Cannatrol users

That’s awesome I’d love the file. I’m not in a rush. I just got through the dry cycle on this little auto harvest, but I’d love to get something before croptober!

Still very weird… I watch the screen… and religiously… like sit and watch for an hour straight without blinking kind of shit… and I did not see that … but my weed was very airy the 1st and only run…

I’m slightly confused at what the interaction with Dave meant… what was he trying to say exactly? That the machine will do that if the ambient is off? Or it will do it if your settings are farther from default? I never ran default… not once

He said straight-out the machine will do its own set path regardless of what we input… to a point. Those points will never be revealed, Ive surmised. There’s a “secret sauce” in there. Fair enough, just be honest about it.

Speaking with David can be fatiguing, lol. That guy just tries to spin everything.He starts speaking vaguely and always seems to turn things into a Cannatrol commercial, regurgitating his spiel once again. I Find our conversation going in circles.

David is skilled in the art of giving nonsensical answers… to questions that werent even asked. :100:

So, to answer your question… Not sure what David was trying to say. He was too busy avoiding my actual questions, giving answers that arent really answering anything.
There’s only so many times you can hear him say “reaching equalibrium” , etc. Same thing he does on his interviews.

Im still putting my faith (and my weed) in the default 8 Day Cannatrol Dry/Cure cycle. This morning (day 5) the unit is at 68° F and 52° Dew Point.


Yet my machine does not do this… idk man… I’m thinking it’s your environment or something


I love it when people pull the environment card! :100:
Next, maybe someone please chime in and tell me my weed is the problem? Thats usually another generic answer that pops up…
My environment is no different than anyone else’s - meaning its nothing special. Well within Cannatrols recommended environmental conditons.

If your machine does not exhibit this behavior, then maybe yours has a problem :rofl: :rofl: David says mine is functioning normal. :100:

Here’s video series that shows similar behavior. 48 hours in, he’s got similar Dew Point reading…

Again, Im not saying anything wrong with what the Cannatrol is doing…
Just saying it went way beyond what the set points are, in default mode. Im told this is normal Cannatrol operation by CEO and founder David.

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Checked out a few LSD racks last night. All looking good!

Decided to try a small LSD nug throught my Freight Train Pro last night before going to bed. Taste is def not ready for prime time, but thats to be expected after only 4 full days in. Got me good and lifted, for sure! Its gonna be some potent stuff. Hit very well, but undefined at this time.

Wont try another until the full 8 days is done.

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I believe he has made a great product but is also a total phlimphlam bullshit artist.

The whole thing about dew point vs. relative humidity is complete BS!!!

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Which whole thing?

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Well, joined the crew.

Had to sticker it up to disguise it and throw my lady off the trail. DO NOT want her to know how much I dropped on this. :grin:


Wow thanks bro… you just really come across as such a cool person… I DO NOT experience what you’re bitching about… so for me it was all I could guess at… it’s cool though… I’m positive being a smart ass helps :+1:


Maybe your machine is fucked up and Davey lied to YOU… if you’re exhibiting the same behaviors to Davey I’d think so anyway

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So back to why we are even here… let’s get back to sharing settings etc…

I’ll be getting my door today!! So that’s great and I’ll be able to do the door test etc…
Also got the extra shelves woohoo!!


I think your unit is fine, my cannatrol fluctuates too. The instructions say the unit should be kept in a stable environment, with little to no environmental fluctuations, but I live in San Francisco and deal with large humidity and temp swings… my 'trol is in my garage and the temp varies from 52°F at night to 74° when the furnace is running, with humidity levels varying between 20% and 65% and I can say, without a doubt, that I have seen both temperature and dew point levels fluctuate +/- a degree or two when the furnace starts heating the house in the morning or when its raining outside… I wouldn’t fully discount the units localized environmental conditions.

One thing I have noticed is that the sponge in my cannatrol doesn’t hold much water naturally unless I force it to a maximum capacity… I fill the sponge container with water and then squeeze the bubbles out of the sponge so it is fully saturated, and then --leaving the sponge in its container-- just tip the container and pour out the excess water without squeezing it. This better saturates the sponge and (in my case) “seems” to help keep the unit’s readings more accurate.

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You realize I’m just messing with you right?

Just figured I’d poke back at ya… lol

I hope I didn’t offend you or anything… and I hope we get a better understanding of what’s going on… I will be paying close attention to see if it ever does this as well and report to you if it does man.

Can I ask how long it stayed outside the setpoint. Sorry if u already said it… I’m stoned :laughing:


@Kgrim look what made it


Here’s what’s under the hinge fellas

Bout ripped my fingernail in half getting the hinge off



Mine looks like that because I stuck it in the exhaust fan last week.


Lmfao! Well thanks it’s always good to not be the only 1 haha… but yeah that sucks man :laughing:

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I noticed they made the thing that says cannatrol different… mine is a chrome piece that’s way bigger compared to the new black cannatrol plate

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Mine looks like your new door. Mines not very old either, I got it beginning of the year.