Cannatrol users

Time and competition should help the cost over time. In the mean time I will just look on with envy, lol.


Things that make me smile…

Peeling labels on website stock photos… :slightly_smiling_face:

Setting realistic expectations from the start. :rofl:

Just happened to be cruising Cannatrol site comparing to the Amazon units people think may be the actual unit, and found this amusing.

I think that same guy applied the 4 mis-aligned velcro pads to my unit! :100:

Mine are misaligned too lmao… wtf… he had 1 job to do


Be safe at the meetup. Best of luck with the transaction!!


Mine is missing a foot. Still meaning to hit the shop I bought it from.

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No shit? They need to hire real workers instead of that kid

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I appreciate the offer, but admit I am confused.
I have this unit:

And this shelf:

If it helps, The shelves have these dimensions:

Am I a contender? :star_struck:

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I’ll check for sure tomorrow but I’m almost positive those are newer shelves… weird man… must have had a few made w old emblem? @PineTarBastard

So yes :raised_hands: I’m thinking you’re a contender lol


I believe the older shelves are a full 15" wide compared to the 14.5" of the newer style shelves.

I remember something about that when I was ordering my Cannatrol and the additional shelves.
Even though I ordered a new unit, you have to specify which additional shelves you want when ordering.

New units require the narrow shelves


Yup 14.5 by 11 … you are in fact a contender!! @PineTarBastard


The entire unit was cheaper than trol charged for the door at 200 bucks

That part you pictured, made by Guangdon Candor Intelligent technology, is a “wine/tea cabinet computer board”. It’s the little computer that controls the units environmental conditions. Its a generic part that is used to control the temp and humidity of a lot of different refrigerators…
I dont think the unit pictured is the unit Cannatrol modifies… the pictured unit has its controller inside the door, not on it.

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Dang, I only need 3 to fill my unit… I would want to share the love with someone else who wants a full unit, if I were to win.


I see… yeah you’re right… I just googled candor… and that came up… it must be similar nonetheless…

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This is the label I was hoping to see under: It should show the manufacturers name

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It’s so hard to get the metal emblem off mine… I’m gonna try still… but damn it’s on there bro


Yeah, I didn’t want to take mine off just in case I decide to sell it… I am the only idiot in the world who doesn’t like the way it dries my nuggs :sob:

I dry in mine too… I feel like it’s more uniform than hang drying. Plus it won’t over dry it

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Horseshoes and hand grenades… The old saying.


Hahaha for sure man