Cannatrol users

That definitely holds true for drying conventionally as well. There’s pretty much been that debate going on for years.
Prior to using Cannatrol, I did not fully buck and trim wet. Nowadays, thats my SOP, just to save needed space in the Cannatrol. Plus, when youre done, youre done. After its Cannatrolled, just enjoy it.

First conventional harvest, fans and big stuff came off straight away, then dry trim after. Turned out awesome.
Second harvest was full dry trim. Left everything on until trim. Turned out awesome.
Not exactly scientific, but sure fun… :rofl:

That being said, my 5 strains dried and cured conventionally were definitely better and more vapable/smokable at 8 days than what Ive gotten from Cannatrol, but Im sure that has nothing to do with bucking the buds vs partial or no trim.

Maybe I’ll get great weed from Cannatrol one day, maybe not. Haven’t yet, but at this time its easier than babysitting a grow tent for a week.

Not sure that was a controlled test being is that you did seperate harvests to judge it… it would need to be the same crop… not next crop vs previous crop

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What the hell.

Y’all are wild.


This just has not been proven in any way… just because a user or 2 have a hard time means nothing… no way a friggin jar is doing better than this machine :laughing::sweat_smile::rofl:

Sorry its just not happening and im not buying that crap for 1 second


From what I remember I could be wrong
Jet only dryied in canatrol
For curing he used grove bags sealed and in a wine fridge


He cured too fish… just a quick cure 4 and 4 default but his settings i believe?

You’re going to be happy man… i think the common misconception is itll do it quicker…

Curing takes time… the longer the better… machine or jars…

I mean lets do the pepsi challenge… im sure jet jar cured before… theres a reason hes not now

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I’m pretty sure he got it down to the rh he wanted and stable then into grove bag and wine fridge for cure
It took the 8 days to stabilise it at rh he wanted
He didn’t class the second set of 4 days as cure but as an extension of the dry


Na 4 days is all it takes i just saw that post youre talking about… so the other 4 days are in fact beginning curing as equilibrium has been established… even though he didnt specify… that was his reasoning…and im sure he was just making sure they were holding at those numbers before the groves… so he was stabilizing but also beginning to cure simultaneously @ifish


After the 4 days he placed into groves and rh rose telling him it was not fully dry
So he put it n canatrol for a further 4 days and that stabilised the bud to the rh he wanted
Then he sealed it in groves and put in wine fridge to cure

I think he even stated a few times in separate posts that canatrol was good for drying but he was happy enough with that

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So… it looks to me like he found something that worked for him and groves the way he wanted… and it looks like he is saying what ive been saying… go a little wetter… especially for the hold setting

But just because he prefers groves because thats what he was geared towards anyway… doesnt mean its superior to leaving in the cannatrol at a higher moisture setting for the hold… and this is kind of proof of that… im sure groves are great… but so is the cannatrol… just gotta use the damn thing!!

(Which jetdro never fully did by the way, he found what he needed and stayed)

Also… everyone using jets settings are selling themselves short… somewhere i saw him say… my settings will mean nothing to others because my environment will be different etc…

Yet everyone ignores that… and adopts settings like theyre living with jetdro… lmao…

Well… not everyone…


Jetdro never cured in the cannatrol… then how would he know what is superior?

Its misleading sort of to say he likes groves better… he likes them better because once the cannatrol gets them locked in he can toss the bud in them… he needs a faster assembly line than most… and he never explored how to cure in the machine hardly with other settings or timings

Jet like all growers wouldn’t compromise the quality of his product
I don’t think he feel it was supier. Just not needed maybe


I disagree… he did NOT have time to try… and never did… and never will…

Ill do the pepsi challenge myself

Ill put bud in the trol for 30 60 90 days… and also in groves for same timeframe…
Ill end this discussion with those findings buddy…

But my money is on the cannatrol for sure

Ill find 5 test subjects for a blind taste test

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Not here to argue : )
Was just saying

Haha lucky jet is already banned as he surely would be after that last statement lol


Oh i dont think you are buddy … what statement? That he didnt go past what he wanted?? He didn’t ever really do much tweaking… he found what he needed and stayed where he needed…


Dont get me wrong… im not talking smack about jet… hes purpose driven… that was more my point… he doesnt have time to play with what could be… he wants what he needs… and once found ran with what worked… he didnt have space to long cure in the cannatrol… not 1 time did he ever go past 30 days… if even past 2 weeks rather…

So my point is… im sure his method is impeccable for him… but… if he had say 5 cannatrols… i bet hed find a way to store in it rather than groves… just my opinion… id like to know what he thinks really… i assume thats the goal and issue on his end… time and space

Once the canatrol drys the bud it keeps the contents at perfect rh and temp thru rest of cure I assume

Same as what groves in wine fridge does ?

It’s in the drying it shines


The difference is … is in the cannatrol vs groves the smell is and does get locked inside the bud more than other methods… providing much longer shelf life and higher terpene retention overall…

So yeah… they do keep it at desired rh and temp… but the cannatrol has an extra sweetness to it for longevity