Cannatrol users

Lmao… I worked at this place when I was a young kid… and on the break room table it read the words

I’m sofaking we Todd did

I read that about 30 times in my head before asking wtf does that mean?? All the older guys and my 1 friend laughed their asses off and said read it again… So i did. . Still didn’t get it … they laughed harder… said read it again… So i got pissed at being the butt of some joke I wasn’t understanding and I read it really fast… it was then that it dawned on me what I was saying lmao! Those bastids! @supersecretjim


My favorite use of Sofa-King was several years ago when I was listening to a Howard Stern bit on the radio… Fucking hilarious :100:

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I’m ready. I have a 3d printer and am PISSED at having to stand on my head upside down to get that full ass drawer off.


Several hours before going into final day of dry, hitting 53 dew point and lower… what’s up with that? Set for 54 dew point.

Not sure why this thing is going beyond its Dry Cycle set points. It was below 53 and just hovering around there for several hours. I verified the sponge is still wet.

Im not going to interrupt the cycle, but Im definitely concerned. Went from harvest to 54F Dew Point in less than two days (steep slope?). A bit scared to see what will happen during Cure Cycle. Will it gently slope to its 52F DP toward the end of the cycle, or bring down way too quickly, despite its Slope setting? And will this setting also go beyond its set points? Or am I misunderstanding something?

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Hmmmm that us really weird if I understand right it made the slope too fast?

It should NOT do that… because when I did mine extended out by days and days even during drying… it slowly sloped equal amounts each day according to my setting of how many days … it figured how much to do each day on its own and did it in perfect equal amounts each day

Ok folks,
Here is the WIKI for the prototype tray.
Whoever the winner should happen to be, all I ask, is PLEASE provide info on how it fits YOUR Cannatrol.
And remember , this is a prototype that was dreamed up, I never claimed to be a designer, LOL
If it fits well, then I know that I can release the file. On my shop printer, it’s a pretty long run, but, everyone’s 3D printer is different.

  1. @Coffin_Dodger
  2. @Tripl3fastaction
  3. @Terpsnpurps :us:

Add numbers as needed.
Drawing will probably happen Friday evening.


@AppalachianBiscuits this is EXACTLY why I kinda dreamed this up. 1 you’ll be able to just look and see how full it is. 2 ease of dumping, and 3 might even last 3-4 days before having to empty.


Is the wiki for a physical object or the file? Id be glad to print it and give feedback if you share the file. If the Wiki is for the file I’ll put my name on!

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Thanks @Kgrim for the chance.

The original tray is a major design failure, thanks for tackling this.
As for the original tray, didn’t take me long to figure it’s not necessary to hook it in the screws, I just set it on the little shelf below and it catches fine. Still a PITA though …

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So, I called Cannatrol and spoke with David. He advised what the unit is doing is perfectly normal (operating outside cycle parameters).

David was pleasant enough speak with, but kept going back into his spiel. Talking about shelf stable, etc.
He advised normal operation, but seems a bit “off” to me.

David advised although the unit is programmable, it still follows a preset path and will do what its programmed to do. He advised the slope is not preset, and can vary with the amount of material and moisture in the unit., To me, that spells inconsistency.

He further advised the unit is “prepping” for the cure stage… Prepping?

David advised the unit is programmed to removed water as quickly as possible, and if not filled to capacity, it will run faster than if completely full. What Im reading there is, my weed will sit at roughly 56% RH for a few days until it decides to ramp back up and “prep” for Hold cycle, where it will ramp back up to 54° Dew Point.

Im going to let the unit run through its full 4 & 4 default cycle and see what happens. I do hope that I’m pleasantly surprised :100:

Per the Cannatrol manual:
*Set the system to SLOPE and the Cool Cure will ramp the conditions from Dry to *
*Cure over the set duration of the cycle. This is the recommended setting to give *
you the most gentle water removal.

*Once the system comes into range, it will *
hold the settings.
Having a tough time swallowing that one…

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Please don’t receive this question as rude or short. I don’t know diddily about this but would like to learn.

What has caused you to distrust the factory settings? Have you had a bad experience? Id love to hear it. Please link me if you already mentioned it and I missed it.

Especially your concern of inconsistency. If the slope is dependent on load/ moisture that’s an inconsistent variable and I would expect the slope to be different. :sparkles:Mathmatically​:sparkles:
I majored in gym, not math, so I may need a lesson on slope again.

Also, why do you doubt the system will hold settings? It seems expected that once it gets everything stable it could keep it there.


Why do I doubt? Its not a question of my doubting… its right there in my photos.
The Cannatrol is NOT holding settings. Thats the issue

Very simple… My unit is set for 68° and 54° during dry cycle set to slope, why would it wander waaayy beyond those settings?

I can only go off the information given to me and everyone else by David and Cannatrol.
When Im told in writing (user manual) one thing, then reality proves that untrue… Bit of an unsettling experience.

Over the past year watching interviews, Ive noticed
David avoids real issues (witness any of his “interviews” ) and regurgitates his spiel.

David will happily dance around important questions and give nonsensical answers. Time and again.
He did it this morning during our recorded phone call. He goes into salesman mode and talks about shelf stable, etc and dancing around why it wont stay within its set programming parameters, and saying that behaior is considered “normal” operation.

Would you consider it normal operation if you input Seattle, WA as a destination and your gps guided you to Bend, OR? Would you consider that a bad experience? Although, in Bend you could visit the worlds last Blockbuster Video and do some snowboarding! Siver lining, lol.

Not being attitudey, but just a bit irked right now.

Still going through with full 8 day run at factory defaults…


I’m doing a test run of an early branch that had to go. Very small amount in the Trol. So I’m not sure if that makes a difference. But I wanted to see how it turns out. So far so good. I’m still learning. It should be on the Cure Cycle by the time I get home tonight. It was still fairly moist as of yesterday. I agree we need more information on how to adjust settings to our preference or due to findings that steer away from the norm cycle. Mine did the same thing as yours and Im pretty sure I did not change any settings. Assuming its normal. As long as the Temp does not swing. I dont see an issue if the product is fine in the end. It will be full by Friday.

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Is it getting to settings? I’ve never watched the display very closely. I don’t know what I’m looking at, honestly.

It uses relative humidity as it’s guide and adjusts temp and humidity to fit slope of rh. I’m not a humidity-ologist, but that’s how I understand it. You can’t declare you want it 68f at all times. Depending on humidity of the flower and likely the room it’s in’s environment the machine adjusts to match the rh curve.

What is your preference? I have no preference. “No mold, please” is my preference

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To continue this example, it seems that you believe you are being taken to Oregon, but will arrive in Seattle.

Is this your first run?

I’m honest to Dale not being a bitch. I’m very interested in understanding more about drying and curing. Especially if there is a button I can push on this machine and make it better!

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Just running default settings. Couldnt really be simpler. Im guessing thats what you run as well?

Made it to settings in just under two days. Maintained, or so I thought, Then, proceeded to go below default settings towards 52° Dewpoint. The whole time maintaining 68° F.

You mentioned being a Cannatrol user thats never watched the display closely, and I respect that. I wish I was wired that way sometimes. :100:
I guess this is more for those who do watch the display closely and wonder whats going on during the Cannatrol cycles, especially during default Dry/Cure…

Has anyone noticed similar behavior? Cannatrol Dave says going outside of preset parameters is normal operation at any point during cycle in prep for the next chosen set of parameters.
I did notice a set of videos on youtube last night showing kinda the same thing, but cant be sure.


Not my first run. First run was dual harvest, so no opportunity to go full cycle. Did six days dry only on each, then to Grove Bags.
This is my first full run and first time with default setting.


I don’t have a preference yet other than keeping my stash as fire as possible and of course no mold. Big reason i bought this machine. I have never done a full run yet. I took a nug out early yesterday and it was too moist to smoke. But I smashed it with a Hair Straightener and got some nice rosin. Smoked decent. I think it will be how I want it and curing tonight when I check. Almost spongy like. One of the Pheno’s i have is straight fuel and kind of burns the nostrols. I think im over the fuel flavors and looking for something more fruity next time. But It will likely cure into more of an OG taste. Time will tell. I will have a better idead and story to tell when I actually do a full run and let it cure.


The WIKI is for the prototype that I ran, but if would rather have the file, I can get that to you, gonna take me a day or so, because I’m on the job site and not in my shop for a day or so.
Don’t have a problem at all sharing the file.