Cannatrol users

Quite the contrary

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Well if you hadnt acted like a dick , i could have told you his findings.
So it appears you know it all , hows that working out for you ?

I wont soil your precious thread again

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Its working great for me… i havent had a complaint about it except the drain tray lol @Thc

Sometimes being a dick is the only thing that gets it across… :person_shrugging:

Na i dont need his findings… i just figured since you’re so versed… you’d enlighten everyone…

But my money is on moister settings like ive said from day 1…

Pushing it to harmful points and simply backing off until it isn’t… shouldn’t be too mind boggling… maybe mess a little bud up in the process but 1 thing i wont do is ever refuse anyone information because in my eyes 1 of the goals here at og is to further knowledge…

Im betting the reason you wont post his findings anyway is because he hung dried for a day… like i advised against for stated opinionated reasons … i doubt its much opinion over fact anyway… so maybe tell your friend to start drying in the cannatrol straight away?

Again seems like im being a dick… but im trying to help.

So like I said before dont think im being a dick even though it can start seeming that way… i dont intend to be offensive in any way.

I just would like to get on with doing better to the point of it cant be done better…

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Honestly its not even my thread!! Lol

Sorry for being so offputting… anyones welcome in @Kgrim thread…

I just try to not let it get too derailed… and im failing at that anyway… so…

Kgrim i got the tray today and it looks like the bottom could be shorter… as it touches the floor and pushes it in a way that slants towards the cannatrol instead of away

Im curious as to if mine is different in back? Like the door and inside dimensions are different (bigger inside)

Did it come close to hard floor when you had it ? Or did it dangle?


id love to hear your shelf mod… where you got it etc… @trianglekushseeds

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I like your motion sensor light idea. The light that is in there is pretty bad.


Have an idea in my head for custom Cannatrol shelving…
Going to try and put something on paper because if I try and describe it here, I can see it somehow going totally sideways. I only mean that in the way that there’s so many interpretations of the Bible, LOL.

Hybrid stainless and fabric.

Where would one get the fabric that AC infinity and other vendors use for their drying racks that are made of fabric? It seems like they are fairly anti-stick as well as free-flowing, and you can throw them in the wash…


Hmmmmm this brings in something to mind… they use silicone for dab mats… no thc will stick to it… im curious if a silicone coated shelf would be best @supersecretjim

You beautiful bastard. I real bad want to hang in the Cannatrol. I just pulled 5oz out so I could turn it around again.

I’m bougie, and I love the bag appeal of bugs that were dried upside down. I know it makes zero difference after it goes through the grinder, but it’s my nugs and I like them pretty.


I just cringe when he drills out those expensive OEM shelves :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings: :money_with_wings:

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I bought a Fayleeko Drying Rack with 52 clips. $16.14 from Amazon.

Then I cut it into two usable parts with some leftovers. Each part has three rods on it.

I put the two halves on top of one another and staggered the rods to be even spaced and then zip tied them together.

Once the two halves were zip tied together I connected the whole unit to the underside of the shelf using a zip tie through each corner. Then I removed a couple of the outer clips near the edge on each side.


That’s a good idea i have those same racks. Once i get my second unit up i may set up some shelves like that for small harvests. I like it.


Pretty cool idea, and doesnt Fubar the OEM shelves. :100:

If I pull a small harvest and feel lazy (not wanting to trim), this could be a different way to go, and spread the trim joy between two days .

Funny thing is, I had something like that saved in my Amazon cart almost a year ago. was an option for hanging in my tent. Went a different way.

Nicely done! @trianglekushseeds


It was hit or miss on the dimensions. It looked pretty good on mine. I added the feet to hopefully tip it enough so it sat level.
I can send you some plastic horseshoe shims if you’d like to get it tipped correctly.

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Sure that will work man… it was the only issue i saw so far…

Has anyone had the back of their unit allow water to drain improperly? Theres a track its supposed to travel down… and sometimes mine just rolls right down… and it shouldnt… i asked davey he said his does it too… and if it doesnt get on bottom shelf its ok… anyone else have this issue?

What’s up friends and family. A good good friend of mine is trying to get rid of his cannatrol. It’s been used twice and he’s just not vibing with it and it’s become a hassle to stagger his harvests. So if anyone’s in the market and trying to save $1-200 on a unit, feel free to reach out :metal:t2:


Im in Las Vegas, What city and state is your friend from? Im interested.

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Ohio. Cleveland area. Not quite sure shipping cost but it shouldn’t be too exorbitant. He used to live in Henderson actually :vulcan_salute:t2:

@AppalachianBiscuits Curious how the nugs are different for you when dried upside down? Does resin collect or something like that? Ive got very limited experience with only 2 conventional dry/cures. I could search the web and get a zillion different answers, but would love to hear your view on that.

Maybe send a private message, Dont want to derail this thread.