Cannatrol users

They buy the refrigerator cases, most likely as working refrigerators. The cables in the door are for the humidity display and touch-controls that are built into the refrigerators and which are hidden under the cannatrol label… they probably cut these wires off when removing the door from the (I’d bet new, refrigerator) unit they scavenged to send you the door… as you noticed, the wires needed to be clipped to get it through the hinge.

I see… ok that makes sense

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Hey man welcome to overgrow!!! Nice to see a new face bro!

If you want things to do…



Man I am trying to get that off… and let me just say bro… it’s like it is welded on almost… bent the metal on the cannatrol silver label… it’s giving me hell @herojuana.tom


They must have used the strongest adhesive possible :joy: I suppose its too well bonded, so using a razor blade wouldn’t help?

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Maybe… If I don’t chop my hand open lol

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Sitting on hold, but unsure…

These hygrometers are dead-on calibrated and very stable for RH.

Theyre both showing 63%. I have no problem with that percentage, as long as its safe. I’ll check it out again when Im back home. See if things stabilize somehow.

Ok calling all cannatrol users…
@Tripl3fastaction @yardgrazer @bpk419 @amumayuk @BTYGMO @BCC
@Kgrim @XgrimmX @seeds2weeds @Jasper @STLife @pizza2 @PineTarBastard
@tomatoesonly @herojuana.tom @AppalachianBiscuits @Cbizzle @Coffin_Dodger and all who DO NOT have extra cannatrol shelves… and do NOT have the older version with chrome cannatrol symbol… the shelves are slightly smaller … Davey has given me the shelves… I told him I’ll gift them to someone using a cannatrol on overgrow… so here we go… I’ll wait about 2 weeks… so everyone has a chance … please be sure your cannatrol has this symbol

The shelves only fit in those… they do not fit in the cannatrol that has this symbol

I’ll figure out how to make a wiki sign up in the 2 weeks and do a shelf giveaway!!!

All you gotta pay is the shipping on it… if there’s shipping costs


In other words… your shelves need to look like the 1 on the left side Not right


I appreciate the offer but i dont hae the cannatrol i wish lol

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I’m trying to find all the names in the thread and can’t remember who all has 1 lol sorry man :sweat_smile:

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I got my Trol like 3-4 weeks ago max. Mine has the shelves like the left image and the Symbol like the upper image in the previous post.


@Terpsnpurps No, don’t pry on the glass. From this picture, go left, the seam to the outside away from the glass is the other side of the “L” stop. Should just be able to tap a small sharp wood chisel in the seam, pry a bit, and it should start to pop off.
Also, don’t forget, need your deets to get the drain tray shipped out to you.

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Appreciate it buddy, but I’ve got all the shelves.
Let them go to someone who needs them.

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Mine too. I got mine in January and the logo is black and the shelves are like the left.


Those are the ones I have that I’m giving away… looking at the Pic again the camera reversed it lmao :rofl:

So the shelves with smaller more holes are the ones I am giving away


So here is the wiki for the free extra shelves try and tag members u guys that also have the black label unit

  1. @SEMOActivist
  2. @AppalachianBiscuits
  3. @Cbizzle
  4. @herojuana.tom :us:
  5. @Blackbeard :us:
  6. @ZKilla
  7. @PineTarBastard
  8. @bpk419 :us:
  9. @amumayuk :canada:

Add more numbers as needed!! Good luck everyone!


Wait…Our left, or your left? :rofl: Right…


Lmfao!!! Ikr!!! Sorry for the confusion… they need to look like these lol :laughing: :joy: @supersecretjim