Cannatrol users

Does the special membrain in groves not add that extra tweek to the cure ?


Do grove bags make weed not have a smell until broke open? Because the cannatrol will make your weed odorless practically… until you break it open (terpene retention)

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Or is that due to the oxygen over time in canatrol ?


No … it locks it inside… and bud that isnt done that way will lose its smell faster than the cannatrol nugs will

Thats why cannatrol buds have a longer shelf life

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I cure in glove bags
Once dry and the buds are removed from the stems
I place the buds Either Tupperware tote or paper bag to wick out inner moisture
About 1 day
Then in the glove bag

Once sealed no smell at all

I fine that you do need to be sure to wick out moisture before placing it into the glove bag .
If it’s still not dry enough after the burping let it stand out till a it’s at the desired dryness


Still sounds like the terps gas off the buds in this process @Papalag

During the drying of yours… and moisture wicking times… i bet the terps gasses off rather than locked inside the nug… bud left out on a counter will do the same thing kind of…

What happened to the terps on the surface of the canatrol bud ?

Just trying to visualise , what I like to do : )
Maybe the faster dry sealed it ?

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Dont get me wrong … they gas off in the trol too… but… heres the important thing… the trol locks the vapors with the vaporlock technology that the cannatrol utilizes… and it does this faster and safer than any other way… its about delicate moisture removal…

Remove moisture too fast and you have gassing terps like crazy… remove it waaaay slower and this just doesnt happen before its locked inside and locked inside faster than any other way @ifish @Papalag

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Nomally we take 14 days for good dry
Canatrol does it in 4 days ?
Jet slower 8 days


Slower was wrong word… remove moisture safer… it does this faster and safer because it gently removes water… hang drying does it fast on outside slow on inside… cannatrol is more uniform in this way… so while its quicker… its safer


One important thing glove bags are much cheaper that’s for damn sure
And the canatrol unit are expensive


Money aside I still need more convincing

Thinking logically I’m leaning more towards jets thinking
Great for controlling the dry , which is the problamic part for most


Absolutely… but it is also a 1 time buy… for who knows how long itll last… gas driving back or shipping costs on groves…
Time it takes etc…

I got the cannatrol because i knew it would work good… i am not saying groves are bad … i just think the cannatrol will remain superior for quite a while … especially when people start really tweaking things…

I sure wish jet would do a full cure in the trol… id like to see what he thinks then, ya know? As far as im concerned anything under 15 days in the machine is nothing but drying in it practically… theres so much change that happens on the way to 90 days its insane!!! Day 40 and day 90 are significant

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Same for any curing tho

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Right… but the difference has yet to be seen by anyone here…

Cannatrol did an experiment for example… 1 day hang dry vs not…

The bud put in right away had better and stronger terps than the bud hang dried for 1 day…

So while curing in a jar makes it better after 90 days is real… im saying curing in the trol with the right settings mind you… will do better and have bud with more terps… and longer shelf life… and less degradation to trichomes…

It adds extra terps ?

… nope my bad… it has a 16 percent increase in terp retention my bad @ifish

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So it looks like if you’re going to use groves… in order to achieve what the cannatrol does… you’d also have to use a fridge keeping temps down like jet…

So in the end… id say the trol still wins… as it runs on 70 watts… vs a fridge… that will use much more to achieve similar results

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My plan is simpler
Avoid dry and cure in summer
Too tight for canatrol or fridge
If I harvest in summer heat I’ll just do fresh frozen hash