Cannatrol users

Going to have my second one on the stacker within a month… can’t wait. I’ll post pics when it’s all set up.


Wow I’m jealous on that 1 for sure bro!!! Damn that’s awesome!

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Yea man I am more than really excited. That’s for sure.


1 day I’ll have a second 1 lol

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Did you happen to get a multi unit discount? I was able to call and get that offer before… I just couldn’t buy 1

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So I introduced them to a local grow shop and he has sold 20 units in a month or so. Where he’s at that’s a ton that’s for sure. He’s hooking me up with a deal I can’t say no to.


Wow surprised they didn’t know already

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Just wanna reiterate what a giant pile of garbage Rollitup is. Don’t ever use them as a source for any Cannatrol information and certainly don’t try and fight the never ending DIY guys and their BS that they can build these things for $200. There are guys who smoke at firework stands that are safer than that hacked together garbage they are passing off as Cannatrol 2.0


My Cannatrol arrives this weekend… just in time to dry/cure my first ever harvest.
I’m seeing a lot of different info/opinions on what works best, but I’m looking for a tried and true protocol.
I’m not in any hurry, and would gladly wait 30+ days if it means better buds.

Can someone with consistently good results give their steps from harvest to smoke using the Cannatrol?

Much appreciated!!


Thats subjective… if you want to be completely sure run the defaults … just for a longer time… if you want to try tweaked settings that have been tried by alot of folks… jetdros settings work and have been tried and proven…

If you read the whole thread you should be able to find that particular part of the thread easier… good luck man :+1:

Your environment i take it is the recommended ambient environment?



70 degree basement, 45-55 RH since I started growing down there.

Should work good… keep the sponge wet after the dry cycle…

My recommendation is 90 days as far as length… try a bud here and there along the way and see

The machine may have been out for a couple years, but people are still trying to figure out a protocol for best results.
I’m on the jetdro protocol. I have NO proof of results. Stuff seems to come out well enough that there aren’t any complaints.

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Thanks… after reading through this entire thread, I too, plan to use jetdro’s protocol, as follows:

  • Trim all fans and larger leaf while plant in pot, day before harvest. Hang 24-48h as buds on individual stems. Buck buds off stems, TIGHT trim all buds, large buds broken down to CLEAN NUGS.

  • 7 day dry/cure, 66F cure and hold points of 53.5 DP (58-60RH)
    set all 3 settings to DP of 53.5
    sponge in on second day
    start pulling and checking day 6
    place in ziplock with RH meter (for an hour)
    pull out when <63RH (58-60 ideal) holds stable

  • Into 1/4lb Grove bags in cooler (wine fridge @ 52F) for 2 weeks. Do not store in Groves in the Cannatrol.

  • If you store in Cannatrol, use paper bags, lunch bags open top.


I honestly do not see the point in storing in open bags… even though cannatrol suggested it… i think thats a seller point to be able to say you can fit more that way…
But is it better?? I see it as the nugs on top will get the most perfection… and the ones at the bottom not so much…

Why not store in the machine the same way drying and curing is done? It makes zero sense to stuff it in a bag leaving no way to breathe… but the top of said bag… i get it… it is dried and cured at this point… but… id think a bag would help reduce shelf life…

I wont ever store… ill keep storing very very close to curing settings… if its in the cannatrol its still curing… screw the bags lol

This is something else weve been discussing… trimming or not trimming… theres been recent evidence from a few members claiming that whole branch curing has a significant difference in flavors than trimming before curing…

Could be bs… could be a real true better way… only 1 way to find out…

Im not intimidated by being different or trying new things in search of superiority…


Oh man… dont get me started… its a kid fest !!! :eyes: childish dolts over there buddy… never again will i ever go there for any reason ever… trashy troll environment… ill get on xbox if i want that stupid crap in my life at all… :rofl: ROLLITUP… MORE LIKE TROLLITUP

:rofl: :laughing::grin::joy::rofl::sweat_smile::metal:


Interesting. Obviously would not be able to do as much though. Let us know. Im really happy with the way my stuff turned out. I did not hang dry at all. Bucked and straight into Trol. I have yet to try the last batch that cured in Canatrol vs the rest in Grove bags. I plan to take a rip when I get home tonight and check them out.