Cannatrol users

I was 1 of the 1st if not the 1st lol I swear…

Nice!!! Once you get it swapped. Let’s do an experiment on your broken door!!! LOL


Ok guys, let the WIKI run thru the weekend, was busy as hell, so just got to it this morning.
Only 3 people signed up, so top to bottom was 1-2-3.

Congrats @Terpsnpurps need your address bud, so I can send this prototype out to you.
@AppalachianBiscuits I need to know what kind of file you need, DXF, STL etc, then will need your email so I can get this file sent to you.


Has anyone experimented with hanging their plants till almost to their desired dryness. Then breaking the plant down and putting the buds in the trol to finish drying and kick off the curing faze. Then into jars and burped in the trol and then stored in the jars.To get a best of both worlds type thing. Or would that just redundant? I dint have one so just throwing stuff out there.

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It’s swapped… I did alot of the posting in my thread… I need to copy n paste

Took out LSD yesterday to get final numbers.

6 trays loaded into bowl…

Gonna let it sit there for a bit and just get better…
Smells grassy. Break open and smells very spicy, but vaping is a bit “Generic” and slightly grassy still.

Hits like a mother :bomb:… actually, my mom always used a slipper :100:… She could nail me from 20 feet away as I was running from her. Like a ninja, throwing “stars” at a moving target :rofl: I can laugh about it now… it was the 70s.


Looks good man!!

I guess they switched the sponge tray? Mine is white

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Yeah, that customized one is kinda sharp looking!

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Ok buddy… I have the door off… strange as hell… the old door had cords not hooked up in there… the new 1 has em chopped off below the hole they come out of in the door…

Why didn’t they do that with my initial door?? So weird!

I had to clip this piece off just to get the thing through the hinge it was going through in order to get the door off… if it wasn’t needed why wire it at all??

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I’m jealous for sure lol

Ready when you guys are @Kgrim @tomatoesonly

Whats 1st?

3 Hours prior to end of Cure Cycle.

Just over one full day of Cure Cycle left.

What I’m gathering from my personal Cannatrol experience (and watching a few supporting videos and checking out dozens of photos posted by others on-line) is the Cannatrol works as quickly as its Slope setting allows to meet Cycle parameters. Cool!

So, if you press Start to begin full run, the unit does what it does to meet your Temp and Dew Point for the Dry Cycle. When thats been completed, there is a buffer zone (unknown amount of time) until the Cannatrol begins moving to the NEXT CYCLES starting point while still in the Current Cycle.

Cannatrol took only 2 days to get my conditions to the Default Dry set points. After that, It started moving towards the Cure Cycle set points. That tells me the Cannatrol does not work to meet your numbers per cycle, but skips ahead to the next cycle… then repeats the process for the next Cycle.

When in Cure Cycle, the numbers continued moving and hit within two days again, At that point, while in CURE CYCLE, the Cannatrol starts moving towards and hits Hold Cycle numbers almost a day prior to finishing Cure Cycle.

Just my observations. Def NOT bitching.Just trying to get a handle on what this thing actually does during its cycles. This is good info. David has never presented it this way.

If anyone has any data that supports or refutes my observations and conclusions based off this single full cycle run, definitely chime in! Again, this is based on my research.

This gives useful info as to how to set and adjust times knowing that Cannatrol works toward next setting partway through current setting.

This would not be ideal… as the jars would essentially stop the trol… burping in the trol ? Not sure how that would do much either… sorry not trying to sound like a smart ass… just replying to your question…


Right on man!! I’ll get that done asap… not sure how the hell I missed this…

On the inside are the “stops”. Those need to get removed. Typically a good wood chisel, and a smaller hammer will work. I kinda think I know how this goes together, just want to verify. I bet the outer glass is quite a bit larger than the inside piece where the stops are.

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I didn’t take it any kind of way.
I get what your saying. Hadn’t thought about that. I’m just ust tossing stuff out there

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So this black bar?

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Pry there? It looks to seperate for sure there

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Same here for how critical the dry process is 1600 is not too bad especially if it’s as good as folks say!

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