Cannatrol users

Government work and jazz

On this type of emblem - to minimize damage to the surface, try using piano wire or “High E” guitar string wrapped around two handles or rings and pull right thru it. Been doing that with car emblems and nameplates for decades. Glass guys use them (or similar) as well.10 gauge string works well and is strong.

Here’s one I found online… just to help with the visualization

Like butter…


Ahhhhh!!! Yes I remember seeing them do that to my firebird!!! It does work thank you… now to go get some Ernie ball strings lol

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Looks more like an indispensable tool of a hitman😂

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No, I love my buds when they have been dried in the Cannatrol and then left in the grow bag in my wine cooler for 1 week.

I have rarely smelled better weed.

Now you can say that doesn’t mean anything, but I have 28 years of experience and have been growing for 10 years.


Using mine to dry and put in Grove bags between batches. So far so good. Only been curing for a few days on 1st batch. So far in have been liking the results.


I mistakenly commented does when I meant doesn’t.

When I first started growing, 34 years ago, I would put my buds on top of a heat mat for 3 days to help them dry quicker-- I lived in San Francisco near the ocean, it was always cold and humid, so if I didn’t dry the buds fast enough they would rot within as few as 12 days. Anywho… thats what the taste reminds me of. Its definitely a godsend when conditions aren’t conducive to properly slow drying and curing buds… If I were 50 miles east, where its hotter and drier,I am sure I would be singing a different tune :sweat_smile: :man_shrugging:

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Oh it doesn’t dry well for you? Have u tried stuff to help it @herojuana.tom

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IDK… other then the flavor of being dried quickly… It seems to cause some flavor creep: All the buds in each batch have a similar flavor undertone… depending upon the other strains that were drying consecutively in the machine. I have fiddled a bit… I just need more harvests to dial it in better.

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Ahhhh I never though about that… so it does allow them to creep into each other?

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That has been my perception so far, I have noticed it in my batches.
Smell and taste.

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I wonder how someone would stop that from happening besides 1 strain at a time

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Sorry to hear that. It’s been a game changer for me.


Nothing behind the glass name had to be taken off

In the trash it goes


Looks like they changed the shelves to the ones u guys have but bigger

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LSD sitting in bag since last night. This stuff is definitely a bit wet, and it’s been in canutral 5 days after finish of cure.

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How accurate do u think that cheap hydrometer is?. @supersecretjim at the minimum , I’d use this if I were going to question the cannatrol… I think your sensor is crap bro


That particular “cheap hygrometer” is dead on accurate. Been tested and calibrated several times. That’s why it’s in the bag instead of my other higher dollar hygrometers.

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So is the best thing just to let the stuff sit out for a while? Maybe in an open Grove bag and keep on checking until it’s down to an acceptable relative humidity?

Sure it’s just the core of this stuff has some moisture left in it. Or is it better just to leave it in the Cannatrol to finish?

Settings of Cannatrol are right at 62% relative humidity at settings of 68° temperature and 54° dew point.

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I did same as you and mine were right there at ~62 near end of cure. I just have mine sitting in grove bags inside the unit. Interesting yours were a little wet. Curious if those nugs were near the bottom. Mine seem to dry a bit quicker up top based on what I’ve seen with my first run.