Cannatrol users

Are you talking the Cannatrol internal sensor?

I’m of a mind to agree that hygrometer is not giving you the reading you want. That’s an atmospheric sensor, you need one of the pokey probes to test bud moisture content

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I have one of the Pokey probes as well. Haven’t actually tried that yet. Maybe once I get back from the veterinarian

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I’m very interested in the pokey probes numbers. I just finished a run and was thinking about finding one before croptober.

Is it the same meter as lumber?


Hmm… Is there any way that your hygrometer might be showing a Max value, instead of the current reading!!! If your machine were using default settings, and you went through a full cycle of dry/cure and then also gave it 5 days on hold, and you still have this high of a humidity level, something is definitely wrong. Do those buds feel wet? Do they burn? Did you add another Guage in that bag to validate the reading? Unless those nuggs are rock-hard, there is no way they should still be that moist. :thinking:


Pretty much. Most of the cheaper meters are, unless you get into the very expensive types.

It helped me on my first grow and second grow when I dried in my tent. I was able to get in there and determine the moisture at stem.


I’m just saying… if you’re going to pit something against a 1600 dollar cannatrol I’d think what you’re pitting against it should be at minimum a 250 dollar sensor before you just go crazy over it… there’s no way I’d be doing that making myself nuts over numbers… if I’m ever in question you can bet I will go higher dollar sensor just to check and hope to return it when I find what I need …lol

ill keep an eye for i have a need for extras and have the correct unit

thx for the offer and generosity @Terpsnpurps

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Well my Cannatrol deal fell thru. The guy flaked on me lol… I have my eye on another one but he wants a grand. Trying to get that one we’ll see how it goes. I will keep trying for a another one. Cheers everyone !!!


Damn that sucks , hopefully the next guy is a winner!! Best of luck bro!

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No worries just back to the hunt lol… I may actually enjoy the hunt lol. I am always hunting for something I don’t want to pay full price for lol . I am trying to make arrangements for the other one I know of for sale. Hopefully they respond they are fairly close to me fingers crossed !!!


Update the shelves giveaway will be in just a few days … here’s a link again to the wiki itself


My Pokey probe numbers off several samples averaged around 13.5% - too high, and substantiates what my hygrometers are telling me. Too wet. Needs to be 10-12% to be worthy of Grove Bagging…

Ive let LSD breath for several hours each day and then seal Grove Bags. Take hygrometer reading, then repeat. Its almost there now.

Havent taken a pokey probe sample in couple days. Maybe tonight.

Many use this one, but its an over-priced version of a cheaper meter but in different color scheme…

Ive got the cheaper version found on Amazon as well as a differnt meter that has good review…

I like to double up and have backups of stuff… Im terrible


My experience with moisture meters and my dryer was larger bud held more moisture similar to your findings. The smaller nugs held less moisture. I sweat them to even out moisture. You can do this lots of ways plastic tubs some like paper bags ect. Then back to the dryer for refinement. Pulling out that inner moisture and evening everything out. Lots of things to experiment with .

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Was that after running the Dry Cycle only or Dry/Cure Default Cycle? Mine were definitely a tad too wet to throw straight into grove bags after the 4 day cycle. I have some on day 5 now to see how it is after the default Cure cycle. I will say this is some of the best i have ever done. But that may be do to Genetics and Coco 1st time. Its wowing everyone who see’s it. Just need to tweak it to get a tad dryer IMO. For the way I used it currently. 4 Day Dry then Grove. Now that I know I may just time the harvests out 8+ days. Still awaiting the 8 day results. or adjust the dry to make it a bit dryer. Just thinking out loud here.

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Mine was after the full 4-day dry and 4-day cure, plus an additional three or four days in the hold setting. All factory defaults


Just smoked some that’s been sitting on “hold” since last years outdoor harvest. Some of the tastiest I’ve had in a while, which isn’t saying much since I’m mostly a Hash guy.
It broke up beautifully with the perfect amount of moisture, not “wet” and not too dry, just had that perfect texture. This bud has definitely gotten way BETTER than I expected, it was meh after an 8 day run and 30 days on hold, but has really changed after 8-9 months curing.
I really suggest that if you can, keep your buds in the Cannatrol as long as possible, because in my experience, which is very limited, the 3 runs that I let go an extended period of time, 60 + days on hold, this being the longest, at almost 10 months, the 3 runs only got better.
Nice to see a thread I started, keep growing with chat and info, and the naysayers and “I can make one cheaper” folks stay away, because I’ve still yet to see one of them “make one cheaper” and show us.


It’s interesting reading this thread as a new grower that’s yet to dry/cure their first batch. Seems like several ways to dry the buds and cure the buds can lead to vastly different results!

Cannatrol seems like a nice thing to have down the line — but can someone guide me to what the dew point setting does? I’m about to go down the website and manual to figure it out a bit but — please correct me if I’m wrong — these things are nifty because of the way they control RH and temp precisely?

Edit: just watched a few videos. Interesting and I imagine harder to control in a room like it can.


I agree so much!! It takes longer but so worth the wait… just like when you cure any other way… longer cures are always better … ALWAYS


Something I’ve been wondering… how dense are your nugs? I think you’re just growing some really nice dense nugs bro … and if so… I’d think longer cure would definitely fix the issue happening … but not everyone can take the time I know… still … if they are really dense… maybe moisture is gaining from the center of these dense nugs after time… but a little more time may level it all out for you

Cannatrols defaults are just a starting point… you really should change some things to help and I think you’d be really happy… I’m trying to wrap my head around why you are having these things go on… and this is what I have come up with so far

Dry a little longer initially…
Cure longer by double at the minimum
Hold… keep very close to cure settings just barely drier…