Cannatrol users

Lol… thats clever man

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I need to do a grove bag test and see what the difference really is for sure so i can indefinitely answer that… it sounds like groves work well as long as you can keep temps around 60 f…

And work well over jar curing completely

I love absorbing knolage , I look forward to all tweeks found , with canatrol and diy

The end goal is all the same
Better bud

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Better bud plus documentation for all to see and repeat for themselves…

For sure thats why i am here… i know sometimes i sound like im competing… trust me… i already lost that contest @Papalag and @ifish .
Im a noobie… you know this! :laughing:

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We all noobs , life changing faster than we can catch up

No one knows it all , that’s the beauty of growing


Thats for damn sure… i wish it would just slow down… or revert back to the 60s… i almost hate most technology for what it is causing… seperation… lack of togetherness… just visit online … dont worry about seeing your family… you can just post on their timeline… lmao… sad state of affairs @ifish


once bud reach’s it equilibrium or desired rh levels , moisture content, there is no difference between Cannatrol and a Grove bag placed in 70 F or lower . Both environments are the same . Bud will cure the same.i Believe dude was saying he used the machine to dry only , as it appears he ran a bunch of bud through it .
i do not have a machine , but been using Grove bags since they came out . Once my bud hits and stays stable right at 58 to 60 percent , whether its 10 days or 15 days , it goes in Groves , placed in cool spot(65-68F) to cure .

I see absolutely no difference in Groves at 58% and 68 F and the unit here your talking about .

I also see the point in adjusting its settings , i can tell you from experience if your taking bud from fresh off plant to dry in 2 days , your not producing great product .


Who said that?? Also… its more like 8 days despite cannatrols 4 and 4… it takes the total 8 to achieve stability…

Also 70 f is not the same as 68f or lower… terps start gassing at less than 70f or at 70f… so right there is meh…

So either you set groves all on your ac unit vents and keep it on… or use a fridge… and thats gonna cost more electricity than a cannatrol by far…

Like you said jet dries in his and everyone else has little experience…

Once we line this thing out to impeccable settings and figure out long curing methods… i think it will shine much brighter than groves and hang drying…

The moisture removal is the thing that makes the cannatrol special… as i stated before… it does it in a different way than a room you create for hang drying… its gentler and faster than any method known to date…

Its this speed it does it that creates the beginning of locking terps in… (this is just me talking) vs hang drying where terps are gassing the whole time… waiting to go into a grove… by the time you get your buds in a grove bag… you have either gassed many terps off already… and its hidden by the odor of chlorophyll… or have spent a ton cooling 1 room enough to keep it from happening…

And the major difference is… your hung dry bud will have a crispy outside and moister inside causing non uniformity… and right there you lose curing power and absolutely terpene retention power is lost as well in comparison…the outside of your bud will allow gasses to release… while a cannatrol dried bud will not…

So in the end… it will provide greater terpene retention in almost any case… and allow for higher potency due to lack of trichome degradation…and after initial cost, headache free and cheaper running @Thc

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With all that being said… id have to agree with jet after thinking hard about this answering everyone here today and correcting myself as well…

That i think that the cannatrols real magic is how it initially dries the buds…

Thats why jet is cool with getting it there and using a cooler to keep groves in…

Because the cannatrol locked the terps in initially , and then reached equilibrium, and he was able to mimick the cannatrols hold and cure setting with groves and a cooler… but if jet hung dried… it wasnt as good… if he used the cannatrol i bet he found it was better,

So to all the diy people… and curing specialists!!

I think the greatest goal is to mimic the cannatrols initial drying method… causing from the very second of harvest… to begin locking in terpenes by the gentle removal of moisture by ensuring the room stays exactly at its settings with humidity and temps… im sure this is where all cure rooms struggle the very most


if you use default settings, bud is dry in 2 days . You have a machine , set it at default , see for yourself . His raising of DP i assume is to slow down the dry and extend it past 2 days .

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You do realize… not everyone lives in the same place and has same bud… and same environment… right??

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Jetdro starts ‘testing’ RH stability after 6 days in the trol. The reason he settled on 6 days is this is the time it takes to get the RH stable at 58-60 using his settings.
If it’s stable in ziploc’s at RH <62 then he moves to Grove bags in 52 degree wine fridge for 2 weeks then ready to smoke.


why are you getting all sideways dude? I never said anything bad about the machine. You’re certainly not defending your purchase to me. I’m just trying to explain to you that you’re incorrect and saying it will produce better than exactly the same environment in a bag, it will not .

A local friend has three of these machines, And has for almost 2 years.
I have watched 100 dries in the machines if not more. We also grow some of the same bud, exactly the same bud as they are from clone. we trade bud regularly, so I know exactly what the machine produces

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My sarcasm was moving quickly.
Better get a speedometer Mr Terps… Im going too fast for you :rofl:

I believe he did try full cycle at least once. Probably more than that. He harvests constantly so has many, many runs through Cannatrol.
He did say unit will over dry if run at default setting for 8 days Dry/Cure.
My experience was opposite… the one of three Cannatrol runs I did on factory default settings, left my stuff too wet at around 67% RH. Nothing that couldnt be cured with a few days of airing out in open Grove Bags. But, thats fully wet trimmed and buds bucked.

And yeah… Damn nice wine cooler.


So sounds like units are not all the same . I understand ambient temp and humidity will change things a little but i say anyone who cqn afford one will have AC and room temps in mid to low 70’s and humidity hopefully controlled .

The diff temps wont make much difference but suppose ambient humidity will . Used in Arizona at 20 % as apposed to say Louisiana at 90 % may be why there is a difference .
You know your and his ambient humidity levels where maxhines are kept ?

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Lol youd think you’d like chime in on settings or findings then being is youve seen so much experience with cannatrol… being is this thread is specifically about cannatrol settings… i wasnt referring to you about defending my purchase… but its happened many times… and it’s ridiculous that anyone tries to shame someone for using and referring a product especially in a thread created for discussion on settings :roll_eyes:

Which we hardly do in comparison to explaining things ourselves to almost a scientific degree

But i already stated why a cannatrol is better than groves in my opinion…

Maybe your friend hang dries a day 1st? Idk… and i dont really care tbh and i dont mean that in a bad way even though it sounds bad… im just kinda done discussing things until we line out better settings or methods… settings and sharing them isnt the goal as much as defining what method works best…

We already know by cannatrols statement themselves of test runs than going in wet is a little better than a 1 day hang… and i just posted a huge post to you as to why i think that is… and it seems very plausible to me…

I think grove bags are great… and in combo with a cooler may work better and close to the cannatrol…

Do i think theyll do the same for someone as the cannatrol dialed in and figured out to a higher degree, no i do not… opinions are like assholes bro everyones got 1…

And while you saw a friend use 1 did they happen to play with settings until they ruined bud for having it to high on dp settings?

Everything changes when you choose the ramp setting and extend the days… so theres alot to be noted there…

This a grove bag will not do… and i think if we tweak the machine to carefully leave moisture at higher levels slowly ramping down after say 30 60 90 days tests… do you think the speed of how the cannatrol slowly lowers differs? It absolutely does… because it would slow it down on the 90 days vs 60 and 30…

A grove bag wont do that either…

Its the machines ability to keep the bud carfully moister on all surfaces that locks the smell inside the nugs…

This is all so long and drawn out… i dont see how anyone thinks they will be the same??

I know 1 thing… when it comes to being picky about weed… i was always the 1 most particular… this could very well fall on your very judgement (not saying it is) but this is how things get lost in translation…

1 persons opinion of similar flavor or quality may not be as accurate as it seems…

If your friend didnt use a hang dry method this is why it was similar in my opinion to groves… vs traditional drying for a day… see my above statements of why i think this…

Sorry i dont mean to sound like a dick lol… just every time i see a notification for this thread i hope to see a talk about furthering our user knowledge…

Instead im always met with anticlimactic posts about things unrelated