be for your particular drying method.

Know nothing about them but @Jetdro settings seem to work for those not having stellar results check out his thread pretty sure of all the strains he has ran through his machine have turned out great.

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Yup it’s easy process… just 1 hinge comes off … other hinge it sits on… ez pz

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How long do they take?? I’m curious! Lol

I plan on leaving mine in for the 90 days I keep saying is so great… because it is!! Well if I have room to… hopefully I do… wait… hopefully I don’t! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I did a lot of home work on these units. Really wanted one to help in my situation of high temps and environmental controled space ect. But I am too cheap to spend the cash currently. However there is a lot of info out there on these units and the factory settings. The factory default setting is designed to get you out of the danger zone of mold during drying process. They recommend this to avoid problems. You can change these factory settings To control the dry or cure to your desired effect preferably slowing the whole process down a bunch. The problem is people expect factory settings to be a one stop and perfect. Again, I do not have one, but I have heard the program is slightly difficult to understand and settings can be difficult to achieve your desired wishes. I believe that’s part of their US patten they had to do this sort of programming to achieve a US patten. Could not figure out if the US patten was for their control software which I think it is or the unit itself which I dought. I built my own version as I belive in the tech but the cost point too high for me right now. I did a write up on OG about my version. A lot of debate about how these machines actually generate the required heat necessary to dehumidify the air being their secret to success. Would love to see the guts on one of these units for education purposes.


Appreciate your comments. I bought a Cannatrol about a month ago, and have only ran 1 harvest through it, so not much experience.

I do disagree with this statement though. I can totally reset my unit and reprogram an entirely new cycle in about 30 seconds. If you can set your watch, you can program this thing.

Programming difficulties shouldn’t scare off anybody. The price should :grin:.


If the timing is right. I plan to cut my Tops this Sunday. I’m not expecting miracles. I’m expecting good dried and cured bud as an end result. You get out what you put in of course and I can say what I’m putting in is some dank. Drying was always a pain/learning experience for me and in my humid climate. I’m hoping this will make that process easy.

Question: I have a small fridge that I can set to 50F. Would that be ideal to store the Grove bags in for curing while I’m doing other batches? It will all go back in the Trol when all batches are done. I kind of want to keep it below 70 and not many choices. Is that too cold and may cause issues? I plan to buck the buds and wet trim prior to putting in Trol. I dont care about large Colas. Always seem to be the ones with issues in the past.


The fridge for storage dose seem a little low at 50 degrees. I have done 60ish consistently no problems. That was a pelteir style cooling system. A traditional fridge dose get a lot dryer air cycled trough. I think it would work but it’s probably work experimenting with an environment meter to ensure the temps and RH are what you think they are before putting anything in.
I am a fan of the Canatroll. I will eventually get one when I can come to terms with the price. My comments were not ment to turn anyone off the machine or tech just to do the homework to properly understand the equipment so it works as intended as I belive they work as intended.


I feel a lack of standardized (100% known to produce great results) settings would scare people more than anything. We are all early adopters.

From what Ive read, keep it around 60°F or above if you want things to keep curing. Colder temperatures will, I believe, slow down or even halt the curing process.


Got the door ordered plus shelves…

Door test will be coming soon buddy

Stay tuned everyone!


As long as they can.

Drying and curing is not my art. I grow plants and smoke weed. The 4/4 generic settings work perfectly well for me.

Some people have a preference for long slow drys and even longer cures. That’s super and one day maybe I’ll be interested.


I am a fan… of long cures… if you did it just 1 time you’d not go back to short cures… unless forced to do so


Are you talking aboot extending the dry cure in the cannatrol or more traditional methods? Probably buying one of these.

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I extend my dry as long as I can… then I cure for 90 + days… in the cannatrol @Cbizzle I have my hold setting the same as my cure setting… maybe a tad drier for hold…


I get heckled frequently :joy:

I don’t grow quite enough to keep up with how much my spouse and I smoke. I can’t wait for the day I put weed in to cure and don’t smoke it for 90 days


Well it’s not like I don’t smoke any at all along the way… lol…


Sweeettt!!! Glad you finally could get your new door ordered. Shop has been in full full on GO mode lately and haven’t been able to get on very much.
For those who’ve been waiting, I appreciate the patience, but haven’t had the free time on th printer to get a test tray done, it’s like a 36hr run on our shop printer, have patience, and I’ll get one done to WIKI off once it’s done.
Now, on to these Reddit comments, I’ll bet 10-1 that these people are the same type that are growing bag seed from some dispensary Boof that they think will be killer because “they know better” don’t follow the instructions, think in 4 days they can pull and smoke, or are just outright liars and don’t even own one. I’ve only ever “technically” heard of 1 or 2 disappointed purchasers, and 1 I can personally say, what they were growing was junk to begin with, junk in, junk out, it’s not gonna make Mids something more than it’s not.
I’ve done the Pepsi challenge with unsuspecting individuals who don’t know I own one, and every single one of them want to know my “secret” to drying and curing, especially some of the 8 month run I’ve got in there now. It has zero smell, right out of the Trol, but, hit that grinder, and they wife will cry from the other end of the house within 2 minutes because 1 joint worth of buds stink up the house. Factory settings work great for most, but, if the time is taken to dial it in for YOUR environment, you will produce amazingly tasty nuggets. Someone in Texas doesn’t have the same ambient environment as someone in Michigan and New Hampshire is different from Georgia, you get my drift here.
Good hygrometers, not the cheap 18 for $4 ones, that are accurate, will help you get your unit dialed in to what works best for you if you have & take the time to do it. Also, as @Terpsnpurps has stated NUMEROUS times in the thread, LONGER cures are always better, and I agree wholeheartedly, but most can’t do what I do, and fill it up, let it sit, and I mean sit for months before touching it. I usually get a bunch run thru, get into Groves, and the last run of the season, fill it up, let it sit, and ONLY bust it out when you want the real treats.
Hope all you fellow users are having a great outdoor season as it’s an entirely a different situation from last year!!!
Se you all soon, and Happy Troling!!!


I could see that. Every time i’ve done “proper” curing it pales in comparison to my flowers dried in lower humdity. I’ll still do a small batch of it every time the “proper” way and it’s a similar result.

Bruce bugbee expands on 60% RH saying that it’s also prime for bacterial growth. I’d much rather freeze dry and store at 5-20% RH.

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This doesn’t really make sense… as the trol is pretty perfect…( not talking shit or anything) just could be bigger

Plus… even if it were possible… I’ll take the 2 years ahead of everyone else instead lol

I do not know how to cure in jars… and after all the trouble it is to even grow the plants sometimes… I’d just hate to see it mess up at the end… that would be extremely depressing… so thats why it was so important to me… but it does impress as well by its pinpoint abilities.

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Figured out yesterday that I definitely can’t keep a Cannatrol in my house. I came home from a week away and found that there was no power to the outlets in the outbuilding I have my tents and CoolCure in (though the lights work, oddly enough). Put vegging plants outdoors and chopped the one plant I still had in flower (needed to do a thorough cleaning of that tent so I was waiting to have it empty to do that). I moved the Cool Cure into my integrated-garage yesterday and walked away. Went downstairs a few hours later and ooh-wee did it stink (TBF it was a pretty stinky plant).

Ended up moving the whole thing to a different outbuilding that does have power and cleaning the heck out of the house before my wife came home.

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